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  • Day 2

    So this is why all the fuss

    March 30 in the United Arab Emirates ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    6 and a half hours of flight time and hello Dubai. Typical long flight with all the offerings that all of my last low cost flights were missing. Quiet flight, helpfull and kind stuff, multimedia offerings and nice food to choose from. I might not enjoyed it as much as the girl next to me that slept the whoooole freaking way but still. Landed at 23.20 and there is plenty of time to kill until the connecting flight.
    Tati said it might make sense to go for a quick drive to the city center just to see what the fuss is all about. And so i did...took a cab and the Indian driver managed to squeze 110km of sightseeing in an hour and a half. The city is certainly big and impressive with all the huge tall buildings, the wide, well lit roads and the distinct springles of wealth all over the landscape. No matter how well everything was/is planned though the taxi driver kept complaining on the constant traffic. Lots of xars and traffic despite the 7lane roads and the dact that it was just a late Friday night .
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