Barrage du Rhône

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  • Day 2

    The wheels on the bus!

    March 8 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    And the bus trip begins, onwards to France we go!

    From a flying bus to a bus...bus (I probably could've had a better joke there)

    Although it's another 2 hours to drive back to France......just after you've flown 40 mins out of France - the IMMENSE leg room compared to the flight makes it a very enjoyable bus trip 😂

    (Enjoy the added addition of me showing off my newly acquired watch - Citizen Orca, a relaunch of the original watch from 2006)
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  • Day 1

    Aéroport de Genève

    August 4, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Après avoir pris quatre fois les mauvaises sorties pour l'aéroport et perdu 45 minutes, nous y sommes enfin. Départ à 16h avec Saudia Airlines à bord d'un Airbus A330 (information importante pour notre chauffeur, que nous espérons arriver à destination sans avoir fait 25 erreurs de trajet). Nous arriverons à Jeddah dans environ six heures.

    Nous sommes arrivés à Jeddah vers 21h30 (heure locale, une heure de moins qu'en France), avec des vêtements adaptés à la situation. Nous cherchons donc une zone fumeurs, mais bien entendu, il n'y en a que pour les hommes ici. Après un bon petit McDo, nous attendons notre vol pour Manille. Ne vous attendez pas à des photos de décors paradisiaques avant mardi soir, à mon avis, le temps que nous arrivions à El Nido, sur l'île de Palawan. Nous aurons encore besoin de dormir un peu à Manille, de reprendre un avion pour Puerto Princesa, puis de prendre un bus jusqu'à El Nido et enfin de trouver un hôtel de rêve sur une plage turquoise. Cette fois, nous embarquons dans un Boeing 787.
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  • Day 10–12

    Dinner at Creperie du Mallard

    July 12, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

    A further walk through Jardin, and now we begin to see the clouds gathering from the Alps' side.

    Glancing over into one of the side streets, we spot Crêperie du Molard. It appeals to me because the tables are all under big umbrellas, and the street is on the thin side

    We enjoy a beer (L) and Genache (YT) and have an outstanding meal while being entertained by some street musicians

    In a short time, the thunderstorms are indeed upon us, but we stayed until everything sort of quieted down.

    The nearest trolley stop was only 4 minutes away, and we returned back to the hotel with "mission accomplished "

    We call it a night since tomorrow's boots and saddles will sound at 4:00 am
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  • Day 2

    Le petit déjeuner au GVA

    July 4, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

    This was an absolute piece of cake!
    The plane took off on time, arrived early, took us about 5 minutes to go through Passport Control and since now we have to wait almost 2 hours for our bus we are enjoying 2 café au Lait avec Chocolate Croissant 😋

    Welcome to Switzerland!

    Ready to board our bus to Chamonix
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  • Day 31

    My photos of magical Sixt!

    October 19, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    I know there are times when tourists are here but in this morning the only thing open was naturally THE BAKERY and the Church. I have to share my photos of this place that belongs in a magazine. I will always remember this place. Maybe I should open a bakery?Read more

  • Day 30

    Geneva for a couple of hours

    October 18, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    We fly home tomorrow. We arrived at our airport hotel around 4 and jumped on the free bus toward the Old Town, did a brisk walk to see the beautiful Saint-Pierre Cathedral and grab a quick bite. I’m behind on photos and stories from the past few days but I’ve been hiking to the Edge of The World and more… so I have a good excuse. I wanted to get some of these photos up before I close my eyes.

    Geneva is a lovely city. It does not feel crowded and I saw virtually no graffiti. It seemed clean with no trash in the streets. People are dressed so nice with gorgeous coats. They drive like madmen and between the cars, motorcycles and bikes you have to really watch crossing the street. This mom was at a busy intersection with her very tired looking child. I can’t imagine transporting my child in this traffic!
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  • Day 9

    Paris to Chamonix- run and jump!

