• Dzień 11

    Atalaya to Estepona

    12 marca, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌧 57 °F

    Today was just as interesting for what was NOT showing on our maps as it was for what WAS showing. We expected to see the three gorgeous torres de vigía that were shown along our Wikiloc route (complete with historical notes compiled by a local walker), and we also expected to have to make wide detours in order to be able to cross rivers too swollen from two weeks of storms to cross at the seaside. But to our delight, all three rivers we crossed today had new bridges right close to the shore that were not shown on our map. They must be very recent.

    This section of the coastal path is quite different from the paths we’ve been on the last few days. There are far fewer people, and sometimes you have to pick your way along the tide line because there is no walkway. (I sure will be glad when my wrist is healed enough to be able to use my hiking poles again for more stability in situations like this.) It just generally feels wilder. At one point, we could look down and see remnants of an older coastal path that is no longer usable because of storm damage. You can see it in the video, but you can’t really hear me describing it because the wind is so strong! Other than the wind, we really lucked out with the weather today. There was no rain until after supper! In fact, it was so warm, that for a good part of the day we walked in short sleeve shirts and no jackets.

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