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  • Dag 22

    Mt Tabor and Shopping

    22. juni 2023, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    Today, after breakfast, I invited the couple who were celebrating their 31st WA to go with me to Mt Tabor. She got chatting with me yesterday and was very friendly. Had to smile was typical Colin and Sonali relationship. He would ask her in arabic and then shecwould ask me. ( I know what your thinking Colin Sonali doesn't speak Arabic, and yes, you're correct, but you don't hear, so I have to repeat to you) Even to get the coffee machine going, she had to show him. If something was not there, she had to find it.
    Colin, does this all sound familiar to you. Maybe telepathically, she recognized a kinred spirit in me. Huh.... The wife liked the idea as she had not been there. Their original plan had been to go to Nazareth today, but she wanted to go to Mt Tabor as well. So they joined me.

    We had to negotiate a taxi, and then we were off. Mt Tabor was where the transfiguration of Jesus took place. My admiration for Jesus and his band of disciples are going up by day. Mainly because if the heat was not bad enough, imagine walking uphill and then not having fancy footwear, etc. Hmmmm, food for thought, how did they survive? They must have been very hardy and strong,

    I am humbled once again to be in a place or some where close to where Jesus would have been. Rather than the exact place the fact that he walked here and saw this earth very much different from what I am looking at today but I can imagine and that will stay with me for sure when I now read the Gospel passages.

    The driver said he could only stay there for 20 minutes if we stayed longer he was going to charge etc. So into the Church, which was lovely, then a quick prayer today, no time for meditation. Then photos. Zein loved the fact that she got to visit the church. She said she believed that God grants your wishes when you enter his house for the first time. I, too, had heard that, but had stopped asking Hod for anything as he was granting me everything I desired by allowing me to set foot in his home.😊

    Then, back to Tiberias, the couple was very keen. I come to visit them in Bethleham before I go back to NZ. First, it was just an invite for a meal, then it became a sleep and stay a night. So now I am running out of time. As I am hoping to Manilka, then Achim and now these guys. Hmmmm.... not sure what I will do.

    They got off at the bus station to go to Nazareth, as they have Palestine licenses they can not bring their car, nor can they rent a car in Israel. It is so hard for Palestine people. I was dropped off at a mall. Well retail therapy had not happened to date. As I was going to be busy once back in Jerusalem thought it was best to purchase gifts I needed to take back. I think I did all of my shopping and ofcourse I did buy some stuff me moi.😊😊😊

    Had Japenese for lunch, if I dont see any pita bread and hummus for the rest of this year, it won't bother me at all. Can't believe I am saying this but it's true. Trust me I will regret once back in NZ I ever said this.

    Now back at the monestry need to try and pack all my purchases.

    The first two photos is of a bird that was very different. Had a long feather like thing on his head. Had a stripped part on his body too. Missed a close up of the bird. Looked it up its the Israeli nationsl bird called Hoopoes. Added a proper photo from google. 🙂.
    The last photo is like a big blown up airplane from a far, but that is where the Israel government is monitoring all your mobile calls.

    The two chapels in the transfiguration church is of Moses and Elijah.
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