RTW 2022

marts - december 2022
“You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” (Winnie-the-Pooh) Læs mere
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  • 39,8kmiles
  • Last week in SC - 4 days to DC

    14. marts 2022, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌙 36 °F

    An adventure around the world … I should be ecstatic, but I’m so anxious. It’s 3:00am and I can’t get to sleep as I have so many thoughts running through my head.

    It’s become very real now that I’m down to the last week here at home. I’ve been working hard for about six weeks to get everything ready, and I’m close to being on track to finishing all that was needed to be done to leave. A lot to do to store away my life for a 11 month absence - rent the house, store my things, finances, bills, the cat, the car, vaccinations … the list goes on and on.

    I wonder daily if this was a good decision … quitting my job, throwing caution to the wind and just taking off during such unprecedented times. But When I really think it through it makes perfect sense … take the trip now while I still can, while I’m still relatively “young” before my health fails me as I age. And when would Jordan ever be available to go with me again? The memories to be made together!!! It will be SO much more enjoyable to travel with company. So … 4 days till we leave SC. No turning back now. 😃
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  • Made it to DC

    18. marts 2022, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

    Finished cleaning out the house and made the 8-9 hr drive to DC to deliver Brody to Adam — his new roomie for the next 10 months.

  • Last full day in DC with Adam

    21. marts 2022, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌙 55 °F

    Spent our last full day in DC - Cherry Blossoms we’re in full bloom. Beautiful city.

  • Dag 2

    Mazatlan, Mexico!

    23. marts 2022, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

    Flew in today and got settled. I love the ocean. ❤️

  • Dag 2

    Reality vs posting perfect?

    23. marts 2022, Mexico ⋅ 🌙 64 °F

    So I’ve debated how I want to post on this site — picture perfect, positive, only showing the pretty parts of the trip (think Instagram or Facebook) or … reality, and how I feel about the reality I’m experiencing. From this point on, I’m choosing reality. I figure, if people aren’t interested in that, they can look at the pictures and move on. To each their own.

    So yesterday was rough. Airline travel often is. I’ve flown a lot before, but not internationally so I feel like an infant going thru immigration and such. Im so unsure of myself. I’m sure after a few countries, I’ll be a pro.

    This trip is not a world tour of resorts — we’re doing this “affordably” which means budget hotels/hostels with an occasional nicer Airbnb thrown in; buses or multi person shuttles instead of private taxis’s; Eating in the “real world”, not confining ourselves to the tourist areas. So saying that I had a lot of culture shock when I landed. Riding in the shuttle bus from the airport into the city - so much poverty and filth and EVERYONE speaking Spanish around me. (My 2 yrs of jr. high Spanish hasn’t gotten me very far) It didn’t take me long to wonder what the hell I was doing here - buyers regret of sorts. It got nicer the closer we got to the beach, but still so much different then what I’m used to. So I am very overwhelmed so far - cried at least 4 times today. The language barrier is CRAZY - I have never been where I can’t be understood or understand those around me. In Cancun (2007) we were either in the resort, or on tours led by the resort. Either way, everyone spoke English around me. Spoiled. This trip is MUCH different. I’m already having anxiety about going to Thailand, Vietnam or Egypt and battling the language barrier there! I guess we’ll figure it out somehow.

    I was thinking on the plane - I almost feel like this trip is a tribute to my mom, dad and Rodney. Taking a trip that they never got to. Rod died before he could use his hard earned retirement $$, and my parents health issues became their priority from their early 60’s to their death. They didn’t and couldn’t see the world. Rod may have had no desire to do this, especially roughing it more like we’re doing, and not sure about my dad. But my mom would love this, and would have gone with me in a heartbeat if she could have. In her later years she asked me multiple times to take her places. Push her wheelchair, carry her bags, and see the world — and other than granting her dieing wish of the family Alaskan cruise, I always said no. I regret that now so much. I wish I could go back and have that time with her now. ❤️ So I’m traveling with all three of them in mind - a salute, a tribute to them - going where they weren’t able to.

    So here’s to tomorrow. A new day. Hopefully it will get easier. But regardless, it will still be an experience I’ve probably NEVER had. Be brave, be smart, be strong.
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  • Dag 4

    Centro Historico

    25. marts 2022, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

    Beautiful day exploring Centro Historico, or old town. The temp is an ideal 75-79 and blue sky - amazing. Sat oceanside and had seafood tostadas and guac — and a HUGE pina colada. Simple pleasures. It was awesome.

