Arrondissement de Péronne

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    • Dzień 11

      Hawthorne Crater, Beaumont-Hamel, France

      1 lipca 2018, Francja ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      We attended a private non religious ceremony/reenactment to mark the anniversary of the start of the Battle of The Somme. Numerous WW1 experts were present including Andy Robertshaw from Great Britian. Each participant was given an envelope with details of a soldier you were to read to yourself at the end. Everyone was also given a shot of rum from an original crock from the War that had some original rum in it. We were in the precise location of a British unit right beside Hawthorn Crater that was blown at the start of the attack. We mimicked the movement of the unit at the precise time they moved out that morning. Once this was complete a bagpipe player played us over to Hawthorne Crater and were the first to be given a tour and told what the plans are for this site. Andy Robertshaw with the help of a military engineer told us what all the items we had found in the battlefields were. We then had breakfast in the village. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 11

      Lochnager Crater, France

      1 lipca 2018, Francja ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      This isn't to far from Beaumont-Hamil so we stopped on our way by. It's all fixed up with walkways etc. but it's a much smaller crater than Hawthorne. It was created by a single underground mine placed beneath the German lines. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 2

      Ancestral town

      23 lipca 2022, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Huguenot refugee ancestors were born in this town in 1660. Abraham Poulain 8th gr grandfather. 1660-1708

    • Dzień 12


      24 lipca 2016, Francja ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      I guess when I first booked this tour over a year ago I knew that I would be seeing the battlefields of some famous places that I had read about or been told about at school, (which was usually only a few days prior ANZAC Day and covered mainly Gallipoli)
      What I didn't expect was to learn so much more:
      - the individual battles within each offensive and how individual acts of courage can change the course of the battle
      - the conditions in which our soldiers had to endure and still continued on
      - the emotional connection you develop with each story about bravery, each memorial and cemetery you visit
      - And mostly the reality it brings with each and every family pilgrimage. Thank you to everyone who has allowed me to be part of your personal stories.
      It is all part of the memories I will take away with me and cherish forever❤️

      ❤️They shalt not grow old
      As we who are left grow old
      Age shall not weary them
      Nor the years condenm
      At the going down of the sun and in the morning
      We will remember them❤️

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    • Dzień 12

      Day Eleven

      24 lipca 2016, Francja ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Today we went to Pozieres for the centenery. Prior to this we went to Beaumont Hamel, the New Foundland Memorial. Here we could see real evidence of shelling. This area during the war was mainly Canadian & New Foundland soldiers and here they sustained a huge loss of life. Amongst the brave soldiers was the one and only recorded Inuit (Eskimo) soldier. The monument is impressive, this large caribou on top of a mountain with the honour roll underneath.

      The Australian Department of Veteran Affairs, once again planned and organised a wonderful ceremony. The tributes to the fallen at Pozieres were interesting and moving. It was great to see the youth of our nation read tributes to the soldiers. The big screen pieces outlining the battle in detail were very informative and brought the battle to life. Both Fromelles and Pozieres ceremonies really honoured the brave soldiers that lost their lives so we could live the life we have today.

      For dinner we visited the town of Amiens. This is a quaint town right on the banks of the Somme River. There are rows and rows of restaurants and cafes that line the river bank. An extremely popular place at night. We found a little restuarant called 'L'Envie'. Where we had a three course meal - Entree was a traditional french pancake with cheese, mushroom and ham rolled inside and baked. Main Course was a rib eye steak and chips (after seeing so many potato fields across northern France it was good to taste it. I guess that's why they are called french fries!😝 Finally dessert, this was Fondant au chocolat, which was like a chocolate lava cake with fresh fruit and caramel icecream. It was quite spectacular!
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    • Dzień 12

      Day Twelve

      24 lipca 2016, Francja ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Our final day on the Somme battlefields before we head back to Paris this afternoon.
      Firstly we drove through the village of Contalmaison this was the area where Australian divisions congregated prior to the assault on Pozieres village.

      On the 14th July 1916, Australians arrive in Pozieres. This area is significant as it is the highest land in the area and the Allies want to occupy it at any cost. To begin with Germans held the village of Pozieres. The Australians 1st and 2nd Divisions take on the assault for Pozieres. The fighting was an intense artillery barriage. As the casualties mount, four Victoria Crosses are awarded to Australian soldiers in a matter of days.
      First division lose over 5000 men, the suvivors are shattered and battleworn, but the town is taken by the Australians. In the following days the 2nd Division take over and capture the Windmall and Mouquet Farm. These are significant as they allow the Australians and the British to mount a full assault on Thiepval, the highest point on the Somme valley. From here they can control the entire area.
      Standing on the mound where the windmill once stood you can see across the paddocks and clearly see the route these soldiers took from Pozieres to Mouquet Farm and then Theipval. With the naked eye it looks like only 10-20km between each. Quite an amazing sight.
      Arrived back in Paris at our hotel to scrub up and look forward to our dinner cruise on the River Seine tonight.
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    • Dzień 11

      Day Ten

      23 lipca 2016, Francja ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      This morning we headed towards Villers Bretonneux. We visited the Victoria School and had photos taken under the famous 'Don't Forget Australia' sign in the playground of the school. We also wandered through the museum dedicated to the Aussies who fought to save the town. We followed this with our visit to the Villers Bretonneux Military Cemetery. This is a magnificent structure. The size of the cemetery is hard to describe. As you walk in past the alter bearing the inscription 'Their name liveth for evermore' it is a confronting sight to see rows and rows of headstones for a far as you can see up the hill. As you go up the hill in the distance is the bell tower and the wall carrying all the names of the missing. It is quite impressive. We had several pilgrimages to honour reletives of people on the tour. One of the fallen soldiers in the cemetery was honoured by five generations of family, this was quite special to witness.

