Bad Wildbad

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    • Jour 47

      Bad Wildbad

      27 mai 2018, Allemagne ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      A really lazy day, must have needed a recup day. Woke up early and took a morning and afternoon nap !! :-) I went out late AM to check out the Black Forest area around me.
      This settlement is at the top of Sommerberg mountain and attracts a lot of tourists and weekend folk. Lots of folk doing the Treetop Walk - an amazing walk in the woods to a huge tower that you walk around until you are above the trees. Its minutes away from my doorstep. Pictures are not good as weather started to turn. Day started with sunshine but, the weather forecast was correct and around noon significant thunder though very little rain. Checked out the first longer walk I want to do tomorrow - about 7-8 mile rt to a little town about 4 miles away in the forest that is supposed to have a good restaurant. This is also a big biking area with trails all over that are "engineered" - e.g. bank and bumps, etc. Not your usual biking through the woods. A ski hut close to here with a rope tow nearby. I was amazed to see a fellow coming up the rope tow on his bicycle - they have some kind of device that attached to the rope tow that brings them up the mountain on the rope tow!! My kind of cycling - all downhill. Having said that, I saw a lot of trails that were engineered above my ability even it it was downhill.!!!

      Took a ride this afternoon, checked out the downtown of Bad Wildbad and a town about 4K away. Lots to do here and a railroad station to get me to wherever I do not want to drive.

      Out to dinner tonight. There are 2 hotels in this area that I can walk to and not have to take the car down the mountain. Ate at one of them - the Auerhahn. Was ready for a good dinner and had Salmon-trout (steelhead to me) with asparagus and potatoes. It was very good. Home for some back yard silence and back to apartment.

      Miles: 3
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    • Jour 51

      Bad Wildbad

      31 mai 2018, Allemagne ⋅ 🌧 72 °F

      Another lovely sunny AM and out the door for a walk leaving from Kaltenbronn about 12 miles away. Lots of people with the same idea today as when I got there a bit after 10 and most all the shady parking places were taken.

      This is also a popular walking area. Only about 5.5 miles rt but I planned to add on a bit. The round trip goes through the forest for about 3 miles and then comes around to a large Nature Preserve that has a small lake - Wildsee. The popular route for many folk is just to walk out to the preserve, look at the late and come back - about 3 miles. Since that was the busier way I went through the forest first. Lots of trees and everything so very green. Clouds came in early around 11 or so. Decided to do the extra mile and a half and went to Grunhutte, a guest house and restaurant in the forest. I had been there the other day coming from the opposite direction. They are known for their Blueberry Pancakes and I got to see many of them being served. Wish I had taken a picture of one. The pancake filled the entire plate and was fluffy on the edges. The middle was filled with a mound of blueberry sauce. They looked wonderful! While eating my lunch there the clouds got serious and it started to pour. People came to the place from every location in the forest. Fun to watch. I waited it out along with rest and then started back to the Nature Park and Wildsee. A very pretty walk - sprinkled the rest of the way.

      Home for a little rest and clean up and out for dinner in Bad Wildbad. Went to one of the hotels in town for dinner - Alte Linde. It was OK - I need to learn that I am in a meat eating country and not order fish. Trout was pretty tasteless but done well. Potato croquettes were very good. Home for another episode of Berlin Station and my new book.

      Miles: 8.4
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    • Jour 55

      Bad Wildbad

      4 juin 2018, Allemagne ⋅ 🌧 68 °F

      Another relaxing day, walking and enjoying the incredible scenery all around me. Off this AM to find a new area to walk. Drove 10-12 miles in a different direction, parked off the main road and went for a lovely walk along a rapidly flowing stream with the forest all around me. Walked for 3-4 miles and then back to the car to find a new place to walk. Decided I was hungry so saw this lovely place up on a hill - lovely outdoor area to eat and whiled away an hour an a half - taking in the scenery and having a terrific lunch. Salad Neptune. Will attach picture - 3 pieces of wonderful salmon or steelhead - not sure which - (menu all in German). Will attach pic. Their presentation of salad is wonderful here. Just always too much food. Hated to leave any of this as it was all wonderful. But under that mound of greens was potato salad and coleslaw!!!

