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    • Day 27


      June 25, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      When the Paul family moved to Rainier in the summer of 1974, we only knew a few families. Little did I know that our neighbours up the road — a widow and her two children would become such fast friends.

      Ann Nyenhuis and her family left a war ravaged Europe to make Canada their home. She brought a zest for life, beautiful smile, and resiliency to each day that I look back now and find remarkable.

      While living in Edmonton, Ann’s husband died and a young woman now had two children to raise on her own. She moved to Rainier where her brother Casey farmed and set about raising her daughter Anneke and son Dick. No surprise that they exemplified their mother— each of them sharing an enthusiasm for life, and bringing positivity to the world.

      Ann was a good friend to my mother, a community minded person and was always up for some new adventure. She lived life fully.

      Sad news came to us on the road. Ann died last week and I miss her — here so many provinces away. Her funeral is today. The downside of travel is not being there to pay my respects. I am so fortunate that our lives intersected and knowing that Ann lives on through her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Thinking of you Ann today … and the legacy, the gifts you have left our world.
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    • Day 85


      August 22, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Our bank of travel memories is often filled with a remembrance of a perfect sunset, the joy of a mountain summit hike, a seafood meal on an outdoor patio, chilled wine glass of rose at hand.

      On this cross- Canada expedition a canine has managed to inveigle her way into the top 10 list. Rosie did not make a great impression when we first met her in June, passing through Ottawa on our way to the Maritimes. Laura, her master and member of my online writing group, had rescued Rosie from a home where she had been neglected.

      She was excitable and yapping — not so endearing. But before we left the leafy haven Laura calls home, Rosie had won me over. If she had a shirt, that’s where you would find Rosie’s emotions. So happy when been petted and scratched, mournful eyes when she realized we were leaving.

      On our return trip to Ottawa here in August, Rosie greeted us like long lost friends. Tail wagging vigorously back and forth and often looking at Coleen and I beseechingly from under the kitchen table. Hey, remember me she seemed to be saying.

      Yes, Rosie. We’ll be remembering you.
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