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  • Day 5

    Workday number two

    May 15 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

    The routine was pretty much the same as yesterday, but I joined the fast walk as well which is a little more intense than the slow walk. Sinnead told me it was the tougher route today tho. Will probably be a little less exhausting tomorrow. The distance isn’t too long, just half an hour walk but it is going up and down a lot here. 😄

    I liked it tho, a good morning workout before breakfast. 😊

    Today another short term volunteer joined the horse team as well so it will be a little less for the week he is staying.

    The new ones in the team had a short meeting with Edu, the founder of the place. He likes to get to know everyone and is not around too much as he got lots of things to do outside the finca for the finca.

    Everyone here is just really friendly and even tho you are just staying so short they like to talk to you and get to know you. But really a lot of people are here and come and go as well. Around 50 actually. There is the horse team, the small animal team, the office team, the kitchen team, the building team etc 🤯

    Just not much to do after work as it is quite isolated. I think about going on a trip over the weekend to get to know the island a little more. 😊

    Today I visited the small town nearby, just a 15 min walk and it is directly at the ocean. As I already have a sunburn I just didn’t want to go to the beach 🤣
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