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  • Day 119


    October 2, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    Mittagshalt in Roebourne mit Besichtigung einer Aboriginal Art Gallery und Besuch des lokalen Kaffees inklusive feinen Ciabatta Sandwiches, Hot Chips und ein Milkshake für Josh!

    Auch das alte Gefängnis haben wir uns noch anschauen können (leider nur noch von aussen)Read more

  • Day 37

    Cossacks' wonderful viewpoint

    November 23, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    Erster Gedanke: wie schön sind diese Bilder denn geworden. Mein erster Gedanke: Gott sei Dank sind wir angekommen.
    Wir fahren zu dritt (Jasmin,Pauline und ich) mit meinem kleinen Auto Richtung Cossack.
    Ohne Google Maps läuft hier gar nichts, also ist dies natürlich auch am Start.
    Wir fahren an der Stelle vorbei, an der ich schon mal mit den anderen Au Pairs war. Ich werfe in die Runde, dass ich das Gefühl habe, wir müssten eine ungemütliche Stelle befahren, an die ich mich dunkel erinnere. Ich fahre geradeaus an einem Cafe vorbei und fahre in die ungemütlichste Straße überhaupt (wenn man es überhaupt Straße nennen darf). Ich drehe nach gefühlten 20 Minuten, die wir in der wackeligen Strecke verbringen dürfen, und wir steigen aus, um im Cafe nach Zivilisation zu suchen. Wir drei klügen Köpfe sind an dem Schild "Settlers Beach" vorbei gefahren und somit dürfen wir es noch einmal versuchen.
    Schließlich angekommen fahren wir zuerst zum Strand. Es ist total windig und äußerst schwierig unsere Erdbeeren und Teilchen zu essen. Total versandet essen wir schließlich das was geht und wollen zurück zum Auto gehen. Davor setzen wir uns auf eine Bank. Jasmin vergisst ihre Schuhe am Strand, sodass sie wieder zurück laufen muss. Klingt erst mal nicht so schlimm aber leider darf man die 40 Grad Sonne, die auf den Boden knallt nicht aus den Gedanken verlieren. Aber wir als eingelebte Australier haben die Überlebenskünste und somit kommt die geniale Idee: Hundehaufen-Tüten als Schuhe!
    Und jetzt habt genau dieses Bild vor Augen: Jasmin mit ihren selbstgemachten Schuhen und ich mit meiner Aktionkamera hinterher. Beide am Schreien.
    Pauline ist schon längst wieder im Wasser und wartet. Sieht Jasmin schreiend zum Wasser laufend und mich 234928340 Mal am stehen bleiben, da ich mich vor Lachen nicht mehr einbekomme. Ein hammer Tag, ich sag's euch!

    Später machen wir uns auf den Weg zum Aussichtspunkt. Und die Bilder sagen mehr als Tausend Worte!
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  • Day 40

    Cossack Pt 2 -

    November 2, 2024 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 37 °C

    No the Ungovernable’s haven’t been locked up yet!

    Due to the construction materials of these buildings the temperature inside was a pleasant surprise.

    Police Barracks, Cookhouse and Lockup-
    Located in Perseverance Street, the old stone police quarters and gaol date from 1898. Today it is modestly priced dormitory accommodation. The first policemen in the town were three water police who arrived in 1866.

    Post and Telegraph office-
    The Post and Telegraph Office was one of the earliest stone buildings in the town. It was constructed using local shell limestone, most probably in the early 1880s. The ground floor was originally a customs house with a chemist and post office upstairs.

    Customs House and Bond Store-
    The Bonded Store and Customs House (1895) was designed by George Temple Poole. The supervisor of the restoration of the town has written of this building that "It was built for administrative purposes and its design reflects the still high prominence of the British Empire in Australia. It was built to last."
    The stone Customs House is testimony to the period when Cossack served as an important colonial port, prior to the transfer of the port to Point Samson at the outset of the 20th century. It was restored and re-opened in August, 2001 with the following press release: "The port of Cossack, established in 1863, was the first port in the north-west of Western Australia. In a short time it became a very busy port, greatly relied on by settlers for essential supplies, as well as news from Perth, interstate and overseas. Customs played an essential role in the control of imports and exports, and the collection of duty and taxes. It is very fitting that this historic building, which was constructed six years before Federation, has now been restored.
    "Achievements since Federation in 1901 are woven into the interpretation of the site. This history is displayed in pictorial form and represented by artefacts of customs and pearling in the Pilbara."
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  • Day 118


    October 9, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    We go check out the old prison buildings. Unfortunately not able to do a tour as such, as it's all barricaded up. Very impressive old buildings, and quite extensive in size. Then we stop and have morning tea at the local Cafe- entirely owned and run by local indigenous first nation peoples. Enjoyed our drinks, cappuccino for Roger, and pineapple juice for me, then shared a spinach and ricotta sausage roll - very nice Cafe. Back driving around - we check out the towns lookout. I'm finding that most lookouts we're seeing today have tanks on the hill too.Read more

  • Day 88

    Historic Cossack

    October 19, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

    Once the North West's first pastoral, gold rush and pearling port, today Cossack is a living ghost town. It was a great spot to see a beautilly restored town to give us an insight into 19th Century life in Northern WA.

    The flies were out in force today, so thank God for the flynets!
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  • Day 350

    Cossack & Wickham

    October 18, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

    A day trip to the abandoned town of Cossack. Originally the old Port and location of the pearling industry before moving the luggers to Broome.

    As the wharf built up sediment new jettys were built at Wickham and Dampier and the town was closed.

    The buildings have been restored and it was a lovely little place (even in 41 degrees!!!) 🔥 🥵

    We had a swim at the beach all on our own and then headed to Wickham where we drove past the loading operation to process the iron ore for shipping 🚢
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  • Day 51

    Ieramagadu (Roebourne)

    August 21, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    On our way to the next camp site we stopped at Ieramagadu and did the Ngurin Bush Tucker Trail and visited the Yinjaa-Barni Art Gallery where we talked to one of the artists and Kelly bought a dress with a print designed by one of the local artists.

    We also stopped in Karratha for some supplies and had lunch at a pizza and pasta place offering a surprising range of gluten and lactose free options.
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