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  • Day 281

    Der Schnee ist wieder da

    January 12 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

    Als wir von Norwegen wieder Richtung Süden geflogen sind dachten wir, das seis jetzt gewesen mit dem Schnee. Doch auch in Berlin wurde es immer kälter. Das Wetter wurde zunehmend schlechter und aus dem Regen wurde dann Schnee - besser gesagt Matsch. Vorher schafften wir es noch zum Brandenburger Tor (noch bei blauem Himmel) und dann durfte ein Besuch im kultigen Kadewe nicht fehlen. Zum Znacht gabs dann den lang ersehnten Döner im Zimmer 😋Read more

  • Day 12

    Treffpunkt Berlin

    July 25, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Heute treffen wir uns mit Beat spontan in Berlin. Wir verbringen zusammen einen spannenden Tag! Wir gehen zum Apéro in die angesagte Monkey Bar, essen im Friedrichhain, besuchen die Kunstausstellung und spät am Abend schauen wir uns die Lichtschau 75 Jahre Demokratie an.Read more

  • Day 1


    July 17, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    925km, 9 Stunden und 46 minuten UND nach so manchen extra Runden in Kreisverkehren sind wir nun endlich am ersten offiziellen Ziel angekommen... Berlin!

    Mit dem Hotel/B&B hatten wir ziemlich viel Glück, direkt in Charlottenburg, halbe Stunde von Berlin Mitte und Ubahn direkt vor der Haustür. Preis war auch nicht so heftig und einen Tiefgaragenstellplatz haben wir auch!! :D
    Wir sind ziemlich kaputt, aber glücklich endlich uns hinlegen zu können.

    Kleine Anekdote noch neben bei, man hat nicht gelebt wenn man nicht einmal 190km/h auf der Autobahn gefahren ist. Mama war nicht so erfreut und es hat ziemlich viel Sprit gefressen, aber ich hab mich wie ein Rally Fahrer gefühlt.
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  • Day 1

    Es geht los :)

    December 27, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

    Danke an meine Familie, die uns zum Flughafen gebracht und uns von der Aussichtsplattform hinterhergewunken hat. 19,5kg Rucksack und circa 8,5kg "Handgepäck" gehen mit mir an Bord - und ich stelle mal wieder fest ... Fliegen ist nicht meine Lieblingsbeschäftigung und wird es wohl auch nicht werden! Ich mag und brauche einfach festen Boden unter den Füßen! Mit 40 Minuten Verspätung ist das Flugzeug dann endlich abgehoben Richtung Lissabon! Unsere Umsteigezeit beträgt 55 Minuten ... man muss kein Genie sein um zu wissen, dass das eng werden könnte ...Read more

  • Day 8

    Berlin wall, games and spa

    September 7, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    On our final day in Berlin we headed to the Game Science Centre to check out some new technologies emerging in gaming. They had some cool games which tracked your vision or finger tips to control the game. We also built a mini New Zealand out of kinetic sand, where a computer mapped the exact topography of what we built - mum and dad would have liked this one!
    Next up was a trip to the remaining Berlin wall and the museum built on the old Gestapo site. Interesting reading in their exhibition, and we even found where Matt had tagged the wall.
    The boys then dropped me off at my spa retreat and headed for Lollapalooza festival at the Olympic stadium. The spa was very flash and I have been totally spoilt for the last 6 hours! The boys had a good time at the festival snd we have reconvened at base camp.
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  • Day 9

    Berlin by Winter

    February 14 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

    Der morgendliche Blick aus dem Fenster liess mir ein Lächeln aufs Gesicht zaubern, ganz Berlin war in Weiss gehüllt. Dies lud zu einer Winter-Sightseeing Tour durch Berlin. Die verschiedenen Sehenswürdigkeiten erscheinen in einem anderen Bild.Read more

  • Day 21

    Showday: Berlin

    October 21, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Finally, a full night of sleep in a proper bed! I enjoyed breakfast at the hotel and checked out by 11. Wouter and I then wrapped up the last of the admin work. I made a quick run to the Idee store for some final wrapping paper—I knew my way around since I was just here recently with Heilung, exploring these same shopping streets.

    The Berlin venue was beautiful and unique, but also full of challenges for everyone. Nothing was straightforward, and that included the merchandise area. We were given a 360° round bar to work with—no walls to hang anything on. I wasn't about to accept a useless space from a venue charging such a high fee, so after some negotiation, I found a workaround by rigging a clothing rack on top of the bar. Don’t ask me how, but I got creative and made it work!

