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  • Day 117


    July 29, 2017 in Lithuania ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Yesterday our morning croissants were free because they came out funny but today we had to pay. They are so gooood. We were given chocolate ones and my oh my they get my tick of approval.

    We then went to the meeting point for our tour at the bronze angle statue in the Užupio district.
    Our guide showed up, she was friendly.
    Not many on our tour which has pros and cons. It's good because it's more personalized but bad because at the end you feel more awkward about your pathetic tip.
    We had 2 from Belarus and 2 from Taiwan and I think another Lithuanian girl?

    So yeah basically we started in Užupio which is a little area that claimed their independence and are sort of recognized as another country even though not really.
    They do have their own constitution, flag, anthem, government etc.
    They even have their own passport stamp which we could have gotten if we wanted. Unfortunately we didn't have them on us lol. We then went and had a look at the constitution which was in about 20 different languages along a wall.
    They had several mentions about cats and dogs. What a magical place to live.
    We then went to the entrance of the "city" it had rules there too - you must smile, Like art and watch your driving haha.
    We then went up an alley way and looked at lots of art pieces. There was a statue dedicated to Jesus because we is apparently the first ever backpacker lol
    One resturant had a place to tie up your horse if you brought it will you..

    We walked on to St Anne's church and stood outside while we learnt about Lithuanias history which was similar to the other 2 Baltic states except that they had 1 random king.

    We then went to a street with little art pieces dedicated to Lithuanian writers or stories than mention Lithuania.

    Next was the main square sort of place. You could see the remains of the castle (just one little side tower), the main cathedral, bell tower and a statue of the "father" of Lithuania. Also another big building I didn't catch the purpose of.

    In front of the cathedral I was very happy to see the miracle tile because it's the only other thing I really wanted to see in Lithuanian.

    It's the time to represent the ending or I suppose starting point of the Baltic chain - a chain of 2 MILLION people holding hands in peaceful unity and protect. An act that helped gain their independence. It went through all 3 Baltic states. Not only is that friggen unbelievable and incredible - it's even more so when you think about how they didn't have the organising help through Facebook and email. All just word of mouth. Blows my mind.
    We then saw parliment, the university and the gate of dawn which has a pilgrimage aspect - even a pope has visited.
    It's the last remaining tower bit of the cities original defense structure.
    We walked through bits I was quite familiar with from all our walking and ended up on a hill with a nice view of Vilnius. The tour ended, we tipped 10€ then headed towards McDonald so o could steal the wifi to get directions to the CAT CAFE 😍😬
    It was 2.5km away 🙊
    Best decision ever.
    We made it and didn't have to wait to get in. We had to our shoe covers on and wash our hands.
    The place has 15 cats. You aren't allowed to wake them though lol.
    I got a spot on a couch next to a black one that looks lols my baby on 5kg lighter.
    So soft. He smelt my face and gave my eyebrow a lick 😍😍😍😍 most of the cats were not into it. They all looked so sick of humans haha.
    They didn't attack but a few takes where flicking - they did have an escape room though.
    All the cats are rescue cats :)
    We got chocolate milkshakes. It was crap - I hate long life milk!!
    I patted a few more cats and I could feel Wills boredom oozing out of him so we left and went back home.

    We watched a few Big Bang theories then organised where we were gonna go for dinner. We decided on Indian and started the next 1.5km walk only it was closed as of today for 10 days 😩😩

    We ended up in an American resturant called Uncle Sams and we were both really impressed! Fantastic burgers.
    Walked home, watched more Big Bang and packed for our early bus ride tomorrow.

    I have only had one shower here and so has Will so we smell. In our defense the showers are a disgrace. It's 2 shutter doors that don't close properly so there is a gaping hole where people can see you though. It shall be noted in their review lol.
    I'm up to 35,000 views on trip adviser hahah
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