      Back to Bad Wildbad to look around at places I had not seen yet. Needed some new face lotion - this being a spa town, choices were numerous. Checked out the "baths" I am going to tomorrow, compared to US prices, this will be a bargain. Gas, grocery store, etc. Back to home for a "lie down" and then out for a "second to final" walk in the woods. Weather is incredible - low to mid 70s with sun and puffy white clouds. The evening is wonderful here, the tourists are gone and the forest is left to those of us staying on the top of the hill. Quiet and peaceful.

      Back for some back yard/garden time to ensure I enjoy all of the sunshine for the day. I have essentially spent 2 months living outside with the exception of sleeping. I could get used to this. Just checked the weather for London and it should be in the low 70s when I arrive!! A nice conversation with the host of this place while he was grilling their dinner. Also met Elfrieda, their cat, the world's best mouser. She has a never ending source of meat with the forest out the back door.

      Miles: 5.6
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    • Jour 50

      Bad Wildbad

      30 mai 2018, Allemagne ⋅ 🌧 72 °F

      A very lazy morning after 2 full days of tourism. Did not get started until about 1PM. Then off to check out a couple towns in the area. Read an article on the 10 best towns in the Black Forest so started on that list. The town of Calw (no idea how to pronounce) was noted as one of the most picturesque in the forest so decided to start there as it was only about 20 miles from my current home. What a treat! Good roads, easy to get to and easy to park. A combination not found frequently in Europe.

      A town full of half timbered houses set along the Enz River! If you love to see tons of this type of architecture, this is the place for you. Every color combination imaginable. Lovely to walk around and the usual cafes and shops. An interesting church with a butterfly as the focal point, could not find out what that was all about. (Sometimes it pays to go on a tour.) Wandered around for a couple hours, taking pictures and enjoying an apple sparkling water by the riverside. Good find.

      Then to check out another town, Kaltenbroon - mainly because I want to hike to there tomorrow. By foot through the forest its about 7 miles to get there from "home", by car its 14 miles !! Checked it out, got a map and have decided to drive over there in the AM and walk from there. There is a big nature preserve there as well as a couple lakes I would like to see and it looks like a nice walk. Weather has been warm (up to 80) but some of the humidity from the last couple days is gone. And always cooler in the forest.

      Back to town for a grocery store stop and home for pasta.

      Miles: 3
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    • Jour 52

      Bad Wildbad

      1 juin 2018, Allemagne ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      Impressive thunderstorm around midnight last night. Thunder, lightening and hard rain for a good hour. Not conducive to much sleep. But humidity and temps are down, ~70 with much sun today. I had a "locals" list of 3 things I wanted to do so started with that list today - crossed off 2 of them. Finally did the Treetops walk - really beautiful and so much fun. I thought it might be too "touristy" but it is a lovely walk high above the treetops in the forest. Beautiful views in all directions. Lots of fun things to do along the way, it goes for about 3/4 mile until it gets to the tower. Then unbeknownst to me (I had always wondered what that tube in the middle of the tower was) you can walk to the top and tube down!! I debated for awhile and then said to myself, "what the hell you are not getting any younger" and off I went. It goes fast !! Kind of like an amusement park ride. They put you on a carpet kind of "slip pad" with your feet in a pocket at the bottom of the carpet and tell you not to try to stop yourself and off you go. :-) (Big smile)

      Back to my "home" for a salad lunch and off to the park in town. (Kurpark) I was so very impressed. I think it if the most beautiful City park I have ever seen. Kurpark is long and narrow and has every conceivable amenity you would ever want in a park. I parked at the far end - I think it runs about 1.5 miles long - and walked the length. A small, but beautiful river, runs the length and there are numerous bridges so that you can wander back and forth on both sides. A water wheel, gazebo, tennis courts, duck pond, lounge chairs in the grass, places for kids to walk in a tiny stream, rose garden (most roses gone) and so much more. Just a peaceful and tranquil spot in the world. Walked for an hour and a half or so, taking pics, and then found a secluded lounge chair and took a nap. :-)

      Home for more pasta for dinner and off to a concert in town tonight. I lovely evening in a beautiful building in Bad Wildbad. Concert was light opera, mostly music from Operettas - mostly German composers. (Go figure). Two violins, cello and piano.

