Italy 2024

April - June 2024
Starting in Vienna and then going all the way around Italy! Read more
Currently traveling
  • 31footprints
  • 5countries
  • 43days
  • 466photos
  • 25videos
  • 21.2kkilometers
  • Day 8–10


    May 1 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    Riomaggiore - Raindrops keep falling on my head!
    Woke to drizzle and sometimes rain, so Derek decided not to walk the trails. We walked down to harbour and 'beach' before breakkie in the main street which was colorful with umbrellas and the tour groups streaming in. We decided to train hop to see the towns.
    First stop - Manarola. Lovely town with main street wending up into the hills, with church at the top. Derek and I did a loop walk that took us to a high path alongside gardens of vines and flowers. Judith opted for a more leisurely wander in the town.
    Second stop - Corniglia. It was quite a hike up to the town from the station - luckily there was a shuttle bus that we could take for the trip back. The town was a real surprise - tiny and seemingly not much to it, but the we discovered a maze of narrow alleyways and stairs to a piazza overlooking the water and back to Manarola. Lunch at a tiny cafe.
    Third Stop - Vernazza - a bustling largish town centred on its lively harbour. Derek wanted to follow the trail up and out of town to take a photo, - Judith and I opted for coffee at one of the many cafes, huddled under umbrellas ( sadly not from the sun) for shelter from the off and on rain.
    Fourth Stop - Monterosso. It was raining fairly persistently by the time we got into the town from the station, and got even heavier while we wandered around the quaint and winding streets. It was too wet and miserable to be able to enjoy unfortunately, and we retreated to a Cafe and shelter for aperitivo.

    Back to Riomaggiore later than planned - about 7.30. We decided to stop for dinner in the main street near our apartment before going home. Lovely meal to end an enjoyable if not-to-plan day.
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  • Day 9


    May 2 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Lucca - It doesn't just rain - it pours!
    Up early for a busy day. Travelled to Lucca for a side trip, with train changes at La Spezia and Viareggio.
    Judith and I came here in Dec 2019, but keen to see it in Spring weather ( so much for that plan!)
    We entered the city through one of its impressive gates in the huge walls that surround the city and walked on the beautiful passegiata on top of the walls for a little way but heavy rain forced us down to find shelter. Judith and I were keen to see the Botanic Gardens which did look beautiful through the gate but too wet to enjoy. So we wandered the tiny streets making our way to the Torre Guinigi - tallest tower in Lucca and which has trees growing on top of it! The 230 steps were worth it for the incredible views and the lovely tiny Grove of trees! And luckily there was a brief break in the rain.
    We met Derek in Piazza San Michele were we stopped at a cafe for lunch - inside for warmth and to get a bit dry!
    Then off to the amphitheatre- which was the Roman colusseum now a courtyard of cafes and shops. Another downpour forced us to stop at a Cafe for an after lunch glass of wine ( no other option!).
    Then it was back to the station for our train to Genova ( just one change this time).
    Arrived at 7 ish and after negotiating the metro and apparent maze of streets (Google not very good un these areas!) We made it to our beautiful apartment with windows looking onto a courtyard and a beautiful tower and church.
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  • Day 10–12


    May 3 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Genova - Here comes the sun!
    Woke to lovely blue skies - finally!
    Had booked on to a free walking tour starting at 10 - and as i hoped it was the same one I did when I was here in 2014. Spyros is still doing the tour, but quite different to the one I did - including being longer (4+ hrs). But still great - so informative and he is quite a performer.
    Genova is brilliant and glad we came ( again for me, and first time for Derek)
    After a rest we headed out for dinner, finally settling on a pizza place in a nearby piazza. Pizza was great, but service slow( ir was busy with a couple of large groups), so it was a bit of a later night than planned.
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  • Day 11


    May 4 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Bergamo - I'm on top of the world or
    5 trains in one day!
    An early start to get to station for an 8 am train. A change at Milan onto a Trenord train ( looked like a new type and very comfy and roomy) for Bergamo.
    From the station we could get a bus up to the Città Alta (upper town) which looked like it was in the clouds from the new Città Bassa. A fabulous trip up the winding road. There were lots of people and lots of cyclists when we got to the top.
    We had a picnic lunch in a little park before wandering along the narrow 'street' ( found out later it was the Roman road!) to the main piazza - filled with cafes and people. It is relatively small but very imposing.The Cathedral and other buildings in the piazza are amazing. Derek and I walked on while Judith took the opportunity to sit and people watch. At the funicular station we found a cafe on the edge of the precipice with amazing views. Couldn't help but stop for a coffee.
    We took the funicular down enjoyingbthe views of the steep terrain and Plains spending out before us.
    We left J at bus stop while D&I walked back to station. A brief period of alarm when we didn't find her waiting for us or anywhere in sight! Ended happily though after she had her own adventure on the bus!
    Train to Brescia, where we had to change for Iseo.
    Trip to Iseo was lovely passing lots of vineyards of the famous Franciacorta wine region - specialising in the lovely Franciacorta sparkling wines ( more upmarket than Prosecco!)
    Got to Iseo about 7.30 and what should've been a short walk took longer so it was after 8 when we arrived in delightful apartment with balcony overlooking ancient church and lovely garden. Luckily we had armed ourselves with beer and snacks so we could enjoy the mild evening and view. We left seeing the lake till the morning.
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  • Day 12–15

