In the last week we have been busy taking care of family, work, and personal matters. But on our time off we’ve spent many hours wandering the pretty trails that are sprinkled all over this regionRead more
In the last week we have been busy taking care of family, work, and personal matters. But on our time off we’ve spent many hours wandering the pretty trails that are sprinkled all over this regionRead more
After one of the most uncomfortable, squished plane rides of our lives we landed in Boston and made our way to Grammy&Grampys log cabin. This is where I lived til I was about 8-9 years old full time,Read more
Another big day of driving, so we started with a last walk along the boardwalk to Town Neck Beach. It was stunning. The marshes below the boardwalk were full of tributaries teeming with wildlifeRead more
Devon Govoni
My hopes are to make it through my expressive therapy doctoral program. This painting makes me think of a moment at residency when we connected deeply to the boxes we are constrained toRead more
Boston scheint uns zu verabschieden, wie es uns empfangen hat - mit Nebel und Regen. Gut, dass unser Wetter in der Zwischenzeit viel Abwechslung und viel Sonne beinhaltete.
Angekommen in Halifax, der Hauptstadt Nova Scotias.
I think you can tell, this isn't the Long Trail. It's just a test. Stay tuned, because I will be on the trail tomorrow. I'll upload updates whenever I get phone reception, so you may not see anyRead more
We were almost out of things to do, close by Marion’s house. But we decided to go back to New Bedford to see and do what we missed. We drove downtown, seeing the old buildings that were specialRead more
Traveler Oh wie ich gerade gelacht hab 😂😂😂
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Bilderreihe 10/10
Lol, lol, Mumpi trying to be patient.