      Miles: 6.6
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    • Jour 54

      Bad Wildbad

      3 juin 2018, Allemagne ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      Lazy AM catching up on "paper" work. Needed to check in flight to London, ensure all set for Home Away in London, and figure out how to get from Gatwick to the last apartment on this trip. Also starting to look at theater in London. Then off for the day.

      First a walk in the woods out the back door to find the bridge that my host mentioned when I first got here. The bridge is a newly built 1km long pedestrian suspension bridge in the forest that is just being finished. The dedication is scheduled for mid July. The bridge is on the Fairy Tale trail in the woods. Lots of Fairy Tale iconography in this area as the Brothers Grimm, revered for their telling of fairy tales, lived and wrote here. I followed the trail a short ways and found the bridge, quite an engineering feat. It starts and ends in the woods but spans over open space with terrific views of the towns below for about 1K other 0.65 mile. Though it does look like they still have a ways to go to be ready for 7/15. Another amazing thing to see and do right out of my front door. I really just lucked out on this place - wanted to be in the forest but had no idea where. Since I wanted 11 days, lots of other places not available for that long. Sometimes luck is better than skill. Walked a bit more and came across a Hang-gliding take off spot. Watched one fellow got ready and took off - have a video but you cannot put videos into this blog. Not sure I could just run out and jump off a mountain. :-)

      Then off for a ride. Target was Baiserbroon - about 30 miles away. I have found a good website -… -- and I am knocking them off one by one. Have done the top 3 so today is number 4, about 30 miles South of me. The town itself was nice but the terrain in this area was beautiful. There is more open space from the forest so you see pristine, steepled towns in the distance when you turn every corner. Also visited an old (built in the 9th Century) monastery, lovely grounds and garden - Benedictine monks. Found a place to park and just picked a path and walked for an hour+. Paths everywhere and lots of folk out for Sunday afternoon walks but still not hard to get away. Back to home to get the last half hour of sunshine in the back yard garden. Relaxing Sunday.

      Pasta for dinner - last meal I will cook here. Finished a book I have been listening to - The Exile - Richard North Patterson - very good. And then finished the first season of Berlin Station on Netflix. Very good as well.

      Miles: 5.9
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    • Jour 10

      Baumwipfel des Schwarzwalds

      22 août 2017, Allemagne ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Hoje o passeio foi ao norte da Floresta Negra no Baumwipfel em Sommerberg, uma passarela que permite caminhar sobre as copas das árvores, observando a floresta por cima.
      O passeio culmina numa torre de observação a uma altura de 40 metros, com uma vista espetacular de 360 ​​graus sobre as intermináveis ​​florestas e impressionantes vales da Floresta Negra.En savoir plus

    • Jour 188

      First glimpse of the Schwarzwald

      4 août 2019, Allemagne ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      It would just be too much of a shame to spend over a month in Baden-Württemberg and not come anywhere near the Black Forest! So Bad Wildbad was our destination today, being one of the more accessible entry points by public transport. The quaint little village was reminiscent of Kitzbühel, right down to the proximity of trails up the mountain and delicious local Kuchen.

      We finally managed to drag Meg up the 45-minute hike to Sommerberg, where the tree-top walking path started. At the far end of the path was the giant winding slide and a super cool adventure playground - highlights included the green trampoline and rope climbing parcours, as well as the dragon swing. Great work by Meg and Davy, who were both really courageous and determined to complete the rope parcours, even if Mommy and Poppy were a bit freaked out at times.
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    • Jour 5

      Von Pforzheim nach Bad Wildbad

      24 août 2023, Allemagne ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Heute ca. 37 Tropfen Regen erwischt. Sooo schön!

    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Bad Wildbad, باد فيلدباد, باد ویلدباد, Բադ Վիլդբադ, バート・ヴィルトバート, Бад-Вильдбад, Бад Вилдбад, Бад-Вільдбад, 巴特维尔德巴特


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