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      To Billabong!

      28. Juli 2018 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      We headed to the port/marina for breakfast at the Wickham Boatshed. Expecting it to be as quiet as everywhere else in Newcastle, it was absolutely rammed! The Wickham Poke Bowl (?!) took Ben's fancy, with a huge slice of salmon on spinach, sweetcorn, potato, poached egg and 'avo'.

      Into Newcastle proper, we briefly perused the shops on Darby Street before hitting the Newcastle Museum which explored huge swathes of the area's heritage but sadly little about it's links to Newcastle-upon-Tyne. And, randomly, a camel outside. We drove out of Newcastle through the vast coal distribution machinery, being the largest coal exporting port in the world.

      We drove up the Pacific Highway to Bulahdelah, where we ventured into the Myall Lakes National Park to Bombah Point. The four main lakes that make up the park are huge and vary from apparently about 98% fresh, to brackish, to joining the sea. At Bombay Point, the lake was like glass, only disturbed latterly by the ferryman zipping across and the occasion pelican...which are *huge*. The road to get to the point wasn't always sealed (something which occurs with annoying/alarming frequency, even on signposted "Tourist Drives") so we returned slowly, going through Bulahdelah to Boomlahbayte and our accommodation.

      The B&B was more like a homestay, and so we were very grateful that the people booked into the ball tent had cancelled, meaning we could have it! It included an electric blanket so no worries about the cold nights. We had 'dinner' (toasties) in Bulahdelah after a beer in the *very* local (and only) pub before retiring for our first night in the tent.

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