Day 9 - At Sea

Our last day on the ship and at sea. Spent the morning on the balcony enjoying the views and looking for whales, No luck. A bit of bingo, a few drinks, lunch, and a special sundae. Watched theLes mer
Our last day on the ship and at sea. Spent the morning on the balcony enjoying the views and looking for whales, No luck. A bit of bingo, a few drinks, lunch, and a special sundae. Watched theLes mer
Great day today and even survived the over powering fish smell. Up early to watch for whales, no luck. Laundry done and off to breakfast. Was super warm. Met 10 to go on our best watching tour. TheLes mer
Heute Seetag Richtung Vancouver…lazy day…ausruhen, schlafen, Musik hören, FOTOS sortieren und bearbeiten, nett quatschen…Wetter hat Luft nach oben🌧️🌧️🌧️aber so können wir denLes mer
Heute Ketchikan…die letzte Stadt bevor es danach in zwei Tagen dem Ende der Schiffsexpeditionsreise entgegen geht…Richtung Vancouver. Wir hoffen auf gute ☀️Seetage🙏☀️🛳️. HeuteLes mer
We’ve been to Ketchikan before. We would like to have some lunch, do some shopping and cruise around the Main Street this time.
After we woke up in the morning, we discovered that the city wasLes mer
Ketchikan ist eine US-amerikanische Stadt in Alaska mit 8192 Einwohnern. Sie ist Verwaltungssitz von Ketchikan Gateway Borough. Ketchikan ist der größte Ort auf Revillagigedo Island und nach SitkaLes mer
Sunrise is gorgeous and the weather is perfect for another sunny Alaska day in Ketchikan. Wake up beverages delivered and off to La Terrazza for a sea view and eggs Benny. It’s the Bering SeaLes mer
Another early, cold start but there’s a good coffee machine on board. The ferry heads through some tight narrows and sharp bends before arriving at Sitka.
We hear the ferry dock is 9 miles outsideLes mer
And how was that cup of deliciousness?