      After lunch at Tommy's in Pozieres, a pub quite well known by Aussie diggers in 1916, we went to the Le Hamel Memorial. This was to honour the Aussies in the battle for the town of Le Hamel. The memorial is situated on the trenches that the Germans held until July 4th 1918. This battle was the making of Sir John Monash as Commander of the Australian Corps. His meticulous planning resulted in a famous victory.

      Other places we visited were:
      - Lochnagar Crater Memorial
      - 3rd Australian Division Memorial
      - Mouquet Farm, a German held area that the Aussies attack and after five weeks of fighting capture the farm from the Germans. The Aussies refer to it as 'Moo Cow Farm'.

      Our final stop for today was at the Thiepval Memorial and French-Anglo Cemetery. After seeing the massive memorial at Vimy Ridge yesterday I didn't think they could get any bigger but I was wrong, so wrong! The structure that is Thiepval is a sight to be hold. It is a giant in all aspects of the word. It looks like a giant wedding cake! This is a memorial for all men who fought the various battles along The Somme. In all 72,000 men died on The Somme and have no known grave. This is their memorial. These names are inscribed along the walls of the monument along with each battle that made up the fighting along The Somme. Numerous times today we crossed over the river Somme, where bloodiest of battles gets its name.
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    • Dzień 10

      Day Nine

      22 lipca 2016, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Today we said good bye to Ypres and the battlefields of the Ypres Salient and we have made our way south, back into France and to the area they call 'The Somme'. We returned to Fromelles for a closer look at Pheasant Wood Cemetery and Australia Memorial Park or VC Corner. Our historian, Mike, took us out into a paddock of wheat to fully explain the botched battle that was Fromelles. From our vantage point we could clearly see the Auber Ridge and the Sugarloaf (a bulge in the German front line). The first wave of Australian forces have 200m of no-man's land to cover to try and take the German trenches. The British on their flank have 400m of no-man's land to cover. But the British decide not to go as they dont think they can make a success of it, but fail to fully conmunicate this to the Aussies. Not enough Aussie soldiers from this first wave make it to fully take over the German trenches, so by the time the second and third waves come they are mowed down by German machine gun fire. The same thing happens again the next day as the British pull out due to dwindling numbers. The 58th Batallion loses 400 Victorian soldiers. This campaign was doomed from the start and results in over 5500 casualties and 1299 killed in a 24 hour period.

      We spent some time at VC Corner - Australian Memorial Park. This is where the famous 'Cobber' sculpture is. To make it even more spectacular the grass areas surrounding the statue were covered in handmade knitted poppies. This was a display created for last year's Gallipoli Centenery and displayed in Federation Square. From here they were taken to the Chelsea Flower Show and then thanks to an anoyomous donation the display was brought to the Western Front for the Fromelles Centenery. It was amazing and gave the area that special spark.

      We then went for a more intimate look at Pheasant Wood Cemetery in Fromelles, the site for Tuesday's Centenery service. This is the newest cemetery on the Western Front. It was created in 2009 after a mass grave of Australian soldiers was found in a farmer's paddock adjacent to the Fromelles village. Each soldier was laid to rest in the cemetery with a heastone 'Unknown soldier of the Great War' in 2010. After each soldier is identified by DNA their headstone is replaced with a new one depicting their name, rank, date of death, rising sun and a message from their family. A beautiful memorial.
      After lunch we visted 'Vimy Ridge' the Canadian memorial to the fallen. It is massive, it is hard to describe its size or depict it properly in photos. This memorial represents the 66,000 Canadian troops killed on the Western Front and has the names of all the soldiers missing that do not have a known grave. The monument stands tall with two pillars side by side, this represents the two countries, France & Canada. The space between the pillars represents the ocean between these countries. The figure on top represents 'peace' and the shared values of faith, hope, courage and knowledge. The lone statue in front, which looks like the Virgin Mary is Mother Canada, looking out over the tomb and keeping a careful and loving watch over the fallen soldiers.

      Finally we visited Bullecourt and had a beer in the 'Le Canberra' pub, just like the Diggers in 1917. We will learn more of the Battle of Bullecourt in the coming days.
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    • Dzień 2


      24 maja 2022, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Et nous voilà arrivés à Fins, chez les parents de Soso dans le Nord !

      Le voyage s'est bien passé avec juste un petit couac au début : Bab' nous a gratifié d'une magnifique colline de crottes en arrivant à l'aéroport Montréal Trudeau ! Odeur pestilentielle à la clef, mais heureusement j'avais un pipi pad dans le sac et me voilà donc à 4 pattes dans les toilettes pour nettoyer la cage et le chat qui pue !

      Mais tout est bien qui finit bien, l'arrivée s'est faite en douceur, chat et cage de chats intacts, et grâce à Youssef qui nous attendait à Charles de Gaulle avec une camionnette, nous avons pu faire rentrer tous les bagages.

      Et après une nuit de 14h et quelques siestes devant Roland Garros, nous voilà opérationnels pour profiter enfin pleinement de notre retour en Mère Patrie !
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    • Dzień 7

      Day 6: the French understand me.

      20 kwietnia, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Important things first. Food second.

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    Arrondissement de Péronne, Arrondissement de Peronne

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