Abu Mingarh Bay

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    • Day 13

      From the Ancient World to the Underwater

      October 7, 2024 in Egypt ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

      What a day! Today we sailed out of Hurgharda to our little spot on the reef in The Red Sea. We had the boat to ourselves which was brilliant. After many days of “hotness” it was a welcome change to spend the day in the water.
      The snorkelling was just unbelievable. Gav Roberts had told us it was rated as one of the best places in the world to scuba/snorkel and I can see why. So many fish of all shapes and sizes.
      It got me thinking though; each continent seems to have their own “set of animals”, yet fish are the same everywhere 🤔🤔
      I guess they don’t get trapped or isolated like land animals…….hmmmm…
      The colour of the water was mesmerising too; all the shades of blue. Stunning coral which looks healthy and teeming with fish.
      After a couple of hours of snorkeling we were ravenous and were fed very well by our onboard chef.
      Mere mere!!! (Sp? Arabic for very, very good - I think). Time for some last minute frolicking or snorkelling after lunch. Jim, the big kid, jumped off the upstairs section of the boat but I wasn’t brave enough for that 😂😂. I just enjoyed paddling and floating around, once again acknowledging how incredibly lucky we are to be doing this.
      We then sailed back for a relaxing afternoon at the resort.
      ANOTHER magical day.
      PS: I highly recommend Intrepid for tours like this and a double bonus if you get Ahmed as your guide. He is the absolute best.
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    • Day 2

      Leinen los!

      June 14, 2019 in Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      6:00 wird es laut, die Motoren werden angelassen und wir legen ab. Die See ist ruhig, Heute Vormittag machen wir den ersten Tauchgang als Check-Dive, um zu sehen, ob alles passt, und funktioniert.
      Check-Dive done! Alles soweit ok, vielleicht etwas zu viel Blei bzw. Problem mit Masken-Frog, aber insgesamt waren wir alle zufrieden 😃 Um 13:30 brechen wir auf zu einem neuen Tauchplatz, wo wir in 2h ankommen und den 2. Dive machen. Und auch übernachten werden. Stay tuned...
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