    Still feeling like an infant. Making inaccurate assumptions - like the bus must only take coins, or have to have exact change like olden day US buses. We walked around for an hour trying to get pesos in the form of coins … they make change from bills on the bus. Who knew? Oh yeah .. they did! 😂Woops. And the money - I feel so stupid trying to figure out how much their coins are worth. The bills are so much more resilient than ours (plastic coated) and are beautifully colored. (Honestly everything is so colorful here - the buildings are gorgeous.)

    it’s going to take a bit for me to not instinctively think something is way too expensive when it’s marked $100. They use the $ sign here even tho it’s in pesos. Jordan has to keep reminding me that it’s only $5 - if not, my mind thinks $100.
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  • Dag 5

    10 mile walk … it was a challenge!!

    26. marts 2022, Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

    What an exhausting day! When I left the US, I figured I’d either gain 50 lbs from eating all over the world - or I’d lose 50 from walking halfway there. So far, walking is winning out..

    We hiked up El Faro - highest lighthouse in the America’s, 2nd highest in the world. Not a huge distance - only 1.5 miles, but VERY steep and ended with 386 steps. It was a challenge, at least for me. Lots of stray cats live on the mountain - all very thirsty. 😢 A cloud bank rolled in while we were up there - it was beautiful. And there was a glass floor overlook that definitely brought some anxiety out in me, but still a cool experience.

    The seafood here is incredible! We sat on the beach, feet in the sand, and had another great lunch with another great pina colada. (Served in a hollowed out pineapple!) May be my drink of choice for awhile.

    Then Jordan got a wild hair to walk all the way back to our Airbnb. 5 miles, on the beach. Gorgeous weather, walking in the surf. Paid for it tho with some very sore legs/feet and some sunburn, but so relaxing and pretty. And hopefully getting stronger for the more strenuous adventures to come.

    Since Rod died, I haven’t really taken any extended time for myself. I had to get working full time right away when he died to provide me and the kids our much needed health insurance, help with college expenses, figure out how I was going to make payments on a house I couldn’t afford, how I was going to survive without my partner in life, and main bread winner. (The price of being a stay at home mom for 20 years.) I put my head down and got what was needed done. It’s been a long 4+ years to get financially stable (changing my life drastically by moving to SC to find affordable housing) and it’s a relief to finally feel like I CAN just breathe, and know life is going to be okay if I take this time for myself.

    I’ve definitely chilled out some. No anxiety today and no tears. 😃 Just trying to enjoy whatever experience comes my way. It’s such a different way to live life - no real responsibilities, no consistency or normalcy - everyday is a different experience or adventure, but getting used to it. Won’t go on forever, so need to soak it in and learn to enjoy every bit of it. Before I know it, I’ll be back at work with all the normalcy I can handle.
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  • Dag 6

    First sunset

    27. marts 2022, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

    Walking home from dinner/sunset there were hundreds of these small birds in the trees. The video won’t do the sounds justice.

  • Dag 7

    Only paid “tour” we took

    28. marts 2022, Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

    We did our only tour in Mazatlan today - spent the day on “Stone Island”. It was well worth the $$. Also saw a cliff diver on the way to the boat. Crazy high into just a few feet of water.

    I was amazed by the amount of stray animals there are here. We had a couple friendly pups join us on the beach for a bit. Every male was not neutered that we saw, so the problem probably just grows exponentially.

    The people I’ve met here are so wonderful. Friendly. So family oriented. They have been kind. Caring. Multiple times, as I’ve been searching for the right bills to pay for something, the locals will quickly jump to help me pay what I need. (I have it, just trying to find it). They have such a generous spirit with the little they have. They work HARD here - the jobs I see everyone doing here are not easy. This short time in Mazatlan certainly has busted any incorrect preconceived stereotype I may have had.

    Ended our day with another sunset from the roof of our Airbnb.
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  • Dag 8

    Last day in Mazatlan

    29. marts 2022, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

    It’s our Last day in Mazatlan - moving on tomorrow. This has been a wonderful start. Finished our stay up right with another long walk on the beach and a beautiful meal. Picked a place over-looking the ocean and watched another gorgeous sunset. Amazing how that never gets old, and crazy how affordable places like this are that would be way out of my price range in the US.

    Had to climb all those stairs to get to the restaurant. Not too hard, surprisingly. I’m already feeling much stronger just in a week of being more active. Also, the hill/mt in the pics is the lighthouse we climbed earlier in the week.
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