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    • Day 52

      Enjoying the colors and the hills

      October 26, 2023 in Bulgaria ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      As we leave Siroka Laka, the morning is grey, and we remember why we stopped the night before... we have a climb to complete. The sun cuts through the clouds, and the ride becomes more and more enjoyable with a mix of colors and cliffs in the wilderness and solitude of the Rhodopi mountains.

      By the time our legs complete the second climb of the day, they are quite pleased that we find a little terrasse above the road to pitch the tent. From there we can see without being seen. Wild cherries, maple, beech, and walnut are very nice in the evening light. The sunrise is monumental.

      On our last full day in Bulgaria, we meet a young swiss cyclist pulling his little girl in a trailer. He moved to this country with his Bulgarian wife for a life with more opportunities of creation.

      We find a good place to spend the night. Alain's shockingly bad mastering of German (given 12 years of study) is put to task, this is the only common ground of understanding with the owner.
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    • Day 37

      Day 37: Flat tires non stop

      August 6, 2024 in Bulgaria ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Got up, flat tire, pump broken, grrrrr! Later it turned out that while I was playing around with the pump on the valve, I damaged it too. A very strong run this morning😅
      I have a replacement with me. No problem at all. Everything repairable. All good... just a bit annoying for the first moment.

      Unfortunately, the only bicycle workshop in Smoljan was closed. Wanted to get a new tube straight away, but nothing came of it. Anyway, not so tragic, I eill grt one in the next bigger town.

      Smolyan was quite beautiful. It lies in a beautiful valley between the mountains. I felt really good there, got into conversation with people and spent some time there.

      Now follow the EV13. That means it gets very mountainous, but not as high as in the last few days. The temperatures up here are very pleasant. The clouds in particular contribute to the fact that the days on the bike are much more relaxed.

      At some point I really didn't feel like it anymore and just followed a path to the left. I found the view I was looking for, but found a village. That annoyed me because I wouldn't find a place to sleep there or would have to ask. And what am I seeing above? A church and in whose garden I will spend the evening and the night.
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    Chokmanovo, Чокманово, Q2655373

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