Hot Springs National Park

Took a short drive to Hot Springs today. Didn't think about it being St Patrick's Day, the town was pretty busy and we have never seen so much green apparel. People were dressed up giving out beads.En savoir plus
Took a short drive to Hot Springs today. Didn't think about it being St Patrick's Day, the town was pretty busy and we have never seen so much green apparel. People were dressed up giving out beads.En savoir plus
Woke up to a sunny day, quite the change from yesterday. Rode for 6.5 miles and hiked 2 of the park trails. Thanks to the app that Adam told us about (Merlin) we were able to identify a dozen birds onEn savoir plus
We had quite the storms last night, kept us awake most of it. The thunder and lightning were non ending. Guess that's why we didn't wake up till 8:30. It was a gloomy, drizzly day today. The lake wasEn savoir plus
I pulled out of the hotel at 09:00 this morning, but went to Denny's across the highway for a hearty breakfast. While I was eating, a little shower passed over, just enough to get everything wet butEn savoir plus
Visited Dillon for the night. Went to Gurdon, AR to search for a ghost light.
Voyageur You guys are so cute! Looks like another fun stop! Happy St Patrickâs Day!