Cayman Islands
George Town

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    • Day 4

      Ship Almost To Myself, Let's Explore

      January 5 in Cayman Islands ⋅ 🌬 25 °C

      Today, we stopped in Grand Cayman. I'm sure it is a nice port, but I didn't see any excursion that piqued my interest. Apparently, the hit of the day was the turtles, according to my dinner mates. This port is what is known as a tender port. That means that you don't dock on land, you drop anchor off shore, and small tender boats come and get passengers and take them ashore. While this is efficient, it is also a little cumbersome. I thought I would stay on the ship today. The advantage of being on the ship when most are not is that you can get any lounger you want by the pool. There is no hunt to find a table in the buffet, and it is quietier and more relaxing.

      So after doing my laps and having a nice fresh made omelet, I settled by the pool. Beside me was a lady with crutches and a leg brace. What a way to start a vacation. I started a conversation with Anna and found out she is from Tillsonburg, Ontario! It is a small town out by Simcoe area. I used to live in St. Williams, and I worked at the Home Hardware in Tillsonburg. Small world indeed. We chatted for a while marveling at the coincent of being on the same ship. Then, it was time for a dip in the pool. The pool is a little cool and therefore empty. Yay! After doing my laps like a good girl, I got out to do some reading. Then another dip in the pool ( it is a nice day and the sun is out), then a stint in the hot tub. After drying off a bit in the sun and listening to people say how cold it is (27C), I head in for some lunch. Now I know that I haven't been adding any food pictures, but I will today. I usually have breakfast and lunch at the Bistro Cafe and then dinner in one of the main dining rooms. Lunch is a salad with some grilled chicken and a cake for desert.

      After lunch, I go to explore the ship and get some pictures for you. I was on the Norwegian Prima last year for the Fjord cruise. I was enamored by the light fixtures on board there, here not so much. While the atrium lighting is cool (it changes colours), the rest of the ship is pretty bland. That is not to say that it isn't absolutely spotless, but there is nothing really about the decor that stands out. The Grand Pacific dining room has some neat decor, but the rest of the ship is pleasant but not ourstanding.

      After an afternoon nap, I went to the solo gathering again. There seems to be more there every night. It is nice to see that people are interacting with others and we have something in common. Those who know me would say I'm not a joiner, but this has been enjoyable. Stretching my boundaries is maybe a good thing. We head to dinner, and I have the Bang Bang Shrimp and Chicken with a crean potatoe soup to start. Desert is a chocolate brownie. I haven't mentioned the food much because it seems a little lacking as well. The soup was luke warm, and the dinner was a little dry. The brownie was a desert. Definitely needed some ice cream. The service is also a little bit slow. You wait a long time between courses, and trying to get a glass of wine is hit or miss. The same is true with coffee or tea afterward. Nothing is offered but is served if asked for. I have been sitting next to a man from Denmark named Mons (that may be wrong but close enough). He is very quiet spoken but fascinating to talk to. He was in the textile business and then real estate. He worked in Germany and Denmark. He also likes to travel so we have plenty to talk about.

      After dinner, I managed to lose some money at the Casino. Then it is off to my cabin to write this up. Tomorrow is a sea day again, so we'll see what trouble I can get into.
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    • Day 12

      Last Day In Paradise

      January 13 in Cayman Islands ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Today is our last day at sea. That means tomorrow we are back in Miami. That is still not a hardship, though.

      Today starts with my morning walk and my omelet and English muffin. Then I sat on the pool deck for the last time. I find it kind of funny as I look around and see people in long sleeves and long pants because it is a cool 28 C today.

      I have lunch and head back to my room to pack. I'm all packed, including the stuff I bought. I met with the solo group for the last time. I won a water bottle for perfect attendance! We go to dinner and enjoy our last meal together. This has been fin and I will have to explore theesw groups on future cruises.

