Brasil 2018

toukokuuta - kesäkuuta 2018
10 days in Rio :-) Lue lisää
  • 12jalanjäljet
  • 1maat
  • 12päivää
  • 64valokuvat
  • 0videot
  • 371kilometriä
  • Päivä 1

    Day 1

    25. toukokuuta 2018, Brasilia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Hello, I am traveling again :-) This time I am going to a place which I really like and which I wanted to visit again since some years: Rio!!! One of the best cities I have ever seen. To get to Basel EuroAirport I had to use 7 (!!!) different trains and buses. That was because of a closed part on the regular route. It took me 5 hours to finally reach the airport. It was a hot day so I was sweating the whole day in these vehicles. Poor neighbors in the planes ;-) I reached Paris after a short flight, then I had to wait until the boarding for the flight to Rio. The long haul flight in a Boeing 777 was okay and went by quite fast (after the dinner had arrived).Lue lisää

  • Päivä 2

    Day 2

    26. toukokuuta 2018, Brasilia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    I arrived at the airport of Rio in the early morning. I met a guy which organized an Uber for me. Originally I have planned to take the bus, but that was also fine. The driver dropped me at my hostel: Che Lagarto Copacabana. First thing I did was taking a shower. The earliest Check-in time was 2 PM, so I went for a walk in the Copacabana neighbourhood and also on the beachside. Afterwards I booked a tour: Parallel to the Champions League final was the match Fluminense vs Chapocoense in the famous Maracanã stadium (which I wanted to see already a long time ago). Chapocoense is the club which lost almost their whole team due to a plane crash two years ago. They had to buy a lot of new players and they are doing quite well. Although the stadium was not even full to a fourth of its capacity the fans made a lot of noise and were singing the whole 90 minutes. As Fluminense won 3:1 at the end the 14.500 were celebrating a lot. Pure passion for the sport :-) In the evening I went to the flat of Maira. Some friends were over and we had dinner. When I got back to the hostel I fell into my bed as I was incredibly tired.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 3

    Day 3

    27. toukokuuta 2018, Brasilia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    The best thing about living close the beach is: You are living close to the beach :-) I was taking advantage of this obvious fact and went straight to Copacabana beach in the morning. Later I met Maira again and we had a nice coffee and snacks in her flat. Then we went to the beach. We started at Copacabana and walked towards Ipanema. I went into the ocean for a short swim and later we watched the sunset on the Arpoador Rock which was great to see. When we got back we went out to have dinner in the Copacabana neighbourhood. I tried chicken hearts, but it was not really my taste ;-) After dinner we went to a bar to enjoy a local wheat beer.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 4

    Day 4

    28. toukokuuta 2018, Brasilia ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

    This morning I tested a cafe which Maira recommended me for breakfast and it was way better than the breakfast in the hostel. Afterwards I went to a place called Cachoeira dos Primatas. This is a short hike (about 30 minutes one-way) close to the city on the bottom of the Corcovado mountain (where the Christ statue is on the top) to a small waterfall. On the way up through a residential area I met Cesar who showed me the way. He stayed at the beginning of the trail and waited for a friend. So I climbed up to the waterfall and the first time since I arrived in Rio I was completely alone although it is not very far away from civilization. I enjoyed the nature around me and after it started to rain a little bit I headed down again. On the way down I met Cesar again, he explained me how to get to Parque Lage. This is a nice park with a colonial style manor in the middle and a great view to the Christ Statue. After a while I made my way back to the hostel. I met Natalia from Argentina and she speaks English, the first one in the hostel. All the other guests are from South America and speak only Spanish or Portuguese. We went to have dinner and after that I had my first Caipirinha since I am in Brazil :-)Lue lisää

  • Päivä 5

    Day 5

    29. toukokuuta 2018, Brasilia ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    I got up very early to catch a transfer to Ilha Grande on this morning. The bus was scheduled for 7:30 AM, I didn't consider that Brazilians are never on time -> I had to wait a long time and at the end the bus left at around 9 AM. I could have slept 1,5 hours longer. Natalia also took this bus, but was heading to Paraty. The boat ride to Ilha Grande was quite bumpy and it took 30 minutes to arrive in Abraao. I stayed in Biergarten Hostel, I think with that name it can only be a proper one. After Check-in I went to a beach and enjoyed the sun and the ocean. After sunset happened I returned to the hostel and met a lot of English speaking people in my dorm. Finally I can have conversations in the hostel :-) Rodrigo, a Brazilian guy, helped me a lot to settle in. After dinner I went into my bed very early because...Lue lisää

