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  • Dag 8

    Day 9 - At Sea

    8. september 2024, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    Our last day on the ship and at sea. Spent the morning on the balcony enjoying the views and looking for whales, No luck. A bit of bingo, a few drinks, lunch, and a special sundae. Watched the Canadian pilots who will guide the ship through the passage to Vancouver board. We were even treated to dolphins following the ship and whales. Maybe even booked another cruise.
    Finally it was time to pack, have one last special hot chocolate, one move episode of Love Boat then to bed.
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  • Dag 8

    Day 8 -Ketchikan Salmon Capital of World

    8. september 2024, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Great day today and even survived the over powering fish smell. Up early to watch for whales, no luck. Laundry done and off to breakfast. Was super warm. Met 10 to go on our best watching tour. The animals are much more compliant here. Saw a mom and her “baby” for the two hours. Saw an young eagle and heaps of salmon. Then saw a totem carver and back to town. Went to Creek Street to tour around and check out the salmon ladder and run. Lots of Coho Salmon and some seals having lunch. On our way back to the ship Tony sent me across a large peer to get my photo as I would be all alone and when I looked out there was a large circle of bubbles which could only mean one thing. A humpback was bubble net feeding. Next thing out he came not more than 40 feet from me. No time to photograph his head but he did hang around and surfaced a lot. He then toured the back of a Celebrity cruise ship before heading off. He had quite an audience by then. We then went to Jellyfish donuts. Tony had a salmon donut and I had a flutter nutter. Amazing! Back on board for a few drinks, Baked Alaska martinis. Had dinner, watched the whales breaching in the distance, trivia, and bed.Les mer

  • Dag 19

    Tag neunzehn

    27. juli 2024, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Heute Seetag Richtung Vancouver…lazy day…ausruhen, schlafen, Musik hören, FOTOS sortieren und bearbeiten, nett quatschen…Wetter hat Luft nach oben🌧️🌧️🌧️aber so können wir den Fotoknipser😉mal ruhen lassen und uns auf den Farwell-Abend vorbereiten…der mal wieder sehr lustig wurde🥂🫶💃🕺Les mer

  • Dag 19

    Tag achtzehn

    27. juli 2024, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Heute Ketchikan…die letzte Stadt bevor es danach in zwei Tagen dem Ende der Schiffsexpeditionsreise entgegen geht…Richtung Vancouver. Wir hoffen auf gute ☀️Seetage🙏☀️🛳️. Heute stand Kayaking auf dem Programm…in der Orcabucht😉…leider war der Name nicht Programm😉weit und breit kein Orca, allerdings eine wunderbare Tour in der gigantischen Landschaft Alaskas🙏👏…hinzu hatten wir viel Glück: Whales…Humpacks beim Fressen mit tollen Videos der Fluken mehrerer Wale…👀und dann kamen auch noch 5-6 mit ihren Köpfen und offenen Mündern aus dem Wasser….einmalig…und damit war das heute eher durchwachsene Wetter verkraftbar…Nieselregen den ganzen Nachmittag beim Stadt- und Souvenirbummel😉🙈😊Les mer

  • Dag 9


    10. juni 2024, Forente stater ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

