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  • Hari 23


    23 Jun 2023, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    As today is Friday have to keep in mind that public transport becomes non existant around noon. So even though I could have dome more than just Magdala decided too err on the side of caution and just take my time and do only Magdala.

    Last night someone was ringing the bell to enter the front reception around 1.15am in tge morning. Talk about me being petrified, honestly I need to stop being such a chicken licken. I was so scared, my room is the one from outside you pass to go up to the front door, there I was in bed scared s.......

    The building walls are very thick the windows have got bars, but my windows were open, so I thought they might throw something into my room, hoping I will wake up, what if these were people staying over night and did not have the access code, where will they sleep. Etc etc. I so wanted to go to the toilet, but was scared they might hear me. After about 25 minutes the ringing stopped so it took a while longer for me to get back to sleep.🙂

    Magdala was lovely. The ruins that have been excavated do show how this was indeed a fishing village. It is believed Mary Magdalene came from hear. Even though the church that is there in the premises is dedicated to St Peter. Might be because it is a fishing village. But it was to Mary that Jesus first appeared after he was risen, it was not to Peter. And when she recognised her She believed that it was her much loved Rabbuni.

    The church has a lovely Jesus replica boat as the alter with a pool of shallow water to signify the port that this village had been in a bygone era. It was decorated for wedding so it was very nice.

    Was good to sit and contemplate on the relationship of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. His special relationship with women, his call to each one of us, who are his children, loved very much but at times we are like doughting Thomas not trusting or believing in that Love.

    This must be not on most coach tour stops, to be honest there is so much to cover in Galilee. I guess they have to prioritize, but I was not complaining. Had lots of contemplative time, then to have a good look around the ruins. You could very clearly see the thriving village it once had been. Talk about living in in each other's pocket, mmmm....... I could not have had shouting match with Colin for sure with not just the neighbour's but the entire village would have heard me.🙂

    Got the bus back, getting into the hang of things now. Also changed my plans of moving tomorrow to Mt Beatitude and also in 4 days going to Nazareth too. Decided that staying in the present place was the best thing as it is so central and now I know where I am going etc.

    Also going back earlier than I had planned to Jerusalem so I can meet up with the Palestine family before I go to the hermitage.

    After eating left overs from day before yesterday, had a good sleep. Then went for English mass at the monestry. It is the Colony of St John the Baptist, and they are a group of very young people from a whole lot of different nations. It is very much a charismatic group though following the Roman catholic order of mass.

    Dinner was Raman noodles that I purchased yesterday at the super market, as not many places are now open till tomorrow 8.00pm or so.

    Tomorrow I think it's going to be a mandatory rest day for me as I cannot see many Arabic people and don't think there will be much open. But will go for a walk, and might be presently surprised.

    The camping grounds are pretty packed today. It's all 1 or 2 person tents. It's so close to each other honestly we don't know how lucky we are in NZ

    The last lot of photos show some mosaic work. Please note how even though there has been a bogvearth quake most of the Mosaic work has stayed intact even though the ground has undulated in the Synagogue. The mosaic work under the shelter is a part of the village area. The first photo is of a hedge in the church yard, but made up of different colored leave plants looks very nice.
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