Sungai Chandong Kechil

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  • Day 60

    Kuala Lumpur (Port Klang), Malaysia

    March 3 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

    What a day.  We arrive at 7 am, sunrise is at 7:23 am, and we are on the excursion bus at 7:30 am. Our guide was super great at getting us to all our stops, but not before sharing key facts about Kuala Lumpur, also known as KL.  KL is the capital of Malaysia, which consists of about 34 million people.  It has a federal constitutional monarchy.  It started as a Malay kingdom, then colony of the British empire, then occupied by Japan during WWII and then finally independent in 1963.  The country is multiethnic and multicultural.  The most populous religion is Islam, then Buddhism.  Malaysia was once the world leader in tin production (36%) and rubber (32%) exporting. They have moved on to being leaders in electronics/chip exporting.  Since the 1990s, the city has played host to many international sporting events.  We even drove by a few pickle ball courts.

    We started our touring adventure by visiting the Blue Mosque located in Shah Alam, Malaysia. It's the largest mosque in Malaysia and the second largest in Southeast Asia.  The mosque was open in 1988, and it has a capacity of 24,000 people.  The dome is constructed of aluminum and clad with blue tiles. We were not allowed inside as this is Ramadan.   

    We had the opportunity to see the famous Petronas Towers, the world's tallest twin towers. The 88 story towers are interlinked by a sky bridge that was built for emergency purposes. They were designed by an American/Argentinian architect and built in 1996.  Tower 1 was built by a Japanese company, and Tower 2 was built by a Korean company. 

    We had so many quick stops to see various landmarks, plus a visit to an artesian craft mart.  It was a packed, fun day in a beautiful city.
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  • Day 32

    Port Klang/ Kuala Lumpur

    May 10, 2024 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Vom Port Klang ging es ca. 1 Stunde mit dem Bus nach Kuala Lumpur.
    Zuerst waren wir am Palast des Königs. Es gibt einen König und 9 Sultane.
    Danach ging es zu den "Batu Craves", ein Höhlen Tempel, 282 Stufen nach oben. Auf dem Weg nach oben gab es viele Affen, heute zum Glück friedlich. Sehr Eindrucksvoll, der Tempel in der Höhle. Danach zu den Petronas Twin Towers, die höchsten der Welt. An den Ursprung, weshalb Kuala Lumpur so heißt sind wir gelaufen. Übersetz heißt es "Schlammige Mündung". Es kommen 2 Flüsse zusammen und bringen Schlamm mit. Danach noch zum Central Market.Read more

  • Day 87

    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    March 18, 2024 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 88 °F

    We visited the Batu Caves and then toured the city sights with another couple and a private driver. It was nice to avoid buses for the day and move around with ease. China town was the surprise hit where we stumbled across wonderful shops and wall art. Note the purple robes we had to wear in order to enter a Mosque. It was a fun, eclectic day.

    Batu Caves: A landform that has a series of caves and cave temples in Gombak, Selangor, Malaysia. It takes its name from the Malay word batu, meaning 'rock'. The cave complex is one of the most popular Hindu shrines outside India.
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  • Day 28

    Malaysia - Pulau Ketam

    August 29, 2023 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Ein Tagesausflug auf die Insel Pulau Ketam. In die ursprüngliche Heimat von der Familie.

    Früh morgens ging es los an den kleinen Hafen. Nach einer 15 minütigen Fahrt durch die Mangrovenwälder erreichten wir die Insel. Ab dann war Action angesagt. Mit dem E-Scooter durch die kleinen Strassen (Holzwegen), von einem Besuch zum Anderen. Wir durften eine Fischzucht besichtigen, eine Schule besuchen und frisch gefangene Meeresfrüchte geniessen.
    Natürlich kein Besuch ohne Bier ;)

    Die Fischerinsel ist komplett auf Holzpfählen gebaut, welche zwischen 1-10m hoch sind.
    Leider haben die Bewohner noch kein funktionierendes Abfallsystem gefunden, deshalb landet ALLES im Meer…

    Ein wunderschöner Tag mit vielen unglaublich netten Leuten und spannenden Eindrücken.
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  • Day 59

    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    March 3 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 79 °F

    We are in Malaysia now. Malaya achieved Independence on 31st August 1957 from the British, and Malaysia was formed with the inclusion of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore, on 16th September 1963. Singapore seceded from Malaysia in August 1965 to become its own country and has been extremely successful. Malaysia is still working towards becoming a modern country, with Kuala Lumpur being its center of spreading infrastructure and modern buildings.
    Malaysia has a monarch, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (He who is made lord.) He is elected by the Conference of Rulers, comprising the nine rulers of the Malay states, with the monarchy rotating between the nine rulers, making Malaysia one of the world's few elective monarchies.
    The monarch is muslim, and by law, all official Malaysian are muslim. There are many proud Malay people who choose not to be, and their rights to practice their own religion protected by the constitution as long as they don't interfere with anything muslim.
    Kuala Lumpur was an extremely important port for spice trading until WWII, when rubber, tin and palm oil became its most important commodities. It was occupied by the Japanese during WWII.
    Our adventure today started with a bus ride to the Royal Selangor Pewter factory.
    This company produces many of the award statues, trophies, and heavy drink steins for the world. We had no idea! With tin being so plentiful in the area, it is a logical place to manufacture pewter. After a tour of the museum and factory, we were invited to make our own pewter bowl, using the original method of hammer and wooden form. We both succeeded in making a bowl shaped object, haha, and had a grand time doing it.
    Next up was the Batu Caves, a Hindu temple complex built inside a cave., honoring the god Kartikeya. This temple is so important to the Hindu people that most Hindus try to make a pilgrimage here once in their lifetime.
    The climb up to the Caves is an extremely steep 272 steps. Not for the faint of heart, considering that it was 98 degrees with 87% humidity. However, we were determined to see it all, so we headed up. We are quite proud of ourselves, as, bad knees and all, we marched up the stairs like champions. And it was so worth it! The temples were magnificent! We are so used to seeing ancient Hindu temples, which are aging stone. These are still painted with such vibrant colors! And the cave itself was beautiful.
    After descending the steps very cautiously, we bought the all important magnet and boarded the bus for our trip back to our floating home. What a great day!
    Mar Bersulang! Cheers!
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  • Day 20

