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  • Day 17


    November 15, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    HEUTE HABEN WIR BESCHLOSSEN DIE GANZE TOUR MIT DEM BUS ZU MACHEN. DAZU HABEN WIR AUCH EINE HAFENRUNDFAHRT GEMACHT. TATSÄCHLICH WIR DIES SPANNEND, WIR HABEN VIEL GESEHEN UND ERFAHREN. DAS Containerschiff Singapur, das soeben entladen wurde kann 24000 Container transportieren.Das Schiff ist 400 m lang und hat einen Bremsweg von 8 Km bei Vollstopp. WENIGSTENS LÄUFT DIESES SCHIFF MIT Gasantrieb und ist deshalb einogermassen umweltfreundlich. Auch die Busfahrt durch dei exklusiven Vororte von Hamburg war schön. Zum Schluss haben wir im Gasthaus an der Alster gegessen. EINE WIRKLICH ORIGINELLE KNEIPE
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  • Day 1

    Camping Tante Henni

    July 29, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Jahoor we zijn gearriveerd!!! 🎉 Goede maar best lange reis ivm veel file regio Hamburg. Maar dat mag de pret niet drukken.

    We begonnen met opbouwen, wat we binnen 30 min hadden gefixt. Daarna hebben we meteen onze luxe buitenkeuken geïnstalleerd en de eerst worsten zijn gebakken! 🌭 Lekkere echte Duitse bratwurst! Hmm!

    Beetje jammer dat we nog geen biertjes hadden gehaald haha. Want die konden er nu wel in. Onze Tess vermaakt zich al prima en rent wat rond heeft al 88 steentjes omgedraaid.
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  • Day 11

    Day 11 - Exploring Hamburg

    June 12, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    I think today will be the hardest to just choose 10 photos 🙈

    On a freezing cold German morning we went to town for breakfast 😋 (it's ment to be summer!!)
    Here we got to taste a famous treat in Hamburg called Franzbrötchen.
    It is a pastry/bread style with cinnamon and sugar. Delish 🤩

    After we braved the cold and I mean bloody cold wind and rain to visit a very cool building that is actually a theatre for music concerts etc. You are able to enter up the most elaborate elevator I've ever seen and walk around 360 to view Hamburg, it's a beautiful view. Guy laughs at how many clocks on towers Hamburg has lol

    Next stop was Miniture Wonderland.. wow wow wow wow wow is all I can say. This place was amazing 👏
    It is 3 levels of miniture sculptures of towns/airports/landscapes. The attention to detail is incredible, and every 5 or so minutes the lights are replicating the sun cycle so it goes from day to night 😲
    As you can imagine it was hard to pull Guy away from the airport, he could've stayed all day to watch!
    This was such an impressive visit, we spent a good 2.5hours looking.

    The sun was trying to shine as we walked back along the river, but it didn't last long haha we took a short ferry trip to an unusual looking building, had a look there as it overlooked the port which is impressive and then headed back for a quick nap 🙈 on our way back on the train we met with Celine who also was an Au Pair in Nz when kim was 🥰

    We were invited to a BBQ dinner at Kim's family home just a couple of streets away.
    We were joined by Kim's family and Celinas family. It was lovely to meet all of the parents, siblings and partners of our girls 🥰
    We had a beautiful BBQ dinner, the kids (and adults) have fun playing corn hole 🙈 we shared many stories of the girls time in NZ and had many many laughs 😆 the language was not much of a barrier as all the girls were great help with any translation needed 😀 this was such a wonderful evening we finally stumbled home close to midnight!

    It has been another jam packed fun filled day making wonderful memories. We are also getting very good at navigating public transport! Today we took underground train, above ground train, car, bus, ferry 🙈😆
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  • Day 36

    36. Tag: Rückflug

    August 10, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Nach einer langen Rückreise (von Tür zu Tür knapp 30h) mit Aufenthalt in Dubai sitzen wir nun im Metronom nach Lüneburg.
    Es war schön, dass Ihr uns auf der Reise begleitet habt!
    Wir sind dankbar für die schöne Zeit und freuen uns nun erst einmal auf unser Bett!Read more

  • Day 3

    Hamburg Tag 1

    October 2, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Das Frühstück in Potsdam war genauso reichhaltig wie in Bamberg. Vielleicht nicht so liebevoll angerichtet wie in Bamberg, aber auch sehr gut. Liana hatte das Gefühl sie wolle was Neues probieren und entschied sich für Cornfkakes🤪
    Nach 1126 Kilometer sind wir tip top in Hamburg, unser grosses Ziel, angekommen. Unsere Family- Playlist auf Spotify hat uns die ganze Zeit über begleitet. Kleine Kunstwerke in der hinteren Reihe sind entstanden... herzig😊 Landschaftlich zeigt sich langsam der Norden von Deutschland. Schön! Alles flach... Wälder, viele kleine Seen und kein einziger Tunnel, lustig. Wir sind auf 25 m.ü.M.
    Unser Hotel Holiday In ist sehr zentral. Wir haben unser Zimmer im 13. Stock. Die Kids lieben es. Mit der S1 und der U3 gings zum Hafen. Erste, wunderbare Eindrücke entstanden. Der Hafen ist der Hammer!!! Der Elbtunnel spannend und das Essen im Feuerschiff, mit Sicht auf die Elbphilharmonie, sehr lecker.
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  • Day 1

