United States
Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport

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  • Day 121


    October 24, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

    Heute Morgen trauten wir unseren Augen nicht als wir aus dem Fenster schauten..., es schneiiiiittt!! Die Tagestemperatur lag bei -2°C und gestern liefen wir noch im T-Shirt bei 20°C und Sonnenschein ☀️Read more

  • Day 28

    Ya Gotta Love Texas

    October 15, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    It took us roughly eight hours to drive through Oklahoma to the Texas border and that was seven hours and fifty nine minutes too long. The only good thing we found to photograph was, while going through monstrous Oklahoma City, a place which rises out of the plains and goes on forever was some US Airforce fighter jets.

    These were real mean looking mothers, but, and this has happened here before with military stuff, the camera image was scrambled into psychedelica when we tried to take a photo, how do they manage that? We don’t know and don’t care, than can keep their military secrets it’s not like I’m going to steal any ideas for the Stealth Bomber I knocking up in our backyard shed.

    Aahhhh Texas. We pulled into a beat up old gas station for fuel and hopefully get water for the RV.
    So while I’m refueling Rhonda goes in to ask about water.
    There she finds a cliched group of bow legged, cowboy booted, Stetson wearing Texans all sitting around having a bacon and beans breakfast.
    In true Texan style with all the manners of “yes ma’am, surely ma’am, you just drive that there RV right round back now ya hear were you can give her all the water she can drink”

    So while filling up our tanks a couple pull in and park beside us.
    Friendly as, the wife hops out and says in a Ma Kettle type voice “where y’all heading”
    “California” I say.
    “Californie! whooow that’s some kinda distance ya traveling” she says.
    “Wait” I say “that’s nothing, we picked this RV up in LA, drove to New York and are on our way back to LA”
    “Get outa here” she says “
    “No it’s normal, we’re use to driving long distances” I say.
    “So where y’all from?”
    “Australia!, I would love to go to Australia”
    I tell her I think she would love it there and she says she knows she would.
    Then she says “I sure do love the way you talk” I tell her I love the way she talks too, which is true, great Texan accent, then she goes off into the gas station.

    While driving that morning we had experienced horrendous winds, the RV was getting buffeted badly along the highway so the woman’s husband who was still sitting in their pickup next to us says as I’m filling up with water “y’all adding ballast?”
    “Yeah” I say “I tried feeding Rhonda up a bit but it didn’t work, so maybe this will add more weight”
    “Had the same problem once with a thanksgiving turkey” he says, “had her real plump then four weeks before thanksgiving darn thing stopped eating, ended up being skinnier than a scarecrow in a cornfield”
    “That’s a shame” I said.
    “No worked out well” he said “had a neighbor who I didn’t see eye to eye with. He needed a fat turkey cause he had family coming, I sold him that nice plump bird just four weeks before thanksgiving”.

    We really like Texans because of their friendliness and hospitality but again, in America you keep running into the same extremes.
    Along the interstate highway from the the state line to Amarillo we saw more State Troopers in that short distance than we have seen in the whole trip and they were doing the full Hollywood move police thing.
    Three or four police cars, lights flashing, guns out, surrounding one car.
    Suspect in handcuffs or spread eagle over bonnet, contents of car being ripped to pieces, reinforcements arriving.
    Surely there can’t be that many felons on that one strip of highway at the same time.

    Admittedly on the Texas Panhandle there isn’t too much to do so maybe they get a little bored.
    We had one patrol car following us for awhile then drove along side checking us out.
    We’ve done nothing wrong except drive on some guys grass, we don’t speed and obey all the road rules so I’m getting a little annoyed by any suspicion.
    Rhonda notices this and says “don’t say or do anything, for once in your life just shut up”

    Sound advice, since June in Texas there have been about eight fatal shooting of innocent people by police, no excuse but maybe because it’s legal to openly carry firearms in this state the police are a little edgy and feel they need to hedge their bets.

    Sorry forgot to mention the sights.
    We stopped off at the Cadillac Ranch. Years ago some farmer decided to nose bury ten Cadillacs on his property. Back then they were in really good condition, stuff art I thought what a waste but it did make an statement.
    Now they are basically wrecks and the latest thing to do is for everyone to graffiti them with spray cans.
    Some enterprising person has set up a stall from their van selling spray cans, American flags and Trump for 2020 banners, you’ve got to hand it to them.
    The effect is not the same because it resembles a junk yard, not the contrast between exquisite auto design and quality machinery ploughed into the ground but it is still impressive in a way.
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  • Day 12


    September 25, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    ... Is this the way to Amarillo....
    Hiess es heute auch für uns.
    Vorbei an kilometerlangen Mais und Baumwollfeldern sowie riesigen Rinderfarmen.
    Texas ist einfach riesig das haben wir so nicht erwartet. Unglaublich. Hier scheint einfach alles größer zu sein.