    July 1, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Took the train from Paris to Geneva. Landed in Swiss Geneva train station and walked through to the other side- France again. Amazing. Dropped off my bag in Switzerland to be shipped to my hotel in Zermatt and went to France to get my transport to Chamonix. While touristy, Chamonix has a lot to offer! I went up in a ski gondola 🚠 and ran and jumped! The video is at the end just for Nicole and Linet! Whalah! And then I walked the town and came back for a midday meal and more map and planning time for my trip. Getting ready!Read more

  • Day 72

    Post walk - on the way home: Geneva

    June 28, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    I've spent a relaxing week in Geneva. I've had a manicure and pedicure, a haircut, a full body massage with reflexology, and I'm very much looking forward to coming home. I've walked around the city, visited churches, archaeological sites, and museums, and took a lake cruise. Oh, and I've eaten extremely well.Read more

  • Day 63

    Post walk: +1 - Col du Gd St Bernard to

    June 19, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Before I left the Pass this morning, I popped over to Italy, enjoyed the amazing views, was lucky enough to see a mountain goat, and met up with another two Australian pilgrims: Cathy and Geoff. They were starting out on the first stage of the Italian leg. I took a taxi down the mountain to Orsieres, then took a bus (train replacement) and train back to Martigny, where I was able to quickly transfer to the Geneva express! I am sitting in my hotel room now relaxing and reflecting on my time in Switzerland. I like pretty much everything about Switzerland; there are services all around you. I never had to worry about a place to stay or what I would be eating. Obviously, the landscape is phenomenal, and everywhere you look, you can see something beautiful. I have included some photos of Paulette, Alison, and Matt (the Californians), and I have included some of the lovely pieces I saw in the hospice (as well as the church itself). P.S. as a reflection on my entire walk: my gear was first class - thank you to all my BMC friends for your wisdom and advice (it made all the difference). I'd also like to send a shout-out to Andrew T. Not only was he a great walking companion, but he was also a source of ongoing invaluable advice as he forged ahead of me on the Path - thank you, Andrew 😊Read more

  • Day 10

    Geneva Day 10

    May 4, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

    A beautiful sunny day in Geneva. High of 74 today, Kay’s idea of perfect weather. A major change from Amsterdam! Decided to spend the day on the Old Town of Geneva. It is the area at the foot (South end) of Lake Geneva with the iconic symbol - Le Jet d’eau. Even with my rudimentary understanding of French - Jet of Water. And the English Garden with the Flower clock is at the entrance. And a Ferris wheel for a higher view of all. A very pretty area and not near as many tourists as in Amsterdam; a welcome break. Lake Geneva is 45 miles long and up to 8-9 miles wide, the largest lake in the Alps. The lake is amazingly clear, you can see to the bottom all along the shore. Lots of waterfowl, swans and ducks, all with their new babies. The Lake also spreads across 2 countries, is divided down the middle between Switzerland and France. I also found out tonight that I am ally 4 tram stops away from France! Lots of people here do their grocery shopping in France as it is less expensive than Switzerland.
    I wandered from the lake front to the heart of the old town, up and down cobblestone streets lined with lots of upscale shops and outdoor cafe eateries all over. All open and busy today with the warm, sunny weather. I headed for St. Peter’s church, the oldest church in Geneva dates back to. Church on this site in the 1100s. St. Peter’s is know as the Church of the Reformation as John Calvin was the preacher there for 25 years, after fleeing persecution in France. As was the style of Calvinist churches, there are has no adornments on the walls (art work or symbols) with the exception of the stained glass windows. Needless to say the interior is very dark.
    Next door to the church is a relatively new small museum dedicated to the history of the Reformation. The museum was very well done with interesting audio and covered Protests up to the current day.
    A wonderful late lunch on one of the Cafes watching the people strolling by. Tired today so quit “touristing” early and, after a quick grocery stop, home for the evening.
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