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    • Day 4

      Charleville - Quilpie

      July 17, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Up and out of the Warrego Motel in time to grab a real coffee then to The Bilby Show at Charleville Railway Stn/Info Centre. It's all about the efforts of locals saving the Bilby population. Very interesting and informative. Saw real Bilby's.

      After the show, it was off to the Cosmos Centre....all about the Universe, our Galaxy, and all that unknown that surrounds it. Great place to stargaze... when it's not cloudy like today...grrr

      We then checked out the US Airbase Exhibition. This base was a training centre for the most secretive military device, the Norden Bomb Sight device that enabled the Allies to bomb with extreme accuracy. Charleville seem most proud of their ancestors' ability to keep the base hush-hush throughout WWII.

      A quick look at the RFDS Base created by John Flynn before departing West, still on the Warrego Way (according to roadside sign, it's Australia's longest road. Don't really know how that is....what about Highway 1, or Nullabor?)

      Long straight highway to beer stop at stop shopping in the middle of nowhere. Starting to see more wildlife (other than dead), wild pigs, goats, emus and wedge-tailed eagle, the pig and eagle were feasting on road kill (different location), unfortunately eagle scurried off quickly, the pig stood it's ground so we stopped beside it to grab a photo but the stench was unbearable so WE scurried off quickly.

      We scored the last available bed at the Quilpie Motor Inn, Quilpie, which is the last railstop on the Queensland western line (had to get a selfie there). It is also the site of pioneer British Aviatrix, Amy Johnson landing at the Aerodrome for supplies on her record-setting solo flight from the UK to Australia in the 1930s.

      Romance is never far away when it comes to Jen & I, so it was off to Bald Top Rock, just out of Quilpie for a beautiful view of the sunset through light cloud and rainfall on the horizon over the mulga covered Plains of the outback...of course we had the obligatory drinks and nibbles on hand to complete the picture....ooooh!
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    • Day 88


      June 22, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Quilpie is a lovely outback town of around 500 people. It’s a big opal producing area. We were lucky enough to stay on a working sheep/goat/cattle station and camped overlooking a large lake. Dry and dusty but very authentic.Read more

    • Day 49–51

      Quilpie ...The Lake

      June 4 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Domestics done.....
      Very few people at this cp at the moment. Last time we were here...2021 it was the Red Bash time and it was overflowing! Lovely view of the Lake Houdraman . Quilpie is known for it's Boulder Opals. Cool here...16deg. On the road again tomorrow.....but where??Read more

    • Day 5


      August 29, 2016 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 -3 °C

      Arrived after visiting toompine hotel for lunch. The drive consited of a detour due to a crossing being under water- the result of excessive rains they have had out here. This meant an enjoyable 100 km dirt road dash.
      Arriving in camp we set up, got some supplies and had a relaxing soak in the artesian water.
      At tribal council phil was awarded the donkey shirt for 2 days running- mostly for indiscretions caused by the 'tawny'.
      Day 2- we went for a visit to Eromanga. Eramanga has the distinction of being the furthest town from the sea in Australia as well as having the biggest dianasour remains ever found in Australia and maybe the world The dinosaurs name is cooper.
      In the evening we attended the kangarangado street party. Here we had a ball participating in wool bale rolling and bath tub races. A stewards inquiry is still going on into how we failed to make the finals.
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    • Day 203

      Wills & Burke

      June 3, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      More than 150 yrs ago Burke & Wills expedition , one of Australia’s most renowned colonial tragedies, made a name for itself as I’ll-fated, but there was also success before tragedy . 20th Aug 1860 18 explorers, 25 camels, 22 horses. Set off from Melbourne as they marched forth into frontiers unknown on Victoria Exploring Expedition . South Australian government offer a prize to the first Europeans to cross Australian continent from south to north . In 1861, less than a yr after set off, a tragedy when half the party, including leaders perished in QLD Outback. The DIG TREE is a National Icon & an enduring reminder of our pioneering spirit. Napa Merrie Station is proud to officially manage the site . The “ big tree “ is coolabah ( Eucalyptus microtha) it is believed to be200-250 yrs old . Before base camp 65 deserted the depot , Only hours before Burke & Wills did return from the Gulf, they buried some provisions hoping that Burke & Wills return & instructions to dig were carved into trunk of tree. They. Were. ..,,,B LXV, creek side...., DIG 3ft NW TRUNK, land side... Dec 6 60 April 21 61 Limb upstream. The face was carved by John Dick in 1898 & is still clearly visable to this day, which Burke & Wills & companions would have viewed nearly 140 yrs ago. Burke died July 1861 at Cooper creek, John King left him unburied as Burke requested. King returned his body weeks later with the Yandruwandha & placed boughs over his body then in later in 1861 king directed Howit to Burke’s remains & 21st Sept 1861 buried Burke under a Coolabah tree & Howit wrote. ...We dug a grave....& interred the remains wrapped in the Union Jack... On a box tree, at the head of the grave the following inscription is cut. R O’HB. 21/9/61. AH. The fig tree wasn’t called the Dig tree till 1920s You will have to check out the fully story on the web site just far to much to go into to. Some pics for you to enjoy.Read more

    • Day 5


      April 28, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Quilpie is a great little rural town on the edge of the Channel Country in Queensland. It is famous for the Boulder Opal, this beautiful gemstone dates back one hundred million years ago. The Great Western Railway Line brought life to Quilpie town. Wartime restrictions lead to Quilpie being the end of the rail line. Vibrant rich colours light up the skyline at sunset. Like all these rural towns, cattle and of course the " Local "pub, are always a feature.
      We chose pictures of the local cattle yards, the opal alter at Finbar's church, a cattle roadtrain, the local pub and lastly our nights campfire entertainer Mel, a fantastic country singer / songwriter.
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    • Day 6

      Quilpie to Eromanga

      April 29, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      This area is in Queensland's South West Channel country. A blaze of color, wide open spaces, Mulga and unspoiled bushland. The name Channel Country comes from the intertwined rivulets in that area of the Great Artesian Basin. It is well known for its beef production , with cattle seen mostly shading near Mulga trees, away from the heat.
      There were a few quirky experiences to have - passing an old car with a rocket shaped devise welded to the bonnet- just for a laugh, an old truck with a fake arm out the window and some wonderful station names.
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    • Day 6

      Eromanga Natural History Museum

      April 29, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      95-98 Million years ago dinosaus walked the Outback , the skeletal remains of Australia's largest dinosaurs were found here on a local station. A Titanosaur called Cooper - named as he was found near Cooper Creek was Australia's largest dinosaur. In this working museum, we watched fossil preparation and viewed different types of fossils. We saw the tail bone of a Titanosaur named Zac - he was discovered on an Anzac Day , and another fossil with obvious teeth still insitu. A recently completed stage One of the Natural History Museum will have a second building which is currently under construction, with a link between the two planned, showcasing a full size Cooper exhibit.Read more

    • Day 6

      Sunset at Baldy Top

      April 29, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Located a short drive from Quilpie township is Baldy Top Lookout. There is nothing more beautiful than an outback sunset and we were not disappointed . Perched on top of a rugged rocky outcrop we witnessed a glorious sunset.Read more

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