    Later in the day, we realized that we'd missed a merchandise delivery from Sylvaine. Everyone had completely forgotten about it, and it turned out the delivery had been dropped off—not at the venue—but at the liquor store next door, which was now closed. A big oversight for both Wouter and me.

    Luckily, Bella was at the show and planned to fly back to Copenhagen the next day. She was an absolute lifesaver, agreeing to pick it up tomorrow and pack it in my empty suitcase. We decided this just two minutes before bus call, and it was such a relief!
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  • Day 10

    Sigthseeing i Berlin dag 2

    October 19, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Vi havde ikke tilkøbt morgenmad på hotellet. Det er ofte rasende dyrt. Vi spiste lidt kmækbrød med usaltet tysk smør i stedet. Pludselig fandt rejselederen ud af, at vi alligevel havde morgenmad med i prisen, så vi måtte indtage flere helt unødvendige kalorier.
    Vi gik alle fire på det lokale marked, og købte lakridser for 150 kr. Derefter tog vi til Tempelhof, hvor vi havde håbet på at se bygningen indefra. Vi måtte desværre nøjes med et kort indtryk at det store område, som nu er lavet til en folkepark.
    Vi hvilede en times tid, inden M&B tog os på tur til en hemmelig destination. Undervejs var de meget hemmelighedsfulde, til stor frustration og bekymring for mig. Det endte dog godt, og vi ankom lettede til en Western Saloon med fin stemning og live røvballe country musik.
    Hjemturen med Uber blev klaret i ny europæisk rekordtid. Den Toyota Prius fik virkelig prygl.
    Tak til M&B for en dejlig aften.
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  • Day 1

    Evo naju

    August 14, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Na letališču zavijeva v lokalno trgovinico Rewe, ki naju navduši z variacijami sendvičkov in dobrot! Ker sva res lačni in si nekaj za popapat po tej nočni poti res zasluživa, si nabaviva vsaka svoj sendvič in ju zmaževa na tleh postaje za vlak. Potem eno urco do centra kjer se dobimo z Saro in napotimo do kavarnice Green's, ki sem jo našla online in je izgledala res odpuljeno. Iz stropov visijo rožice, interior res kulski in privoščimo si prvo kavo dneva in en veganski bananin kruh☕.
    Po kavici šibamo do Sarinega stanovanja, kjer pojemo kosilce in si eno uro vzamemo za popoldansko dremuckanje😴.
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  • Day 46

    14 June: Auf Wiedersehen Berlin!

    June 14, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Our last full day in Berlin. Early start next day, with a flight to Frankfurt, and thence to Singapore early Sunday morning.

    So we thought we would catch up on another of our targets, Charlottenburg Palace. This “Schloss” is the largest & most significant palace in Berlin.

    It was built for Sophie-Charlotte, younger sister of King George I of England, and wife of Elector Frederick III (later King of Prussia), between 1695 and 1699.

    Since then it has grown and developed, with orangeries, a “New Wing” (1740s!), and other buildings. The palace was a favourite of Frederick the Great, Sophie-Charlotte’s grandson, and he was responsible for much of its development.

    Following substantial damage in WWII from bombing and subsequent fires, Charlottenburg has been rebuilt and renovated. This work is continuing.

    We arrived from the U-Bahn just after 12, and so were keen for lunch. We got conflicting directions from several trollish staff, and with Des becoming increasingly “hangry” it took us half an hour to find a mediocre cafe in the Kleine Orangerie 200m away from the main pslace building - in the rain!There were no signs, and no map handouts of the palace & grounds either.

    Hunger somewhat assuaged, we returned to the central palace building - getting soaked on the way!

    The Charlottenburg highlight for us was the Porcelain Room, filled from floor to ceiling with exquisite Chinese porcelain, mounted into gold supporting structures on the walls. Clearly they don’t have earthquakes in Berlin!!

    Upstairs is the Silberkammer, including a large display of the royal family’s 2,600 piece silver service for 50 guests, on loan from new owners, Berlin City. This service was finished only as WWI started in 1914, and was never used.

    Also displayed were the Prussian royal regalia, crowns, orb & sceptre, now belonging to Crown Prince George Hohenzollern of Prussia!

    Much of the other decoration reflects the sternly militaristic and Calvinist interests and attitudes of the Hohenzollerns. The palace is filled with military paraphernalia and celebrations of military victories over neighbouring countries.

    Like the rest of Germany, the palace shop sold postcards but no stamps!! I resisted the temptation to buy Hohenzollern- themed socks.

    Despite a few ups & downs, this was a very worthwhile expedition, crammed as it was with history.

    So, farewell to Germany. It’s been a fantastic 6 1/2 weeks, we have enjoyed and learned so much!

    Next blog from Singapore Sunday.
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