• Day 7

    Rainy Osaka/Travel day

    November 10, 2023 in Japan ⋅ 🌧 64 °F

    I got up early and went down to breakfast. I throw on t shirt and jeans and try to make my hair look less rumpled and head down. There are 10-12 Japanese businessmen a couple of foreign tourists and me. I have found when I travel in a country in which I do not speak the language, it makes for a quieter experience for my brain. I don’t absorb the conversations, or find myself listening. It’s very peaceful.
    A good front is finally coming through, and the temperature through the country will finally drop. (Of course, on the day I fly off to hot humid Taiwan) so it was pouring this morning. I had plans for round 2 of Don Quixote and more conveyor belt sushi. But I asked for a late check out of 2pm, and I found myself pulling the blackout shades closed and sleeping for another 3 hours. That’s the 2nd time I’ve done that this week and it really feels luxurious. It’s another reason I like to travel alone. If I was on a tour, I’d be dragged from place to place and all I’ve been wanting to do is a 1/2 day, then rest, and go to bed early.
    So I repacked. I am taking 1 of the 24’ suitcases with me to Taiwan. I repacked the other one with things I’m not needing at the moment and I packed the smaller 18’ suitcase with the items I’m going to take when I take the train up north. That way it will already be packed and I won’t have to do it after a long day of travel.
    So I shipped 1 big and 1 small suitcase via Yamato from my hotel to my next hotel up in Sapporo (northern Japan) when I come back from Taiwan on Monday , I fly into Tokyo, then fly up to Sapporo. It makes the best use of the time I have.
    Then I had the hotel hold my bag for an hour while I went to a drug store down the street searching for real cold medicine , in the rain. The rain was great, as I finally got to wear my ankle boots that I specifically bought for this trip and it has been to hot to wear them until today. A rainy fall day is my favorite kinda of day, especially in a new city.
    The hotel lent me a big clear umbrella to take with me. The clear umbrella is a very Japanese thing. I must say it is nice as you can see through them. I will have to google that.
    So I had googled best Japanese cold meds and was on the hunt for a couple specific ones. I found 2 , one with caffeine and 1 with out. But at the register, they show you this whole long thing ( they showed me the on in English) about how you can only buy 1 box and can’t buy more. So I got the one with caffeine. I figured I could get another box at the airport drugstore and I’d be set.
    The trip to the airport via train was pretty straightforward. I have gotten comfortable navigating the metro systems and the suitcase I had was bigger, but easy to manage.
    I stopped and got an egg salad sandwich at 7-11 before I started. I have learned with this evil head cold that I have to eat and drink plenty of fluids on a regular basis. If I don’t I go downhill fast. This cold is manageable, but I have to manage it.
    So I get to the airport. On the rapid train there, there were a lot of high school kids getting on and off. It was fun watching them. Humans are really all the same.
    So before I get in the plane, I have to get my pocket WiFi for Taiwan. So I roamed around a bit and found the convenience store (Lawson- like 7-11) and just like the Coldplay tickets, showed the clerk the voucher and he gave me the pocket WiFi.
    Next to the Lawson was a drugstore. In Japan, you have to go to a drugstore to find the OTC meds. They have tiers of them apparently. I had the one with caffeine, and I wanted to get some to take a night. I had an idea of what I wanted so I took it up to the register. This time, they asked me more questions. In English. What are your symptoms? Have you purchased this at another store? I told her my symptoms and that I had not purchased any of this same cold medicine anywhere else. Well. I had purchased cold meds, not this brand and this had different ingredients, and really ? It’s just cold meds and I don’t feel good.
    But I left outta there feeling not good. I had lied to them. And not only that, but I was getting ready to leave the country go to another one and then come back in a few days. That was a lot of customs. And Taiwan has different laws in regards to certain ingredients in cold meds. Then I thought, you are in a different country. Different laws. Things have been going so smoothly, I have been expecting a hiccup. But being detained in Japan over cold meds is no hiccup. And I could easily see it happening. Lol, my boss would kill me! We are short staffed enough!
    Then I thought I’d just put it in my checked luggage. Then all the Shows I’ve watched about people getting busted in the airport started running through my mind. Then I thought, on those shows, they have generally already been watching them before they get busted. Then I laughed to myself, if I’ve had to justify this, this far, you know the right thing to do. So I went over and threw away the cold meds without caffeine. One box according to Japan is fine. More than that, they are worried you are going to start a meth lab. Then as I was rearranging my bag, I realized I threw away the one with caffeine and kept the night time one. 🤦‍♀️ well, I’ll sleep good for the next few nights.
    So by this time, it was time to check in. I’m flying China Airlines and didn’t know anything about them. I did upgrade the flight to business class as it is a 3.5 hr flight and it does make a difference. So I get my ticket and she points me to the fast track lane of security and gives me a ticket to their business class lounge. I didn’t have any expectations for the lounge, and boy it was really nice! So China Airline’s lounge in Japan. The seats were nice, the lighting was low, the food was good, they had ginger ale ( which always makes me happy) and it was located just above the gate.
    So then I board, and it’s way nicer than I thought it would be. I guess because it’s International. So we just took off, no one is sitting next to me and they are going to feed us a nice dinner.
    It’s interesting
    making the change from Japanese to Taiwanese (all who speak Chinese). I’m starting to notice to differences in the languages. And now I’m on the plane, and I think I’m the only Westerner on board.
    I had another really good Japanese meal and then got to nap for the rest of the flight.
    I ordered my 2 Coldplay tickets on a very reputable site called StubHub. They sent me tomorrow night’s ticket to my house before I left. So I have that with me. Sunday night’s ticket was sent to my hotel here in Kaohsiung.
    I had planned it that was and it’s fine. So when I get to my hotel it should be waiting for me. Amex helped me touch base with the hotel’s concierge. So we will see. But at least I have tomorrow night’s in my possession. It has been a text of do the footwork and turn the results over.
    So another best piece of travel advice - if you can- get a car service to pick you up when you come in late to a new country. There was a man standing at arrivals with my name on a sign. Them Then the driver takes to the car and you bypass all the insanity that is the arrivals area late in a Friday night.
    I get to the hotel and it is a Taiwanese hotel, so it has a lot of Chinese influence. It’s big, ornate, big growling lion statues outside.
    And when I check in, I don’t even have to say anything. He hands me the package with my Coldplay ticket inside. All that worrying. For nothing.
    So I’m in my room now, I’m going to take a shower and go to bed.
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