Day is done. God is night

Not quite sure the stress of preparing for a 5-week motorcycle camping trip on a different continent is worth it. Haukur and I are still talking to each other. That's a good sign. 😉
If any of you are like me, before leaving for a trip, you find yourself obsessively taking care of things that suddenly have to be done RIGHT NOW! You know, the paperwork you have been putting off forRead more
We are so thankful to have Olena and Igor taking care of mom while we are gone. We couldn't do it without them.
Mom was very alert when we left. I told her we were off to Mt Rushmore and she said,Read more
Clothes and toiletries: ✅
Gear: ✅
Restaurant: ✅
Hotel: ✅
Reminder of the millions upon millions of children who are murdered, ritually abused or sold into the sex trade every year. No child is too young for these monsters.
... taking a trip on an airplane was a big deal. We had friends who went to Hawaii ... TWICE ... and mom and I went out to the airport to give them a corsage and see then off.
Those were grand daysRead more
We're on the same row at least. Haukur can finally get some rest.
Hugs to our Icelandic family. Big earthquakes, huge fissure opened. ❤…