Day 49. 19 October 24

I have arrived in La Storta. Last day before Rome. The walk from Formello was 17+Ks. I felt it especially the last uphill section.
Rest day today (19/Oct) and preparation for tomorrow's 19K walk intoRead more
I have arrived in La Storta. Last day before Rome. The walk from Formello was 17+Ks. I felt it especially the last uphill section.
Rest day today (19/Oct) and preparation for tomorrow's 19K walk intoRead more
Yesterday my short walk was from Campagnano Di Roma to Formello. Easy. I arrived early and the owner was able to let me into my apartment 🤣
Today I learnt about this remarkable Museum of EtruscanRead more
Hi All. I missed a day +. Happily I'm still having a magic time in Italy... some bumps in the adventure but both genders do help me with language issues. On that subject Spain was easier. The 3rd andRead more
What a weird day of weather! I had sweat dripping from my forehead before 8 a.m.; not long after that, the clouds came over, and it was raining around 11 a.m. Then, the clouds remained, but it gotRead more
It only got to 30° today, and a very strong cooling wind came up in the afternoon. I'm not saying I'm coping better in the heat, but I'm trying to make the best of it. I was able to leave at 7 a.m.,Read more
Première journée de pédalage en Italie !
Ça fait plaisir de reprendre la route. Un peu plus de 60km et 600m de d+ pour se refaire les jambes ! Parfait.
En plus on a goûter nos premiersRead more
Gestartet sind wir in etwa wie gestern mit dem Bus nach Rom rein:) erster halt, das Olympiastadion, again 😂🤌🏼 der Herr wollte gerne seine Fußball Leidenschaft ausleben und gönnte sich eineRead more
Heute ging’s los zur großen Stadtbesichtigung von Rom :) mit dem Bus sind wir reingefahren. Uns lief der Schweiß schon an der Bushaltestelle 😅 zum Glück sind die Öffis da immer aufRead more
Hi all
Find Penquin is telling me this was not published. So forgive me if I'm repeating.
I'm a little upset at it not being published... I do remember every photo.
The final 3 photos feature myRead more
This morning VF walking across the street... wearing Poncho's or carrying an umbrella. Rain half the day.
Delightful vino + main and dessert 🤣
My main Steak + asparagus