    Lake Iseo 1

    May 5 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Iseo - Nothing but blue skies do I see!
    Mountains, water and people abound here in Iseo! And what a delight it is!
    It's a short walk from our lovely apartment, to the main piazza and the lake, and we found it already buzzing with stalls being set up for a artisan beer festival. And there was a market on too!
    The lake and mountains are superb, and we joined many others strolling along the lakeside path. We selected one of the many cafes for caffe and brioche, enjoying the sun and sights.
    We had planned to go to MonteIsola (the largest lake island in Europe) in the afternoon, but Judith opted for a real rest day and when D&i realised we'd have a long wait for a ferry we opted for a similar plan. We enjoyed focaccia and franciacorta overlooking the lake, checking the market and tasty produce, and walking into the tiny back streets to find the lovely San Andrea church and piazza,
    Evening was aparetivo -again overlooking the lake ( where else!) and dinner at a lovely restaurant where we had the local pasta speciality - casoncelli- a filled pasta served with butter and sage sauce.
    No packing, or planning for an early start tonight - another whole day here - what a treat!
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  • Day 13

    Lake Iseo 2

    May 6 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Iseo Day 2 - Take it easy!
    Got out for a run this morning - lovely location for it.
    We thought we might go out to the island and then further up the lake - but the timetable was too complicated and ferries too infrequent to make it workable so decided to have another chill day and just seenthe island - everything else will have to wait till next time!.
    It was cooler and overcast today - and much quieter.
    We took ferry to Monte Isola getting off at Sensola so we could walk the couple of ks to main town Peschiera Maraglio. The walk was delightful along olive tree lined 'road' though there are no cars on the island - a few tiny deliver vans and ute's with motorcycles and bikes the main form of transport we saw.
    Lovely lunch of local cheeses and meats, plus grilled salami - yum, yum, yum! Also great to see fishing net production in action in a shop that also sold net products. Apparently a highly specialised product of the island with a worldwide market! Sardines also a local specially (hence the artwork in photos)
    Ferry back to Iseo and night in.
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  • Day 14


    May 7 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    On the road again!
    Another travelling day with a stopover in Verona on the way to Bologna. A bit grey and showers forecast but it wasn't too bad.
    We opted to use a luggage storage service which was in a cafe. Worked a treat and much cheaper than the station service!
    Walked into the historic centre on a lovely wide Avenue arriving at the amphitheatre. It was busy with trucks and workers setting up for something. The ampitheatre is best preserved in Italy ( or Europe?) And is in such good condition it is used as a music venue! Picnic lunch in a park and then we caught the tourist train to get an overview of the centre and sights.
    Then we set off the places that interested us most - through lovely streets to the Erbe Market - more tourist goods than produce these days - and then a short walk to the Casa di Giulietta. It was busy but lovely in the tiny courtyard.
    A wandering walk back to the station and the the train to Bologna.
    The apartment is lovely in an area off the main traffic, bu close to the Window on the Canal. We had aperitivo in the apartment before an early night.
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  • Day 15–19

    Bologna 1

    May 8 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Bologna Day 1 - Food glorious Food!
    First day in Bologna started with a sleep in and an easy start to the day.
    We eventually got out and walked to Piazza Maggiore, visiting the Tourist info centre to arm ourselves with maps and new info.
    Then we hit the quadrilateral area with its fab food shops, fresh food stalls and cafes. We stopped at a little place for rolls with local meats - yum, yum yum!.
    After lunch D&i headed off to walk to Basilica di San Luca, and the incredible continuous colonnade that wends its way up the hill to the basilica. (Judith sensibly decided to rest up back at the apt). From the city the walk is about 5 ks, with 3.5 ks of continuous colonnade, making it the longest in the world. 1. 5ks of it is uphill. It was amazing, beautiful, and a good workout! The Basilica and the views overlooking Bologna and across the countryside were worth the effort.
    The walk down was quicker and we caught a bus at Melincello where the climb started, saving us more time.
    As we walked back to our apt we bumped into my former work colleague Bronwyn (who we were already planning on catching up with here) and her husband Garry. We had a drink and a lovely catch up before scooting off home, picking up some additional snacks to have with drinks.
    We ended up having another night in - we were all tired, especially D&i!
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  • Day 16

    Bologna 2

    May 9 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    Parma - but no chicken parmas in sight!
    A nice easy start to the day catching a train at 10.30 and arriving in Parma around 11 30.
    Some very impressive buildings, art and sculptures as we made our way into the centro and the TIC (always first stop!).
    Lunch in a lovely Cafe enjoying local meats - particularly the prosciutto crudo.
    Spent a few hours wandering throught historic centre enjoying some amazing buildings ( cathedral and battistero) and streets.
    Caught a train back to Bologna at 5pm, which was pretty crowded with people perhaps on their way home from work? And school kid tour groups (end of school year approaching and as is common all over, filling in time with excursions - but how fab to travel from your little town to Bologna or Parma or Verona!)
    Went to a little bar near apt for aperitivo and then cheap and cheerful dinner in nearby piazza ( wasnt too impressed by the ragù bolognese so glad it was inexpensive!)
    Gelati on the way home.
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  • Day 18–19


    May 11 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Gold Coast on the Adriatic ( But without the high rises!)
    Came to Rimini as you can get to San Marino from here, though Derek decided not to make the trip.
    It is an Italian holiday town with wall to wall hotels and cafes and pay to sit beach providers stretching as far as the eye can see. At least our hotel room had a balcony overlooking the beach and Adriatic.
    Ended up being a rest day with aperitivo and dinner with a sea view and live music from a nearby bar.
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