Eglise Saint-Jean-en-Grève

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    • Day 150

      A Theft

      May 30, 2015 in France ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      After spending the week feeling quite smug with myself that I had been travelling almost 18 months now and a part from the odd sock and beanie I hadn't lost anything. I'd especially had nothing stolen, something I was quite proud of.

      Well the universe must've heard me and decided to fix it with an item to make up for 18 months of good luck .... My iPhone.

      I was taking the Eurostar out of Paris, my very first experience. You have to go through a customs and security check similar to what you'd find at the airport, except this was much more disorganised. The queue for people to go through ticket check (then on to boarder control, bag searches and security scans) was snaking around the platform and doubling in itself. It was very busy and crazy.

      As when I fly into England I had to fill in a landing card, staying my creds, where I was staying g, what I work as etc. beside the winding queue was a very long table with these cards spread about. I stood there to put fill in the card putting my phone, hat, ticket on the table beside me.

      I ducked down into my backpack to get my passport, finished filling in the document and when to stand in the line. It was only at this point when I went looking did my phone, as the ticket was on here, that I realised my phone was gone. Those few seconds I was looking in my bag and so wine took it. I suspect it was another passenger.

      After putting my train ticket on hold I went to the police station and sat there for 1.5 hours while they filled out a report.

      I boarded the next train and headed back to London.

      Never before have I had something stolen or had to deal with the police. The sheer invasion of privacy, knowing some random had my personal photos and emails was a very uncomfortable feeling.

      My travel insurance, CoverMore, have advised (with a this email is to cover our arses and not help you at all email) that they don't cover mobile phones. Thanks flight centre for pointing that out when you sold them to me as the best option. Clearly not.
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    • Day 149

      Final day in Paris

      May 29, 2015 in France ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Today is my final day in Paris before I head back to London for a month. After deciding that I'd rather spend the day in Paris then a day out at Versailles, I make a list of the things I’d like to see before I go …
      - Taverne Henry > one of the oldest wine bar in Paris
      - Shakespeare & co’s bookshop
      - Laperouse > one of the oldest restaurants in Paris

      I got on my bike and peddled into the city – seriously this make me so happy cycling around Paris! It's always an adventure trying to find a place with no wifi. After much walking in circles I find Taverne Henry. It didn’t go inside as the menu seemed more like a fast food shop then old wine bar. Side note, it is on the same island as the Norte Dame.

      After here I headed up stream to find the Shakespare & Company bookstore. On my way I passed Laperouse one of the oldest restaurants in Paris. I had seen it pinterest once. It would’ve been great to dined in, but I definitely wasn’t wearing appropriate attire and I’m sure my bank balance appreciated me moving on haha.

      I wandered around for what seemed like ages trying to find the book shop. I walked down lots of alley ways with school children roaming around in classes, walked past beautiful smelling cafes all presenting mouth watering lunch menus and past people lounging in green gardens. Just when I was about to give up I saw it up head. I’m sure I probably walked past it more then once, but let’s not think too much about that.

      The Shakespare & Company bookstore was cool. It was small and cramped and had books piled high everywhere. I was surprised how many were in English and all of the English headings, but I supposed they know their market. I recall their being lots of rules, but none that I clearly bothered to note seriously. I don’t think you were allowed to take pictures inside, which is why I have none.

      By this point my belly was grumbling loudly, it was well past lunch and I hadn’t had anything since breakfast! Well unlike me. So I succumbed and got on the metro and headed towards my now favourite place in Paris, the Roland Garros pop up at Champ de Mars watching the tennis with the Eiffel Tower in the background.

      But I have always loved this spot. Whenever I saw views of the Eiffel tower on the TV it was at the Champ de Mars that I enjoyed the most and I have spent a great deal of time here this week.

      I sat down and watched some tennis before heading down some side streets to try and find a grocery store to buy lunch. I picked up a sweet little salad that contained pasta, tomatos and little pancakes. Along with a delicious chocolate éclair to enjoy for dessert.

      Once the final match of the day had played I packed up and headed back towards the metro and off to my hostel, where I packed up my belongings in preparation for tomorrow.