    Vom Mausgrauen Hamburg nach Dubai

    March 4 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Mit Gliederschmerzen und einem Rucksack voller Medikamente geht es endlich los. Nach einer unruhigen Nacht, die von Fieber und Schüttelfrost geprägt war, startet nun unsere Reise. Der Körper fühlt sich erschöpft an, doch der Gedanke an das Ziel – Dubai – lässt die Erschöpfung für einen Moment in den Hintergrund treten. Die Vorfreude ist groß und die Landeier sind gespannt auf die große Stadt, die so viel Neues und Unbekanntes verspricht.Read more

  • Day 4

    Treffen mit Freunden

    August 13, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Heute durfte Klaus Freunde von mir kennenlernen.
    Und so haben wir nicht viel gemacht ausser geschwatzt.
    Jedoch am Abend gings in die Sündenmeile von Hamburg. Es war Dienstag und Tode Hose 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • Day 3


    August 13, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Von Hamburg sind wir nach Kiel geradelt. Es war eine einfache Etappe, alles flach und erst noch seitlichen Rückenwind.
    Da wir es nicht zu zügig angegangen sind und drei Pausen gemacht haben (Cappuccino, Zmittag, Baden im See) kamen wir recht knapp in Kiel an. Es reichte nur noch für eine 10 minütige Stadtrundfahrt und ein Glace.
    Dann ging zur Fähre und kurz darauf legte diese los.
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  • Day 12

    Day 12 - Exploring Hamburg part 2

    June 13, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    We slept in today 🙈 woke up at 9am!! But it was ok as we had no early plans 😀

    Yummy breakfast at Kim's and then off to the city for some more adventures.
    We joke that Kim is our Tour guide and Celina is our entertainment 🤣

    We went to explore an old underground tunnel that was built in 1907 and opened in 1911 . The tunnel is 450m long and connects one side of Hamburg to the other UNDER the river!!
    So when you are in the tunnel you are 20 metres underground and have 12 metres of water above 😲
    A few years ago they refurbished the tunnel removing all of the original tiles and then bringing them all back in, quite impressive.

    After we caught the ferry to one end of the city to explore a small beach ⛱️ and then we went for a bite to eat over looking the port . The port in Hamburg is massive!
    Here we had to say Goodbye to Celine as she was travelling back home for studies, it was so lovely to see her 💕

    Back to central station and we went to an illusion museum, here we had so much fun as you will see on the photos! So many things to mess with our minds 🤣

    After this we were all quite knackered so home for a wee rest.
    Dinner was a few left overs from the BBQ and we fried some veges.
    Dessert was a must try "spaghetti ice cream" just tasted like normal ice cream 🤣

    I have learnt that there is more than one type of sparkling water 🤣 it comes in light bubbles and more bubbles (apparently this is important 🤣)
    Also around town there are a lot of people with dogs and these are allowed in the shops so it wasn't uncommon to be standing in line to pay with a dog next to you!

    We had a fun last night in Germany playing card games with Celina and Kim a lot of laughs and a lot of singing lol

    A very big travel day tomorrow so time for some 💤 😴
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  • Day 10

    Day 10 - Salzbergen to Hamburg

    June 11, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Today started with Goodbye, goodbyes are never easy 😥

    We trained from Münster to Hamburg. The train was 2 hour 15 mins. When we pulled into Hamburg central we were greeted by Kim and Celina and a Kiwi flag! 🇳🇿
    Such a cool sight and it was sooo great to see the girls again! 🥹

    We managed to lug all our bags through a couple of train stations (worst part of travelling is the bags!) We were in the car and off to our Air B&B which is situated only 600m from Kim's family home.
    We settled in and had the cutest Welcome banners in the Lounge 🥰
    After a delicious lunch Kim's Mum had made we hit the shops! 🛍

    Hamburg is a huge city and we had so much fun exploring all the shops, especially in one of the malls. Again I am taken with the beautiful architecture of the cities in Germany 🇩🇪 🥰 Hamburg is quite pretty.

    After many shopping bags had been full 🙈 we found a yummy burger place to have some dinner, it was nice to sit down we had walked many miles 😅

    We trained back home where we played some card games before settling in for the evening as we have lots of exploring to do tomorrow!! 😍👏
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