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    • Hari 64

      On the Road

      30 Oktober 2023, Kolombia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Zwischenstopp vor der Grenze. Wir starteten mit einem weiteren deutschen Pärchen, die in Canada getroffen hatten und fuhren beide hier her um von Pasto aus früh Richtung Grenze zu starten.

    • Hari 15

      Security & Guerilla

      28 Mei 2015, Kolombia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      When I decided to go to Mexico and even more when I went to Colombia, everyone told me to take care because of the difficult security situation. What nobody no knows and talks about are the really difficult countries:
      - Venezuela happens to be one of the most insecure places in the world: everyone carries a gun and police is way more corrupt than in most Latin American country. To cite our hostel owner “if you have the choice between a street with police and a one with thefts, better choose the thefts“, since police will try to take you to prison for no reason. Actually, most of the younger people that have the chance, leave Venezuela.
      - Argentina has EXTREME economic regressions like every 10 years. Additionally, people there tend to have a real egoistic attitude, and no-one really knows if this is the reason for the government to close all banks during the last crisis, and to steal the money of each citizen, if it's the other way round.

      Colonia itself also actually has a large history of corruption and drug cartels. Beforehand, this has changed a lot thanks to the second to last president Álvaro Uribe Vélez, who fought efficiently against the guerrilla.
      Around 10 years ago, though, the situation was really hard. People couldn't go out on the street after 6pm. They couldn't even travel half an hour to the next town, because guerrilla would stop them on the road and take away good looking cars from them. Farmers would be forced to leave their land, without being able to take anything, because guerrilla sad so (they wanted to plant cocaine in those places). Since not only every type of police, but also military and government were corrupt, people could not only not count on them, but there are a bunch of different interest groups all exploiting them.

      The situation today is way better: you can travel independently and without fear almost everywhere in the country, since guerrilla has moved to some really small parts on the coast and military is now paid enough so they don't need additional incomes. As long as you avoid the very insecure parts and especially as a tourist, you don't have to worry about anything but your travel budget ;)
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