    Port Klang, Malasia

    April 23, 2024 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌩️ 33 °C

    Port Klang es una pequeña ciudad de Malasia a aproximadamente una hora de Kuala Lumpur. Una ciudad con encanto e influencia de la cultura India. Nos hemos dado un paseo por el centro y aprovechado para comprar cositas.

    Después de este puerto empezamos la primera travesía larga, 7 noches sin ver tierra. La verdad es que es muy relajante no ver nada, de momento el mar nos está respetando bastante aunque hay gente que lo lleva bastante mal. Es muy gracioso parece que todo el mundo va borracho por los pasillos y en la cama se siente el balanceo constante.

    Los días en Peace Boat de momento se me están pasando volando. Tengo una rutina de deporte, trabajo, conferencias y ocio bastante ajetreada. El barco ofrece un sinfín de actividades cada día como podéis ver en las fotos. No paramos !! Yo, personalmente, he empezado mis clases de japonés y he tenido la oportunidad de atender varias conferencias estos días.

    Una de ellas sobre la abolición de armas nucleares de la mano de Tanaka Terumi, superviviente del ataque nuclear en Nagasaki, Japón en 1945 durante la ll Guerra Mundial. Y varias de la mano de las jóvenes embajadoras de Ucrania sobre su cultura, la situación actual del país y la catástrofe de Chernobyl, conmemorando la fecha del 26 de abril.

    En cuanto a los estudiantes… es fascinante ver como personas de 70, 80 y 90 años viven cada día con ilusión y alegría. Queriendo aprender y seguir descubriendo el mundo. Son activos tanto físicamente como mentalmente y viven la vida con entusiasmo. Es admirable.

    Ya hemos cruzado el Ecuador por primera vez durante el viaje. Próxima parada, África !! Seychelles !!
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  • Day 30

    Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur

    August 31, 2023 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Ab ins Grossstadtleben. KL ist eine super saubere und schöne Stadt. Dank Elouis, die beste Reiseführerin, erleben wir die Stadt wie Einheimische.
    Von den Twin-Towers, KL-Tower, Skyscrapers, River of Life bis hin zu Chinatown. Viele Eindrücke bei 35 Grad. 😅Read more

  • Day 156

    Welcome to Port Klang, Malaysia

    May 16, 2023 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 81 °F

    New-to-us port #45.

    Port Klang is the port for Kuala Lumpur, where we will be doing our sightseeing today. When we get there, that is. Depending on traffic, KL is about a two-hour drive from the port.Read more

  • Day 94

    Port Klang

    April 9, 2023 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Durant la nuit nous avons remonté le détroit de Malacca sur 196Mn, pour nous rendre à notre prochaine escale que nous devrions rejoindre à 09h00.
    En approche du port nous longeons l’immense zone industrielle de Port Klang.
    A 10h30 nous partons en excursion vers les grottes de Batu, au nord de KL. Elles abritent un ensemble de temples hindous, dont le plus connu est dédié à Muruga. Après avoir gravi les 372 marches qui mènent au sommet de la colline nous découvrons une immense grotte avec plusieurs temples. L’animation tant par les officiants que les dévots est surprenante. Un très beau lieu et une belle découverte de la religion Hindoue.
    Après un déjeuner rapide, nous faisons quelques photos des tours Petronas avant de nous rendre sur la place de l’indépendance, qui célèbre l’événement éponyme du 31 Août 1957.
    L’ancien centre colonial de la ville, autour de la même place a été construit dans le style Mughal de l’Inde du Nord par les Anglais.
    Nous avons vu le confluent , qui a donné son nom à la ville, littéralement le confluent boueux, des deux rivières Klang et Gombak. A cet endroit se trouve une mosquée.
    Nous terminons notre excursion par la visite du monument National, qui symbolise la victoire sur le communisme.
    Départ à 19h30 pour Colombo, le chef nous a offert un super buffet de Pâques.
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  • Day 9

    Port Klang/Kuala Lumpur

    February 2 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Heute sind wir im Hafen von Port Klang, der größte Seehafen von Malaysia 🇲🇾. Wir haben einen Ausflug nach Kuala Lumpur gebucht und unser erster Stopp ist der Königspalast vom Oberkönig der insgesamt 9 Könige aus den verschiedenen Bundesländern Malaysias. Es ist sehr heiß 🥵 auch wenn die Sonne gar nicht richtig rauskommt und wir sind immer wieder froh, wenn wir in den klimatisierten Reisebus zurückkehren 😅Read more

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