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  • Jour 26


    8 novembre 2022, Luxembourg ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    It’s 3:50 pm and it’s an uneventful day so far.

    Got up, Will packed, walked to the tram stop - had to ask for help to find the right spot for going back towards the station and not away from it.
    Caught tram.
    Sat in Starbucks cause we were early.
    Bought some sandwiches for the journey.
    Clarified what platform we needed.
    Boarded our first train.

    While waiting for the train
    Will: “ wait, we have to catch 2 trains I thought it was direct.”

    I have been over these plans at least 9 times the last 2 days. I even got his input about which train to book.
    I went with this one because there was a train every hour but this one was the only one the whole day on the half hour so if we missed our connection we would only have to wait 30 instead of an hour for the next round of train.
    He agreed this was a smart idea. And yet is flabbergasted we have to get second train.

    Caught train 1. 40 mins

    Found platform for train 2 and are still on it. 2hr 50m overall.

    Just been reading and looking out the window.
    My sandwich had tomato on it so was all soggy 😑

    Sky is looking a bit glum and we have to figure out the buses once arrived.
    Dislike buses haha.

    Did not have a good time with the buses. The instructions given by the hostel were garbage from get go.
    1. Exit station then turn right. Buses were on left off to a cracking start.
    2. Was given 4 bus numbers we could catch. Asked bus man for help - 3 don’t exist and number 9 comes from other side of station not from the bus station section.
    Walk walk walk. My bag is extremely heavy with no support on my shoulders so I’m in a lot of pain.
    Been fine carrying the weight if I know 1km straight line will get me there but walking in circles for no reason in pain was pissing me off lol.
    Again thanks for Will. He took over and activated his Wi-Fi and found our stop up the street.
    Never would have found that. Would have got a taxi if I was by myself.
    Transport is completely free so that is a big plus. If we get the wrong bus it’s ok. No money wasted we will just get another one lol.
    Some beautiful viewpoints along the way.
    The instructions on what to do once off the bus were at least correct. Down a big hill that would be horrendous if icy.
    Checked in.
    We’re not overly impressed this far 😆
    I specifically pick places that don’t have an end to their beds so Will fits.
    We are not in a room with those beds. Our beds have ends. 😒
    No toilet in the room and only 1 keycard so we have to wake each other up during the night to go to the loo.
    Also not major but I didn’t have to provide ID at check in which I think is suss.
    Made our beds. Nothing I love more than making a top bunk bed 🙃
    Girls toilets only have 3 toilets for an entire floor. Lucky it doesn’t appear very busy. Our dorm is full but people are not buzzing around the place.

    Went for a walk for Poke bowls 👀👀😆😆
    Originally very sad about the ingredients options but ended up liking this version too.

    Walked back. The views are very pretty overlooking the area - the lighting makes it’s very charming.
    They have a hectic bridge. Our hostels right under it but adds oomph to the whole view.
    Keen for our walking tour tomorrow.
    Just chilling in our beds for the moment.

    A Belgium train strike starts tonight so we are lucky we made it.

    There is a French one too on the 10th. We leave the 11th so hopefully not affected. Shall wait and see.
    En savoir plus