    Heute morgen kommen wir früh in Ketchikan an. Wir befinden uns nun im sogenannten Alaska Panhandle (wörtlich Pfannenstiel, hier: Zipfel). Dies umfasst das Gebiet von Alaska, das sich zwischen dem Pazifik und Kanada befindet und wo Ketchikan, Juneau und Skagway liegen. Das Panhandle ist mehr als doppelt so gross wie die Schweiz, es leben aber weniger als 1 % der CH-Bevölkerung dort (ca 75‘000). Ketchikan wird auch als Lachshauptstadt bezeichnet!
    Heute morgen gibt es ein frühes Morgenessen, da wir um 8 Uhr unseren Guide von Tongass Teague treffen. Tongass ist ein National Forest (der grösste der USA) und erstreckt sich über 3/4 des Panhandle-Gebiets. Aber wer oder was ist Teague? „That‘s my name“, sagt unser Guide.
    Der Name Tongass kommt von einer indigenen Volksgruppe.
    Tongass ist so feucht, dass es als gemässigter Regenwald gilt. Wir wandern mit Teague durch den Wald bis zu einem Lawinensturz. Dort donnert jedes Jahr eine Lawine ins Tal.
    Im Wald hat man das Gefühl, er sei wie zur Zeit der Entdeckung Amerikas, ganz unberührt und natürlich belassen.
    Spannend sind „nurse logs“: damit bezeichnet man gefallene Bäume, die junge Schösslinge auf sich wachsen lassen und diese ernähren und beschützen. Wenn sie grösser werden, wachsen ihre Wurzeln rund um den Stamm der nurse. Wenn sie gross sind, zerfällt die nurse, zurück bleibt ein Tunnel unter dem neuen Baum.
    Nach der Tour gehen wir noch etwas durch Ketchikan und dann aufs Schiff. Um 14 Uhr fahren wir ab Richtung Juneau.
    Übrigens: wir sind jetzt 10 Stunden hinter euch: Alaska hat noch eine Stunde mehr Zeitverschiebung!

    Nachtrag für Frühaufsteher (bei uns ist es 21:30, bei euch müsste es halb acht sein)!

    Wir kommen soeben aus dem brasilian restaurant: sehr spezielles Konzept, für Fleischliebhaber zu empfehlen.

    Die Bedienung kommt immer wieder mit grossen Fleischspiessen an den Tischen vorbei (Schweinsfilet, Rind-entrecote, Lammracks, Poulet, Würste, Ananas (exzellent!!!),) . Schmeckt absolut wunderbar! Pro Tisch hat man eine Ampelkarte (rot/grün), damit kann man mitteilen, ob die Kellner vorbeikommen sollen oder ob man eine Pause einlegt.

    Hat uns so überzeugt, dass wir das für den letzten Abend on Board (Freitag) noch mal gebucht haben.

    Wir wünschen euch einen schönen Tag, wir klettern nächstens in die Koje!

    Claudia & Daniel
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  • Dag 37

    Ketchikan, Alaska

    9. mai 2024, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    We’ve been to Ketchikan before. We would like to have some lunch, do some shopping and cruise around the Main Street this time.

    After we woke up in the morning, we discovered that the city was right next to our cruise ship and the weather was not so bad. We got changed and go explore the city.

    We first shopped at a souvenir store and the store owner recommended a restaurant called “Crab and Go”. The server was really nice. She was able to find me a room temperature Champaign. We also ordered some king crab (one red, one golden leg) and half of a Dungeness crab. The king crab tasted good, but surprisingly, the crab tasted even better.

    The souvenir stores here were bigger and better well organized. We could feel more “Alaska” in the store.

    We ordered some coffee to warm ourselves up, then we went back to the cruise ship. We took some photo from our balcony to say goodbye to our last stop in Alaska!
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  • Dag 58

    Ketchikan 1

    6. mai 2024, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    Ketchikan ist eine US-amerikanische Stadt in Alaska mit 8192 Einwohnern. Sie ist Verwaltungssitz von Ketchikan Gateway Borough. Ketchikan ist der größte Ort auf Revillagigedo Island und nach Sitka die zweitgrößte Stadt des Alexanderarchipels. Die Stadt liegt im Süden des sogenannten Alaska Panhandle. Les mer

