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      Crossing the EQUATOR!

      29. Januar 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      The equator (ZERO degrees latitude) is the “imaginary line”, 24,902 miles long, on the surface of the earth, equidistant for the North and South poles (where the earth is the fattest, its circumference discovered by Eratosthenes about 200 BC). The tropics are the two “lines”, a mere 23 degrees N and S of the equator where more than 40% of the earth’s surface exists and 40% of the earths population live. It is where the sun is directly overhead at noon on the two solstices (June and December), marking the change of seasons. Ahhhh.

      Poseidon and later King Neptune (Greek and Roman gods of sea) known as "Earth Shakers", when angered, would strike the ground with their trident resulting in storms and shipwrecks. Inexperienced pollywags/scallywags who crossed the equator for the first time would anger the gods until they finally would become "shellbacks", through a ceremony like no other (look up how the Navy performs this ritual).

      The first time across the equator (five years ago), Karen, Lee and I were indoctrinated into the Society of Shellbacks by being dumped on by every gooey, slimy, lumpy “food” you could think of … culminating in us ceremoniously kissing the fish!!! You had to be there but it was worth it (and yes, we have photos). Now we get to watch others that have angered the forces of nature, for the first time, cross the mysterious Earth’s equator.

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