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    • Baldy Top

      August 30, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      We rushed out towards Baldy Top to see if it would be a suitable vantage to view the sunset. When we arrived we realized that the time to climb would exceed the time to sunset. We will reschedule the climb since the sunset won't wait. We did find a place to soak in the final glow and take a few photos.Read more

    • Bulloo River

      August 31, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Another nice walk along a river. A lot of effort has been made to make it as interesting as possible. There are lots of signs with information on the area and the plants. The track is well marked and about 2k round trip.Read more

    • Quilpie - Queensland

      August 31, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      We decided to stop in Quilpie for 2 nights to give us a chance to have a look around.

      A walk along the street, check out the museum and art and simply enjoy the sights.

      We took a walk along the river, checked out the lake camping area and decided it would feature next trip and soaked away the outback dust in the caravan park spa.

      One interesting visit was the church where the pulpit has been decorated with local boulder opal.

      There are two small supermarkets here and several refuelling places.

      The water here is deep artesian bore water, complete with Sulphur dioxide. It is safe to drink but quite smelly. It improves if boiled and left to stand.
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    • Eromanga

      September 1, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      We are at the furthest settlement in Australia from any ocean. Ironically, this area was all once part of the ocean.

      The area is the largest oil and natural gas field in Australia. We are for the moment driving our car with diesel sourced below our current roads.

      We walked the living history and will head out to the Natural History Museum tomorrow.
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    • Eromanga Natural History Museum

      September 2, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Dinosaurs (used to) rule. This was an interesting glimpse into the era of dinosaurs with some reveals as to why we believe some of the clues as to the formation of the world we know. Oddly Australia has been pivotal in piecing together our picture of the history of the earth.

      The 20 minute introductory movie brings Cooper, the largest dinosaur found in Australia, to life and covers the billions of years since that first "big bang".

      This new centre brings together literally thousands of hours of work following up the chance discovery of a baseball sized bone fragment by a fourteen year old lad around 2004.

      The huge display bones were printed! The largest 3D printer in Australia uses recycled plastic to make a lifelike replicas of the bones based on the pieces that have been recovered. It takes weeks of printing to make each bone.

      About 10% of a dinosaur sketeton is generally needed to identify its species but in the case of Cooper, our local hero, over 13% has been recovered. Even so it has taken 17 years to confirm earlier this year that Cooper is indeed the largest Australian dinosaur and belongs to a previously unknown species.

      Elsewhere I read that fossilised skin provided great clues about the skin and texture of dinosaurs. I am guessing some artistic licence taken with the exact colouration.
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    • Day 8

      The Lake

      November 6, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      Spent last night in Windorah as Jundah was booked out.
      Washed about 60kgs of mud off Mr T. Still more on him.
      Paul shouted us Pizza for tea at the pub.
      Left Paul there as he is heading for Bedourie.
      The Lake is very full but it isn't raining here atm.
      Still pretty warm though.
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    • Day 16

      Mariala National Park

      July 9, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      We left our hilltop campsite west of Eromanga early on the morning of Martin's birthday, driving via Eromanga and Quilpie to Mariala NP. We again had ample travel time, so stopped to check for species of interest along the way. We came across several parties of Bourke's parrots feeding on seed and roosting in trees near small waterpoints, and stalked a number of Thornbill-dominated, mixed feeding flocks keeping an eye out for Slaty-backed thornbill (no luck), but finding plenty of Yellow and Yellow-rumped thornbills as well as the regular Inland and ubiquitous Chestnut-rumped thornbills. Sal scored a lovely few minutes closely watching a young male Crested bellbird chuk-chukking to himself contentedly as he preened in a tree.

      We arrived at Mariala NP mid-afternoon and were surprised by the combination of beauty, quality of the Mulga habitat, and the lack of other patrons (2 cars came out as we drove in; 1 caravan doubled back to camp, we think, at the roadside campground). We camped the first night at the Mariala rockpool site in the heart of the park, in a Mulga Grove adjacent to rockpools just below an edge of the escarpment that winds its way throughout the park. The wintery-quiet was broken only by Grey shrike-thrush calling, a vocal White-browed treecreeper doing an astounding "falling bomb" call that startled Martin at close range, a Singing honeyeater showing us the extent of his or her repertoire, a Grey butcherbird being hopeful, some soft thumps from unseen Yellow-footed Rock-wallabies nocturnally foraging, and the few planes that tracked their high-altitude way across the sky throughout the night.