  • Dag 9


    15. september 2023, Forente stater ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    Sbarcati a Ketchikan, la nostra ultima meta alaskana possiamo dire: "It's another sunny day in Alaska!". Inizialmente ci siamo incamminati lungo la Waterfront Promenade, una piacevole passerella di legno che conduce alla Down Town. Alla nostra destra le navi da crociera, alla nostra sinistra una serie di casette colorate molto caratteristiche. La nostra prima meta era Creek Street, porticciolo lungo il fiume in passato sede del quartiere a luci rosse. Proprio da qui si può prendere la Salmon Walk, detta anche Married Man's Trail (vi lascio immaginare la motivazione); chi perdeva il marito sapeva sempre dove andare a cercarlo a Ketchikan!
    Nei fiumi dell'Alaska si possono trovare cinque diverse specie di salmone: pink/humpy, chum/dog, king/chinook, coho/silver e infine sockeye/red.
    Seconda tappa Mission Street al cui ingresso svetta un bellissimo cartello di benvenuto che recita:" The salmon capital of the world". Lungo la promenade si trova una statua di un'aquila. Alcuni dicono che il nome della cittadina significhi "aquila che spiega le ali" altri affermano che il significato del nome non sia altro che "piccolo villaggio di pescatori".
    Nel pomeriggio ci siamo diretti al Saxman Native Totem Village, il luogo dove sono custoditi più totem al mondo (circa una trentina). Siamo entrati nella casa cerimoniale del castoro per assistere ad alcune danze cerimoniali e successivamente, abbiamo girato in lungo e in largo per il parco a raccogliere informazioni su ciascun totem. Qui si trova tutt'ora un laboratorio di intaglio dove artisti Haida e Tlingit realizzano totem e sculture commissionati dagli enti locali.
    Ci mancava un'ultima parte di Ketchikan, la zona dei pescatori dove si possono trovare una serie di negozi di gioielli e ristoranti che offrono a caro prezzo il King Crab.
    Salutiamo l’Alaska con un grande e umidiccio “Gunaltchéesh”, grazie in lingua Tlingit.
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  • Dag 6

    Deadliest catch

    9. september 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Sunrise is gorgeous and the weather is perfect for another sunny Alaska day in Ketchikan. Wake up beverages delivered and off to La Terrazza for a sea view and eggs Benny. It’s the Bering Sea fishermen excursion on the Aleutian Ballad and it’s one of the best excursions we have ever done. Lots of sea creatures, crabs, octopus, prawns, starfish and fish. They demonstrate fishing and crabbing techniques and regale us with stories of 60 foot waves and the perils of the betting sea ( where we are heading). We eat king crab legs with butter and enjoy the experience. We spot eagles and seals and we would really recommend this shore tour to anyone heading this way. The stories the fishermen tell are a bit schmaltzy in that American kind of way but it’s entertaining and we get to hold all sorts of sea creatures.
    We all go for a walk to Creek Street via a fish cafe for chowder and dungenes crab 🦀 and discover that Ketchikan is the dead salmon capital of the world. The salmon are all dying after their swim upstream and dead fish are everywhere along with some live ones that look half dead. A seal is having the time of his life taking chunks out of the still alive fish. The circle of life!
    Back to the ship for champagne and snacks in Mike and Kay Chee’s cabin . How relaxing.
    Trivia with our group and we do ok but no points today. Royce and I head off to the Silversea passengers meet up and there were 7 of us so we had a good catch up took a photo and then dinner at Silver Note.
    Beautiful food - lobster caviar fresh tuna and lovely wine. The music is great and we love this restaurant. To the panorama lounge and holiday Royce has really arrived and we got the dance floor with a vengeance. What a fabulous day!
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  • Dag 25

    Day 3 of Living on the deck of a ferry

    22. mai 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Another early, cold start but there’s a good coffee machine on board. The ferry heads through some tight narrows and sharp bends before arriving at Sitka.

    We hear the ferry dock is 9 miles outside town. That’s disgusting, can’t walk 18 miles in 2 hours. Hooray, there’s a bus coming to pick everyone up. Ok it’s $10 per person return but sometimes you have to pay.

    The bus drops us in the town and we mooch around the shops. These are shops for cruise ship passengers, tourist tat. Simon buys a Tshirt.

    The shuttle gets us back to the ferry and we head off again, towards Juneau. It’s a beautiful day, clear skies and the sun is warm. The snow capped mountains are clear. There’s a few whales 🐋 and porpoises 🐬 to be seen.

    By early evening we arrived in Juneau. Lots of peon and off the ferry but not us yet. Ours is the next stop, 3.15am. The alarm is set for 2.30am, hopefully we can pack everything away quickly and get somewhere warm.
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