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    • Dag 43

      Getting lost in Uzès - Occitanie

      12. august 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Es war schon kurz vor 23 Uhr als ich mit einem total unguten Gefühl in meinem Bett lag. Jugendliche schrien in dem kleinen Dorf, in dem ich auf einem öffentlichen Parkplatz etwas abseits stand. Als sie dann wild um meinen Van herum gerannt sind, hab ich mich so unwohl gefühlt, dass ich zum ersten Mal auf meiner Reise beschlossen habe: Ich steige jetzt hinters Steuer und fahre weiter. Also hab ich schnell alles abfahrbereit gemacht, meine App Parc4night durchstöbert und mir einen neuen Ort zum übernachten gesucht. Einen kostenlosen Womo-Stellplatz, etwa 30 Minuten entfernt. Zwar nicht besonders idyllisch, aber dort stehen auch andere Womos und ich kann mich sicher fühlen. Also bin ich hinters Steuer geklettert und einfach davon gedüst, weg aus dieser Situation.

      Und so bin ich durch einen totalen Zufall in dem wundervollen und total überraschend schönen Ort Uzès gelandet. Dieser liegt nicht mehr in der Provence, sondern schon in Okzitanien (ehemals Languedoc-Roussillon) und wirkt wie aus der Zeit gefallen. Wenn ich hier mit Mali durch die engen Gassen schlendere, fühle ich mich wie ins Mittelalter zurückversetzt. Es ist so schön hier, dass ich total froh bin, dass mich die Jugendlichen hier hin vertrieben haben. Heute ist Samstag und es ist Markt. Die Stadt ist voller Treiben. Überall sind Stände aufgebaut und verkaufen Lebensmittel, Bastkörbe oder Sommerkleidung. Ich hab plötzlich total Lust auf einen Café au lait und ein Croissant (ein bisschen angefixt durch meine provenzialische Krimireihe, die ich gerade lese und die mir Frankreich noch mal auf eine ganz andere Art und Weise näher bringt). Um mich herum schlendern die Menschen durch die engen Gassen mit ihren Einkaufstüten und bleiben stehen, um die schönen und pittoresken Bauten von Uzès zu fotografieren. Ich tunke mein Croissant in den Café und lasse alles auf mich wirken. Ich bin total dankbar, dass es mich hierin verschlagen hat. Und es zeigt mir einmal wieder: Wenn ich auf mein Bauchgefühl höre, treffe ich die besten Entscheidungen. Denn eigentlich lag Uzès überhaupt nicht auf meiner Route, aber den Umweg nehme ich jetzt liebend gerne in Kauf.

      Später wird es so heiß in der Stadt (wir haben hier im Moment um die 36 Grad und kaum Wind), dass Mali und ich in den Schatten fahren und wir uns in einem nahegelegenen Fluss schön abkühlen. Die Natur liegt direkt vor den Stadttoren von Uzès, die perfekte Kombi also. Ob ich noch eine weitere Nacht hierbleibe, entscheide ich später noch spontan. :-)
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    • Dag 19

      Each day a new day

      6. april 2015, Frankrike ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Nannie is very sick in hospital in Nimes; she is in intensive care after hitting her head and has been asleep for more than 2 days. We are very worried about her but the doctors say she will get better and they will try to wake her up tomorrow. I will be able to visit her in a few days.

      We are trying to keep doing things like she would with us. We make a wish and toss a coin in the fountain every day. We had crêpes for lunch today- it's great that you can get nearly everything with Nutella in France!

      The dogs here are so good, they wait nicely even at food shops! Ruby says they are all "Tres Mignon".
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    • Dag 9

      27 Rue Xavier Sigalon, Uzes

      27. mars 2015, Frankrike ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Uzes is very old and very nice! We are living on a pretty lane, our door is the first on the right in the first picture. There is no doorstep! You have to be careful not to bop people walking by with the front door, or cars. There is a fun cellar underneath and our bedroom is on the 3rd floor. All these pictures are of the house. We explored lots of laneways today and will go to the markets tomorrow! Look out for lots of my pictures!Les mer

    • Dag 21

      Uzes at night

      8. april 2015, Frankrike ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

      Tonight mum has taken over the blog entry.