      Next morning, we came across a party of White-browed babblers crossing the base of the 4WD track leading back up the escarpment. After driving up, we explored the escarpment day use area, catching a glimpse of two rock-wallabies' brilliantly- patterned ochre yellow/black pelage, and following parties of small insectivores as they chased invertebrates warmed by the rising sun. The sheer number of Splendid fairy-wrens hopping around on the ground like mice, their fluffed-up plumage backlit by the rays of the morning sun, had to be seen to be believed: we regularly had more than a dozen birds per party. They moved around with Thornbills, Red-capped robins, and White-browed treecreepers. We birded the tracks we could access throughput the park during the remainder of the day, including the area around the No 3 Bore campground, but apart from our regular insectivore troupes - one unsuccessfully accosted by a Grey butcherbird - birds were generally quiet in the cold conditions. But that didn't stop us having good encounters with Chestnut-breasted quail-thrush pairs, a raucous family of White-winged choughs, Mallee ringneck parrots, and more. After late-lunching at the roadside campsite, looking west over the escarpment, we camped up in the late afternoon at the old tank pad in the park. We sat for a couple of hours watching a pair of Common Bronzewings, Ringnecks, and Singing honeyeaters come in to drink at the dam; Magpies, Pied butcherbirds and Black-faced cuckoo-shrikes performing aerial manoeuvres to snatch insects from the air; a family of Purple-backed fairy-wrens trill around us; a Chestnut-rumped and a Yellow thornbill explore nearby foliage; a Grey-crowned babbler tear through en route to joining the remainder of his or her party; and a noisy young Australasian grebe repeatedly practise his take-off, flying and landing skills, watched by his parents.

      Bird list for the park:
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    • Day 15

      Noccundra to Eromanga

      July 8, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      After leaving Noccundra, we drove north towards Eromanga, on a road that Martin hadn't previously driven, taking our time and intending to wing it for a bush camp that night.

      We found an unlikely little birding sweetspot late morning, at a degraded roadside area carved out for stock watering points, and peppered with mature Mimosa bushes. There, we discovered another pair of Chestnut-breasted quail-thrush, a party of Chestnut-crowned babblers, Red-capped robins, a group of Black-tailed native hens a
      clambering on top of each other to hide from us under a shrub, and - lo and behold - Sal's first ever Chirruping wedgebills! What a fantastic duet the male and female do!! We persisted for some time, striving for good looks, and left content with some not-bad-at-all views, only to stumble next upon group after group of them as we advanced along the road: the birds were clearly making the most of the local Mimosa infestations, heartily mounting the shrubs and echoing each other from the mounds, in significant numbers. Sal recorded their crazy song (uploaded here).

      As we had heaps of travel time, we used the scope several times to study closely some obliging Australasian grebes (Sal getting her head around distinguishing features for Hoary-headed), Bourke's parrots, Bluebonnets, Red-capped robins and Chestnut-rumped thornbills at different stops.

      We pulled off the road around 10km west of Eromanga and found a disused exploration track that led to a sheltered grove on top of a rocky rise, where we decided to camp the night. Taking an exploratory walk in the late afternoon, we pursued thornbills, red-capped robins, honeyeaters and Chestnut-breasted quail-thrush aplenty, finding ourselves some distance off track, and Sal more than a little bit disoriented, as the sun fell in the west. Thanks to Marty's inbuilt GPS, we warmed ourselves up tackling an extended, early evening, cross-country walk back to the camp site, rousing a resting Emu in the process! (Poor thing - s/he looked quite disgruntled, abruptly arising from what was clearly a sleeping position adopted for the night!) Glorious sunset views, followed by a cold night and clear dawn for Martin's birthday! 🍾🎂
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