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  • Day 2


    October 3, 2024 in France ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Heute war ein langer Fahrtag. Aber eigentlich war’s anders geplant 🤣 erst an dem 6. Platz den wir angefahren haben,konnten wir bleiben. Die anderen waren durch den Regen entweder zu aufgeweicht (Wiese) oder voll oder zu windig…um 18:00 haben wir aufgegeben und sind einfach auf einen Campingplatz gefahren. Der ist jetzt aber total leer und schön ruhig. ☺️Read more

  • Day 90

    Reise nach Belgien ..

    September 20, 2019 in France ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    Auf der Durchreise ...ein Stopp zur Übernachtung an der idyllischen "Somme" 💫🐢🦢🕊️🐟🐾

    Der Name Somme geht auf keltische Ursprünge zurück. Die Römer nannten den Fluss Samara. Die Somme wurde weltweit bekannt durch die Schlacht an der mindestens einer Million Toten und Verwundeten eine der blutigsten Schlachten des Ersten Weltkriegs 🥀Read more

  • Day 4–6

    Bye bye, London. Bonjour, France!

    September 8, 2024 in France ⋅ 🌬 66 °F

    Wake up was at 5am this morning. We were given a sack breakfast and promptly departed on our giant coach bus at 6am. We headed towards the ferry, which took about an hour and a half. At the dock, they checked everyone's passports, and our whole coach drove onto the ferry (more like a boat!!). We said goodbye to London with the view of the white cliffs of Dover from the back of our ferry. We arrived to Calais, France after about an hour and a half (and a quick nap!) We are ready for the next part of our adventure in France!Read more

  • Day 13

    Peronne 17 miles

    July 25, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    What a difference a day makes. Not raining - well it wasn’t when I set off and stayed pretty much dry all day. A breakfast - well a fairly poor French one but a heck of a lot better than none at all.

    So all going grand. Off I went but then I became aware of 3 slightly disturbing things. To begin with, to set the scene, most days I am walking from somewhere to somewhere with very little infrastructure in between. Certainly no food to be bought. So why is it that I never buy lunch as I set off? I know I am not the sharpest tool in the box sometimes, especially in the morning, but it really isn’t rocket science. Just because I am not hungry at 9.30am doesn’t mean I’m not going to get peckish by 1.30pm. Day after day. Quite incredible.

    The second thing was I realised that I was being followed. I was leaving town by a bit of a shortcut. Yesterday was a bit tough so I thought I would take advantage of a shortcut that I had identified from the map. I had done an extra mile yesterday so cutting a mile off today seemed justifiable. I haven’t seen any walkers let alone pilgrims so far so it did seem odd that these two gentlemen suddenly appeared behind me on this out of the way path. Both carrying pilgrim sized rucksacks. Just to be clear I mean large enough to last a pilgrimage rather than large enough to contain a pilgrim. Strangely unhappy about having them behind me. Luckily, I came upon a military cemetery. This is Somme country and they seem to be everywhere. As I frequently do, I spend some time in these and the lads had gone on ahead by the time I got going again. Never saw them again.

    The third thing had me thinking. I noticed that one of my “footprints”, as this app calls entries, has been liked by someone I don’t know. Now I am writing this thing partly as a memento which I will get printed when I finish and partly to keep friends and family informed as to what I’m getting up to. To make that easier for them I had to make it public so anyone can read it. But I never thought that anyone else would. Good grief it must be boring enough for someone who does know me, and bless you all for reading it, but I can’t imagine anyone else being bothered. It’s a strange world.

    Staying tonight in a sort of Youth Hostel. Strange definition of youth if it includes me. Still, I’m not complaining as it is only 30€ a night including breakfast. Got to use my own sleeping bag but that isn’t too onerous.
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  • Day 362


    July 18, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    Nachdem wie die gestrige Nacht auf einem Campingplatz am Meer verbracht haben, konnten wir für diese einen herrlichen Platz auf einem Feld ergattern.

    Aufgrund des gestrigen Regens konnten wir auch mal die Gepäck Strategie für das schlafen im Auto testen.

    Zwischendrin gucken wir uns immer ein paar Städte an. Für ein stabiles Internet und eine ruhige Arbeitsatmosphäre bieten sich die Bibliotheken der Universitäten an. Das hat uns schon viele entspannte Stunden und Meetings ermöglicht. Diesmal haben Paul und ich eine schalldichte Kabine zugewiesen bekommen.
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  • Day 24

    Stage 15: Péronne to Trefcon

    May 4, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

    My knee is fine now. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 I walked 10+ miles to Trefcon with no pain. Just fatigue. It took five hours, which is kind of slow. Better slow than never.

    The path was through a lot of little woods and through farmland. I took a wrong turn in the farmland and had to cut across some fields. It’s not like in the movies……it’s difficult!

    Near Trefcon, in the woods, I came across an abandoned cemetery. Kind of spooky. Did not dawdle.

    Trefcon is very tiny and I made the mistake of assuming I could buy food here. I’ll figure it out with the help of the gîte owner.
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  • Day 23

    Stage 14: Bapaume to Péronne

    May 3, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 50 °F

    My knee is much better and I hope to be back on the road tomorrow. Yay!

    Note my accommodations: how efficient to put the shower in the kitchen. 🙂🙂🙂 It looks like I have the place to myself.

    Péronne is probably the most frequently destroyed city in Europe. Several times in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and obliterated in WWI and WWII. Just about everything is less than 100 years old.

    At the Mairie a wonderful guide showed me the collection of local artifacts, most of them 2-3,000 years old.

    The Historial is a museum devoted to WWI.
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  • Day 13

    LeT's Go - LetZtER TaG iST anGeBrocHeN

    September 19, 2019 in France ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    Wie geplant um 07.30 Uhr aufgestanden, so dass wir bei Zeiten um 09.00Uhr los Fahren können.
    .... 😅 Schon wieder 09.45 Uhr und es geht los😎😂

    Das Rally Outfit an und ein wenig traurig, dass heute Abend alles vorbei ist.. 😪Read more

  • Day 3–4

    Péronne, Somme

    September 5, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Heading south today's drive was through farmland and industrial areas so not terribly scenic but we did find another great free stopover in Péronne which has tons of history . Few towns in France have been so devastated by war over the centuries. Burned and pillaged in the time of the Normans, gravely damaged during the Soanish occupation, devastated by the Germans in 1870, totally destroyed in 1917, and bombed and burned in 1940.
    Our stopover was opposite a beautiful park which leads into the town. It was a great find.
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  • Day 1

    Camping Château de l‘Oseraie

    August 31, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    In diesem Herbst sind wir fest entschlossen Nordspanien zu entdecken. Von schlechtem Wetter wollen wir uns nicht unterkriegen lassen.
    Bei den Vanlifern „Kastentouren“ haben wir uns Anregungen geholt. Speziell die Anreise durch Frankreich lassen wir ruhig angehen, wollen nicht wieder die selben Stellplätze anfahren wie bei bisherigen Touren. Die Empfehlung lautet Camping Château de L‘Oseraie. Obwohl der überschaubare Campingplatz voll ist, bekamen wir noch einen Stellplatz direkt neben der Einfahrt. Incl. Strom zahlen wir preiswerte 19,50 €.
    Kaum haben wir uns eingerichtet, zieht ein heftiges Gewitter auf. Dana verkriecht sich unters Auto.
    Ansonsten verhält Sie sich vorbildlich, wir machen ausgiebige Pipi-Runden, teils entlang einer TGV-Strecke. Es ist imposant den rasenden Zug vorbeirauschen zum sehen.
    Wir bleiben eine Nacht.
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