  • Päivä 6

    Day 6

    30. toukokuuta 2018, Brasilia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    ... my alarm waked me up at 1:30 AM!!! It was time to do a night hike up to Pico do Papagaio to see the sunrise 982 metres above sea level. The guide said: Be at the office at 2 AM and of course nobody was there when I arrived at 1:59 AM -> I will never learn it ;-) 2:15 AM the guy showed up and around 2:35 AM the whole group consisting of 2 Chileans, 1 Briton, 1 German, the Argentinian guide and me started the hike. The German girl Franzi was the first compatriot I met on my trip. The guide led us through the Atlantic Rainforest in the dark. Everybody had a torchlight around the neck and a walking stick in the hand. After 2:45 hours we arrived at the top of the Parrot peak and the timing was perfect. Just after some minutes one could see the first sunbeams on the gorgeous scenery. Then finally the sun showed up and it was magnificient. After 1,5 hours we headed down again and I arrived at the hostel at 9:30 AM, perfect to eat the free breakfast. After a short rest I decided to hike to Lopes Mendes beach. The signs read 3 hours to get there, but as I had my broken in hiking boots on and still some energy I arrived at the best beach on the island (apparently the 3rd best beach in Brazil) after 1,5 hours. Then I chilled at the beach and took a water taxi back to Abraao. After quite a while (the boat had a technical problem) I got back and had dinner with Rodrigo. Several beers followed until I got to bed exhausted from this long but awesome day.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 7

    Day 7

    31. toukokuuta 2018, Brasilia ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    This day I had to leave the beautiful Ilha Grande. It was a pleasure to be on this island protected by a National Park and without cars. I took the 10 AM connection to Rio and arrived in the afternoon. The rest of the day I did nothing special, just organizing things and relaxing. In the evening Maira let me know that we have been invited to a friends home in the neighbourhood of Barra da Tijuca. We met in the metro station and went to Paula, her friend which I already knew from the first day. Later we drank the beers which I brought. Paulas flatmates Harry and his girlfriend Merlin were joining us. We watched the movie "A walk in the woods" which is about the Appalachian trail (@Joni: You have to see this one if you haven't already). Afterwards Harry who is Half-German told about his famous Dad: Harry König. If you don't know him, google him. It is really an unbelievable story of which movies were filmed, for example Car-Napping. As it was too late for the metro we took an Uber back to Copacabana.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 8

    Day 8

    1. kesäkuuta 2018, Brasilia ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

    Although it got late again the night before I got up relatively early because I wanted to go up to Christ the Redeemer on Corcovado mountain in the morning. Instead of taking the tram it was more convenient for me to use a bus service. They have a new visitors center to which you get first. From there it is close to the top. It was the PERFECT day to visit the Christ: The weather was awesome, the sun was shining and the sky was clear, almost no clouds. The view was breathtaking and every picture could get a motive for a postcard. Of course it was also very crowded, but the atmosphere up there is still magical. Later I took the metro to the famous Selaron steps. This is also a must see in Rio which I didn't see yet. After this I went to the beach in Copacabana. The sunset happened and I went back to the hostel. In the evening Maira and I cooked Maultaschen which I have imported and of course it was delicious :-)Lue lisää

  • Päivä 9

    Day 9

    2. kesäkuuta 2018, Brasilia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    This morning I slept late, the first time on this vacation and it was desparately needed :-D I took my time for everything and treated myself a typical Brazilian dish: Pastel de Carne with Caldo de Cana. It is like a puff pastry but deep fried filled with minced meat and the drink is made out of sugarcane mixed with lemon juice -> very delicious. I knew it is going to be the last beautiful sunny day with hot temperatures and without rain, so I decided to spent a day on the beach. And I wanted to enjoy it as most as possible because my trip is turning to an end very soon and I am not that often at such nice beaches. I haven't been to Leblon so far, that is why I have chosen that one and because it seemed to be more quiet than Copacabana. In the end it wasn't calmer at all, there have been almost more salesmen than in Ipanema and Copacabana together ;-) Still it was relaxing and I was soaking up some sun. For the sunset Maira and I went to the neighbourhood of Urca to hike up the Morro da Urca. This is the hill in front of the Sugar Loaf Mountain. We enjoyed the sunset and the view, later we had dinner in a nice restaurant in Urca.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 10

    Day 10

    3. kesäkuuta 2018, Brasilia ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Today's plan was to go to Serra dos Orgaos National Park next to Teresopolis to hike the whole day. Therefore we got up very early and took the first bus. When we arrived we decided spontaneously to hike into the park and sleep in a shelter. The plan was to hike to a spot called Pedra do Sino. The trail was very beautiful and led through different vegetation. After 3,5 hours we arrived at the shelter, dropped our backpacks and hiked up the rest to the top. It was very cloudy and windy up there. We couldn't see very far. Later in the shelter we ate our poor food, as we were not prepared to stay overnight we didn't have enough food with us. The other people were cooking and talking very loud, but we tried to sleep very early to save our energy. It was really cold, we were on 2100 metres above sea level, and we didn't have a warm blanket or sleeping bag, so we were freezing. Then a miracle happened: Maira organized 2 sleeping bags for us from the housekeeper and a guy gave us plenty of food which were leftovers. So we could also cook and fill our empty stomachs. Happily we went to sleep.Lue lisää