      Ann/Nannie is awake!! She still has the ventilation tube in for a couple more days. But she can understand what we say to her, yes in English and French. We are all breathing a little easier now and things are very hopeful that she will be herself again in weeks to come.

      Meanwhile we were very lucky to have support of our amazing family team here and accept the chance to go out for dinner and explore Uzes after dark for the first time. The stone and architecture and laneways and random cats and general oozing mediaeval charm is fantastique!
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    • Dag 31

      Back in Uzes, and favourite TV show

      18. april 2015, Frankrike ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      We all loved coming back to Uzes, we know it well now, and it's like coming home. We also were all sooo excited to visit Nannie in hospital. She looks great, in a normal ward, and very keen to get out of hospital. She doesn't need oxygen at all now and is getting her strength back.

      I've discovered a fantastic TV show called Les Lapins Cretins (Crazy Rabbits), it's about alien rabbits exploring earth and getting into trouble especially at the shops. Its sooooooo funny, we all laugh heaps when it's on.
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    • Dag 16

      The Cathedrale Saint Theodorit.

      3. april 2015, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Today we went to a little cathedral in Uzes. There were lots of paintings and a beautiful old organ. The first and second versions of the cathedral got smooshed in wars, so this building is only 400 years old! (That's still pretty old I reckon). Then I took my family on a tour through funny lane ways, and we found some lanes and shops we hadn't seen before. Ruby said the streets were so old and broken!Les mer

    • Dag 13

      Le Duchy d'Uzes

      31. mars 2015, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We visited a very old place where dukes of Uzes have been for hundreds of years. The building started about 900 years ago, that's old!! There is still a duke but he's a real estate agent living in paris these days. We climbed up a tower which had 135 steps and it was very high. I saw windows that were triangular so that bad guys couldnt shoot arrows through the little openings. Mum & dad liked the broken tower especially. The duchy rooms are beautiful and the wine cellar humongous. There are too many photos to choose from... I will try.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Day 3. No footprints really

      10. juli 2017, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Splendid breakfast pastries thanks to meg and Beth taking an early morning stroll into Uzes. Very small detail -Jamie and Beth- head for Lidl towards Uzes in search of baked beans to supplement Albi's diet. The rest of us are poolside. Enter Claude stage right. Not with a locksmith but with a lock exactly the same as the one before. He leaves taking the large piece of wood which had wedged the unlocked door shut. We make a call and he returns with said wood - probably pee Ed that we don't trust the lock.
      Magnificent BBQ courtesy of Jamie.
      A lazy day.
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    • Dag 7

      D Day

      14. juli 2017, Frankrike ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

      Beth's exam results are out on line at noon British time so there is an air of tension about the place. Beth thinks that she has passed one and failed one. In the interest of a good holiday we all hope that she's got it wrong and has passed both.
      Everyone is lounging around the pool clock watching. Beth has told us that she won't look until 4pm French time but she sneaks inside at 12.55. Then a shout goes up and she has passed both! Tiger and I hot foot it to Carrefour for a couple of bottles of champagne and come out with a full trolley!
      Rest of the day relaxing by the pool.
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    • Dag 1

      Manchester airport didnt upload so here

      8. juli 2017, Frankrike ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Two days into the holiday I start the blog. Horrendous at the airport- the Ryan air experience never fails to disappoint. On a plus note Albi slept for the entire journey. The journey to the villa was longer than it should have been as they've moved the A9 since our sat nav was updated. We lost track of the Gomersons on the way and thought that they could be a while after us only to find they were waiting with Claude to greet us. Claude shook our hands and gave us the French tour- probably managed to understand around 50%! A late supper and off to bed.Les mer

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