      The other thing I like about cruising is that you can try different drinks or wine. I have found 2 new wines to add to my repertoire. One from Argentina and one the Mosel region in Germany. One was a white Riesiling and on a red.

      Back in my room, I finished packing. I will get up early tomorrow to shower and leave by around 9:30 to go to the airport. I have already checked in with the airline, so I should be all.set.

      Good night all, I'll be back tomorrow in Canada.
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    • Day 264

      Welcome to Grand Cayman 🇰🇾

      January 19 in Cayman Islands ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Arriviamo a Grand Cayman in mattinata. Subito ci colpisce la limpidezza dell’acqua, cristallina anche davanti all’area portuale (se così la possiamo definire). Svolte le pratiche di ingresso ci ormeggiamo su una delle svariate boe che circondano l’isola. Ci teniamo nella parte ovest, protetti dal vento che spinge forte da nord-est. È subito l’ora di un tuffo, tutto intorno alla barca ci sono agglomerati di corallo (pezzetti di reef) intervallati da sabbia bianchissima.
      Nei due giorni successivi facciamo qualche tuffo (anche Nicola e Dino ne fanno uno, con Andrea stavolta visto che io ho un orecchio invalido). A parte un’immersione che ci riserva die aquile di mare e svariate tartarughe, la fauna non è molta; il reef è vivo e pieno di spugne colorate, fan e soft corals che riempiono la vista.. la cosa più bella qui è la visibilità che tocca i 50mt. Fuori dall’acqua Grand Cayman non ci piace per nulla, assolutamente finta e turistica, fatta su misura per turisti americani privati e in crociera. Facciamo però un po’ di cambusa, ritroviamo latticini e verdura fresca, a un prezzo da gioielleria ma qui inevitabile.. prendiamo l’indispensabile per la prossima settimana.
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    • Day 267

      Bye bye Cayman 🇰🇾

      January 22 in Cayman Islands ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Dopo solo 3 giorni siamo costretti a partire, dobbiamo riuscire ad essere in Jamaica entro il 30, il che vuol dire partire al massimo il 26.. la meteo non è a nostro favore, nei prossimi giorni si intensificherà il vento da nord-est/est fino ad arrivare a 30 nodi, inoltre l’onda di prua, che già è formata, intensificherà rendendo la navigazione impossibile. Facciamo un ultimo tuffo in mattinata e ci prepariamo a una lenta e spiacevolmente beccheggiante navigazione di minimo due giorni e mezzo.. speriamo duri poco..Read more

    • Day 8

      Cayman Islands - Georgetown

      November 23, 2019 in Cayman Islands ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Heute haben wir ein Abenteuer vor uns. Wir fahren erst mit dem Rettungsboot an Land, denn auch vor Georgetown liegen wir auf Reede und müssen tendern. Dann weiter per Bus und wieder aufs Boot. Es geht zu einer Sandbank - Stingray City.

      In dieser „Stadt im Wasser” können wir mit zahmen Rochen im hüfthohen Wasser spielen. Die Idee dazu entstand 1987, als Fischer bemerkten, dass die Rochen für den einen oder anderen Bissen an die Oberfläche kamen und sich füttern ließen. Dieses Erlebnis war auf jeden Fall einmalig und aufregend.
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    • Day 9

      4. Landtag: Grand Cayman

      December 7, 2019 in Cayman Islands ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Willkommen im Steuerparadies Grand Cayman💰 🏝 Circa 200.000 Firmen sollen auf den insgesamt 3 zum Vereinigten Königreich gehörenden Caymaninseln registriert sein. Allein in der Hauptstadt George Town auf Grand Cayman, der größten der 3 Inseln, soll es ein Haus mit über 18.000 registrierten Firmen geben😱 Zudem sind die meisten international tätigen Banken, auch die größten deutschen, hier mit Filialen präsent.