    Erster Stopp war ein Wildlife Park, Leider war kein einziges Tier zu sehen.
    Egal, ein netter Spaziergang wars trotzdem.

    Weiter ging es in den Palo Duro Canyon.
    Dort machten wir uns bei 35 Grad auf zum Lighthouse Felsen.
    In dem Canyon sahen wir dann auch ne Echse und ein Reh. Immerhin was.
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  • Day 12

    Amarillo Big Texan Steak Motel

    September 25, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    In Amarillo besuchten wir noch das Wohnwagen und Harley Museum..

    Endziel heute: das BIG TEXAN STEAK MOTEL.
    Mit dem Big Texan Steak House.
    Besonderheit : Wer es schafft in 60 min ein 2 Kilo Steak mitsamt Beilagen zu verputzen bekommt dies Gratis und muss nichts bezahlen.
    Ansonsten werden 72 Dollar fällig.
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  • Day 8

    Big Texan Steak Ranch

    January 2 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

    Angekommen bei unserem heutigen Ziel. Wir warten auf unser Riesen Steak und versuchen uns zur Überbrückung als echte Texanische Cowboys!
    Vielleicht wird doch noch umgesattelt zuhause 😀
    Fried Pickels are a experience 🥲

    Unsere dritte zeit Zone ist passiert!
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  • Day 27–28

    Route 66

    November 11, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Before heading south, I checked out Great Sand Dunes National Park, which was an incredible experience. The dunes are about 700 feet tall, so I figured it was the perfect place to take the bike off-road for the first time. It was definitely challenging—riding through deep, soft sand mixed with patches of snow was a whole new experience for me. I dropped the bike a couple of times, but honestly, that was part of the fun.

    From there, I made my way down to Santa Fe, where I camped solo for the night in a desert canyon. It took about an hour of off-roading to get there, but it wasn’t as tough as earlier in the dunes. The next morning, I packed up my tent, took that classic left turn at Albuquerque, and kept rolling toward Texas.

    Of course, no American road trip would be complete without a ride down Route 66. I was surprised to find so many old towns along the highway filled with abandoned gas stations and motels—it felt like stepping back into the late '80s, with a kind of ghost-town vibe.

    Halfway through my ride to Amarillo, I realized I had mismanaged my time and would be riding after dark—a situation I’d been trying to avoid for the entire trip. I decided to take my chances, but it wasn’t long before I nearly collided with not one, but two large bucks on the road. The close encounters left me shaken, but with my hotel still two hours away, I had no choice but to push on through a nerve-racking ride. When I finally arrived in Amarillo, I decided to book an extra night after noticing a harsh rattle near the engine. Thankfully, it turned out to be just a loose skid plate that needed a quick adjustment.

    Now I’m figuring out what to explore next in Texas.
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  • Day 134

    Rte 66 to Amarillo TX

    October 12, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    Wenn man Hörner auf Kühlerhauben sieht, dann ist man definitiv in Texas angekommen.
    Auf dem Weg nach Amarillo fahren wir an wohl tausenden von Windrädern vorbei. New Mexico ist diesbezüglich einer der fortschrittlichsten Staaten, die wir bereist haben.
    Ein Stopp bei der Cadillac Ranch on Route 66 ist ein Muss. Für mich ein bisschen enttäuschend. Genau so wie auch Amarillo. Da hat mir wohl der Song von Tony Christie etwas zu viel versprochen. 😊
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  • Day 7–9

    Amarillo Texas

    November 12, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    We are happy to be in Texas! Better roads, less garbage, thriving towns and more to see. And cheaper gas! New Mexico was a bit disappointing to be honest…depressed, filled with “ghost” towns, roads were so bad, and garbage was everywhere. Anyway, we plan to stay two nights here and then off to Oklahoma City! Only because it’s on the way to Waco 🥳 where we will likely stay for a couple weeks. 💕Read more

  • Day 6

    Abseits der Strecke ...🙃

    October 19, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Unser Ansporn möglichst viel auf der alten Strecke und möglichst wenig über die Interstate zu fahren, war nur semi erfolgreich... 2 x führte uns unser Navi über abenteuerliche Sand- und Steinpisten, wovon eine vor einer Barke "ROAD CLOSED" und eine auf einer Kuhweide endete...🫣
    Für diese Strapazen haben wir uns dann später ein leckeres Abendessen gegönnt (der Kitschladen gehört zum Restaurant).😋
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  • Day 12

    Eat it all and it's on the house

    September 1, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

    4.5 lbs of meat plus side dishes.

    We met him in the parking lot afterwards. He couldn't do it. I congratulated him for at least trying.

    Haukur says it's the side dishes that get you.

    The ribeye we had was melt-in-your-mouth fantastic.Read more

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