Day 17 - Perrone to Trefcon

It was a much shorter walk today. I'd finished about 2:30 and, as luck would have it, I can't get into my accommodation until 5 pm! So I'm sitting on the steps of the local church completely relaxingRead more
It was a much shorter walk today. I'd finished about 2:30 and, as luck would have it, I can't get into my accommodation until 5 pm! So I'm sitting on the steps of the local church completely relaxingRead more
Auf der Durchreise ...ein Stopp zur Übernachtung an der idyllischen "Somme" 💫🐢🦢🕊️🐟🐾
Der Name Somme geht auf keltische Ursprünge zurück. Die Römer nannten denRead more
Heute morgen erst einmal ausgeschlafen und dann das weitere Vorgehen mit dem ADAC besprochen.
Wenn die Werkstatt den Wagen nicht innerhalb von 3 Werktagen wieder flott bekommt, würde der ADAC unsRead more
Wake up was at 5am this morning. We were given a sack breakfast and promptly departed on our giant coach bus at 6am. We headed towards the ferry, which took about an hour and a half. At the dock, theyRead more
All indications say H S Barling in interred here! I am honoured to bring Connie here to share this moment, to see the emotion. Such a sad waste on human life, yet such a peaceful place. The guardenersRead more
A new problem today. Nice short day, less than 4 hours walking, the trouble was I couldn’t check in to the next accommodation until after 5pm. It was in a tiny village so nothing to do there if IRead more
What a difference a day makes. Not raining - well it wasn’t when I set off and stayed pretty much dry all day. A breakfast - well a fairly poor French one but a heck of a lot better than none atRead more
I had breakfast with Anic Urier, who had also invited me to dinner last night. I explained to her what a Camino Angel is, so she was pleased. I had arrived in Trefcon not knowing there was no food. MyRead more
That looks like fun!
Carmel Carlsen LOL
Traveler ‘Only' 1150kms to Rome. Just a short stroll really 🤣
Carmel Carlsen 😆