      Unser heutiger Ausflug startete mit einer Bustour 🚌 zu den Sehenswürdigkeiten von Grand Cayman. Da die Insel nur etwa 35km lang, 15km breit und insgesamt knapp 200qkm groß ist, ist das bereits in recht kurzer Zeit zu schaffen. So ging es vorbei am ältesten Haus der Insel (wie viele Gebäude dort bereits weihnachtlich dekoriert😂) zum Seven Mile Beach, einem der bekanntesten und (angeblich) schönsten Strände der Karibik - er ist dafür wohl schon mehrmals ausgezeichnet worden.
      Weiter ging es zur „Hölle“, einer Formation aus schwarz gefärbten Sandsteinformationen, die aussehen, wie die Höllenlandschaft, einer Rum-Destillerie, die ebenso für ihren Rumkuchen bekannt ist, und einer Schildkrötenfarm, in der Schildkröten aufgezogen und dann ausgewildert werden.
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    • Day 9

      Stingray City - Schwimmen mit Rochen

      December 7, 2019 in Cayman Islands ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Nach der Schildkrötenfarm fuhren wir mit dem Bus 🚌 zu einem Bootssteg und stiegen in ein Speedboot um. Mit diesem ging es nun nach Stingray City - einer Reihe flacher Sandbänke, an denen zahlreiche Stachelrochen leben. Dort angekommen (das ist DIE Touristenattraktion, weshalb schon einige Boote vor Ort waren), fingen die Guides einige Stachelrochen ein, die man dann halten (Fotos und so 📸), vorne auf die Nase küssen oder auf den Rücken gelegt bekommen konnte. Zur eigenen Sicherheit bewegten wir uns nur in kleinen Tippelschritten im Wasser vorwärts, um nicht aus Versehen auf einen der zahllosen Rochen zu treten, die ohne Scheu zwischen den Touristen durch schwammen. Die Haut der Tiere ist etwas glitschig, aber ansonsten unerwartet weich.
      Hoffentlich sind die Bilder mit unserer Unterwasserkamera gelungen✊🏻

      Nach der spannenden Erfahrung ging es mit Boot 🚤 und dem Bus 🚌 zurück zum Hafen. Da noch etwas Zeit bis zum Auslaufen war, gönnten wir uns einen Schokocrêpes und Weihnachtsstimmung bei etwa 26 Grad inklusive (siehe Video) 😂
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    • Day 14

      Cayman Islands

      December 30, 2019 in Cayman Islands ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      So, not a real stop in that we didn't disembark, but one we are going to claim! The journey from Costa Maya to Jamaica was supposed to be made at a fairly leisurely speed, around 500 nautical miles in 36 hours. However we found ourselves instead travelling at full speed towards the Cayman Islands as there was a medical emergency on board who needed to be evacuated from the ship. So we stopped just short of the island and a tender collected the medical team whilst we loitered off the coast of Grand Cayman for an hour.

      The extra speed meant a little way back into our journey, the captain announced we were just going to drift for a while as we were somewhat ahead of where we needed to be. This turned the already baking heat outside to an unbearable temperature with no sea breeze. However we were indoors, and whilst we were drifting we were graced with the sight of dolphins, lots of them leaping in the waters around the ship.

      As we headed onwards to Jamaica for one final time, we packed up our cabin and enjoyed some final drinks.
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    • Day 65


      December 10, 2023 in Cayman Islands ⋅ 🌬 81 °F

      I like sloths. As a species their family life and chill vibe appeals to me. The fact that they don’t bathe for weeks at a time would create issues for me, but I could adapt.
      Sloths are slow, they sleep a lot and generally hang on trees and eat leaves in slow ways so,
      How much confidence do you have in a mail service that has a sloth as their marketing mascot?
      I didn’t put mail in to try it out.
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    • Day 183

      Grand Cayman

      December 10, 2023 in Cayman Islands ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Cayman Turtle Center
      The turtles lay their eggs on the sand in the picture. The center incubate the eggs and then place the eggs in the sand around the island right before they hatch.

      Cayman Island is very well developedRead more

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