      This evening I had dinner in my hostel before taking one last long walk around Belleville. I stopped in at a cool bar for a final dessert, the every classic French dish crème brulee, before calling time in the French capital.

      Paris, it's been wonderful xx

      Poem. In the images is a poem I found whilst in Paris. The past year has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions and adventures, and at times I found myself wondering too much if I’d made the right choice.
      When I decided to leave London and go on this summer trip, I had no intentions of returning and often felt like I had lost myself. This poem was my... mantra may be too strong, but it definitely spoke to me on what I hoped to achieve on my summer adventure. No pressure, no expectations, just seeing, believing and being put back together.

      Cool article by Pedestrian on places to visit when in Paris:…

      Shakespeare & co bookshop

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    • Day 148

      Roland Garros - Philippe Chatrier

      May 28, 2015 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today I'm in the main stadium, Philippe Chatrierr and I am lining up to see the master of clay, Raphael Nadal!

      The day begins once more by entering through the magical gates whilst being encouraged inside with the musical melodies of the jazz band. I pick up my daily Roland Garros newspaper and quickly log on to the wifi before it get bogged down by the public.

      I wanderer into the main stadium to check out my seats and take the obligatory photos. I feel like I have made a huge error in clothing choice today where it was overcast, but then warm yesterday, it is overcast and windy today. I've left some key warm clothing at and sense I’ll struggle today … oh no!

      Anyhoo, today’s timetable in the main stadium is as follows Caroline Wozniak, Raphael Nadal and Andy Murray. On the outside courts brewed the potential for a particularly good game between two Aussie young guns Bernard Tomic and Thomas Kokkinakis. With second round matches on the big courts not usually very exciting, I planned to visit the outside courts today too.

      Caroline hit off and I watched her first set before heading over to get a great seat for the Tomic and Kokkinakis game. Even Nicky Kyrgios popped in to watch the boys play. I watched the first 2 sets here and with Tomic leading quite convincingly in both seats I gave my good possie and headed back over to the main court as Nadal was due to start. I had, after all, wanted to see the King of Clay on Clay, so I best take in the moment.

      Nadal took the first set easily and was looked up to see the scores around the grounds I saw that Tomic and Kokkinakis were on for the match of the day with them firing up in the fourth set looking likely to head to a fifth. I waved goodbye to Rafa and fought my way into the outside court, which was now overflowing with people and a considerable sized queue on the outside trying to get in.

      Eventually I made it and saw Kokkinakis take victory in the fifth set. I felt sorry for Tomic, the crowd were against him and clearly for Kokkinakis, but he took it all in his stride, not betraying any emotion on his face and clapping to the crowd on his way out. Kokkinakis was in victory.

      Ball girl outfits. In Australia the ball kids all wear the same outfits, shorts, long sleeved shirt and a good hat. In Roland Garros the girls wear what reminded me of a netball skirt I wore when I was 10, single top and not hat. I was not impressed at all. They are running around, bending over, throwing balls down the court, skirts are not the appropriate attire, personally I feel.

      Around the grounds Ronald Garros looks like an unfinished, concrete city. There is beautiful greenery mixed in between, but it has this feeling like we’ve interrupted them through construction. I later confirmed with Marion that she felt the same way.

      At the conclusion of Andy Murray’s game I’d had enough of the weather and decided to pack up and head back to Paris. Random note, I tried to get a glass of red wine only to be told that they don’t serve red wine at the grounds, weird!

      On my way back to the station I saw that the botanical gardens were open and popped in for a quick look. They were beautiful, all manicured nicely with lots of variety. My favourite part was spotting the rabbits roaming around.

      This evening I stopped to have dinner at a restaurant near my hostel, in the cool vibey aread. Sucked in once more with them advertising daily menu specials only to be told once I’d sat down that they only applied at lunch, grr. I enjoyed a meal, glass of wine and ice-cream filled profiteroles for dessert.

      Day 2 at Roland Garros, done and dusted.
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    • Day 147

      Roland Garros - outside courts

      May 27, 2015 in France ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Today is my first day at Roland Garros!! My 3rd grand slam! I am very excited and am up early and out the door, RG is one hour away by metro from my hostel.

