Bois de Lauzelle

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    • Day 49

      Lovely Day in Limal

      November 1, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Had quite the sleep in this morning and a very slow start to the day. I got my washing done, we had lunch and then Brigitte and I went for a lovely walk in the woods which are just up her street. We took a different path to see if we could locate the wood carvings that had been done by local artists in honour of a friend who had passed away from a brain tumour over a year earlier.

      After initially missing the path as we were talking we doubled back and found a few carvings along a path, plus the place where his ashes were scattered. Brigitte thinks some of the carvings have been removed which is terrible as they were done to honour Dominique and his contributions both to society and the arts.

      Nonetheless we had an enjoyable walk in the beautiful clean air of Limal and tonight Nathalie, Steph, Sohan and Emma are coming for dinner.
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    • Day 52

      Fairly quiet relaxed day

      November 4, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      We had planned to take Emma and Sohan to Chocolate Nation in Antwerp today, however, poor Emma wasn’t well, in fact she started getting a sore throat on Thursday which was her birthday. With our excursion to Antwerp off we had a pretty lazy day, did a bit of reading and watching Netflix. Brigitte has introduced me to The 100 and although I enjoyed the first couple of seasons, the 3rd season is not doing it for me. It could be that I am watching it in French so that I can improve my language skills, but the storyline is getting more and more complicated which makes it much more difficult for me to keep up.

      As I said Sohan has been staying with us and we have done a few activities with him, but he seems most interested in playing on his Nintendo or tablet and gets grumpy when his grandmother suggests he is on it too much. We came to an impasse- all Brigitte wanted to do was discuss some boundaries, he shut down, got hysterical and wouldn’t talk. In the end his Dad came to get him mid-afternoon and I must say it was a relief when he left. Brigitte and I think he is addicted to playing on his screens and I think he will have a big adjustment to make when he returns to school next week.

      We decided we needed some air so we went for a lovely late afternoon walk to the forest that is at the end of Brigitte’s street. It was lovely to get out into the fresh air, we met loads of people walking their dogs which was nice. We just had a light dinner after I had been pigging out on these Paprika Bugles which are so moorish and delicious, I don’t think I have seen them in Oz which is probably good for me as I find it hard to stop eating them.

      After the dramas of the day we were both pretty tired and so we had an early night.
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