      There are signs everywhere as you ascend the underground pointing you in the direction of the entrance. The process is quiet smooth. We go through security, then tickets, then ID checks, then we're in.

      Music greets us as we enter the grounds, a 4 piece playing all sorts of music in a jazz style. I wandered around for a bit taking in the sites and seeing what was around. Each day a RG newspaper is released with the day's schedule of play, plus articles which was mainly all in French aside from 4 pages, about yesterday's and today's matches. I highlighted all the games I wanted to see and settled in on court 6 to watch, what would become, a 3 hour 5 setter match between vedaseco and Becker, becker won.

      From my seat I could see a big screen which showed both Sam & Federer's matches. Both Federer and Sam go through.

      Roland Garros doesn't really have any good seating areas to sit and watch the big screens so you can watch the matches, and definitely no grassy areas. But the cool things they do have include:
      - stands to charge your phone
      - crepes
      - you can't buy tickets at the gates & no upgrades on the day (that was sucky)
      - when leaving the main courts you get a pass out
      - daily RG newspaper

      After the Vedaseco match I wandered around the courts and saw the following matches:
      - Sam Stousr play doubles
      - a young female Australian play German Angelique Kerber
      - Andy Murray's brother Jamie, play doubles with an Australian, John Peers

      Day 1 of Roland Garrros was awesome.
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    • Day 146

      Paris - day 2

      May 26, 2015 in France ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Today I made the most wonderful discovery!

      I found the Champ de Mars! I never even knew its name, I only ever saw it on the TV where know one discussed it's name. But first let me take you back to the start ....

      Today I planned on travelling around on my bike once more, visiting Pere Lachaise Cemtery - where Oscar Wilde is buried and the Le Invalides and the Musee Rodin. All the while in search of the green grass area in front of the Eiffel Tower, name still unknown to me. However, the day did not quite go according to plan.

      After having breakfast I headed to the main street in Belleville where I found a heaving market running up the street. There was everything from fruit & veg, meats, olives, nuts, to clothes, nic nacs and so on. I picked a few pieces of fruit before getting on my bike and peddling towards the Eiffel tower in search of the green grassed area.

      Having decided I could navigate there using an old school map I got so lost! I rode on the wrong side of the road, went left when I should've gone right, rode up hills and then back down, circled around a bit and then pulled up stumps wondering why I was on my bike haha.

      I eventually I gave in, I put my bike on the nearest rack and went in search of the metro. I had a lovely wander through an organic grocery store, before taking the metro out to the Tower and jumping off at the station I thought would lead me to Le Invalides.

      I didn't find Le Invalides, but what I did find turned my entire day around.. I found the grassed area! Otherwise known as Champs de Mars! It was amazing! I gave it a quick whirl before walking back to the main street to find a grocery store and buy a picnic for lunch.

      Then I walked down hoping to discover the perfect spot for lunch. What I discovered was even more amazing. A Roland Garros pop up right in front of the Eiffel tower!!! The main attraction was the big screen set up playing today's matches with the Eiffel tower in the background. It felt like the greatest discovery haha.

      I sat down and ate my picnic lunch of bread, pesto, mozzarella and tomatoes, and then had a little nap haha. The warm sun, full belly and soft grass was just too much.

      When I woke, I moved closer to the screen, right in the middle of the space. Aside from the screen there was a big tennis court set up that you could play on, sponsor stands and a merchandise shop. I caved and paid €3.50 for one scoop of ice cream (!) and enjoyed the view. It was spectacular.

      After the final match I headed back to my hostel, feeling like I had, had a truely accomplished day. For dinner I ventured to a restaurant near my hostel called Les Quilles. It was recommended in the hostel guidebook. Although certainly more expensive then the previous guest had indicated, it was well worth it.

      I was enjoying truely great French food and it was nice to splurge a little. I had a beautiful piece of pork cooked to perfection served with asparagus and gravy, red wine from the French Riviera and a chocolate cake with a gooey middle. Yummy!

      Bonne nuit, or goodnight.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Eglise Saint-Jean-en-Grève, Eglise Saint-Jean-en-Greve

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