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  • Day 25


    November 7, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Woke Mr Pickering up at 10 and we got cracking.
    We walked in the direction of the square first in search of food and found a Burger King. It was shocking.
    After a few clues and then some sneaky observations we discovered they don’t cook any of the food onsite.
    My microwaved onion rings were delicious.. 🫠
    Walk walk walk. Back to some of our old favourite spots. Went to our old hostel to look at its view point of the bridge and buildings. *sniffle* just lovely.
    We walked along the water and just around and around. I did remember to bring my camera but despite charging it last night it didn’t make the whole journey. I have 2 other batteries at home which I didn’t bring cause we only used one for our entire 3 weeks on Everest so wasn’t expecting such a short life span. Ah well. Still got some good shots.
    Still equally delighted by the 3 animal water trough as last time haha.
    Past the castle then past the 3 towers. I wanted to see the views again so we paid to go up the belfry. Saw the dragon again and went to the top for views of the city. Caught the lift this time 😆
    Got my views but I was sure it was the castle I loved. Will told me it wasn’t.
    Have just confirmed (currently 9:30pm) on my fb posts from 2017 it was indeed the castle with the views I wanted. 😪
    Win some lose some lol.
    Views were lovely but I just knew they were “wrong” haha.
    Went across and over to St Bravo. Sensational insides with the most amazing stain glass windows. Went to see the mystic lamb again - they had moved it but was also £16 euro so thought better of it. Have seen before so 🤷🏼‍♀️
    (Most stolen painting in history)

    Went for a walk via Dunkin’ Donuts (having a health day) there selection is 32 donut options. Americas was 6. Poor form USA.

    It would be very easy to die here. The roads are not clear. Be aware at all times. Doesn’t matter where you are standing a car/bike might just appear. They ride in zigzags.

    Had a coffee in a square. Got served what we thought was melted chocolate on the side but was hazelnut liquor crap and we both struggled to swallow the big dollop we both out in our mouths 😆
    It thereafter remained untouched haha.

    Went to graffiti street loooooooooove it. There was a Kermit the frog which was fabulous illusion.
    Just love the colour. So many truly talented people.
    Went to our hotel for a few hours - ordered our marriage certificate, booked tomorrows train, wrote some reviews etc.
    before venturing out again.

    Boring is not the right word but a city you have already done well, can be redone quite quickly haha.

    Went and had some Poke bowls and am now going to demand to have one every city.
    we spent like an hour trying to find a place that does salad and found this one and THE GREATEST.
    It was still really early so Will found us a shisha bar which we walked about 1km through suburbia to get too.
    It was unbelievable that it was only 6:30. You would think 2am. NOBODY on the streets.
    Walked past some house of people eating dinner inside in little flats. Looks very authentic and hipster with their plants and wine. Hahah
    It was a shisha boat. Very habib vibes with the music and black furniture but we had a good time. They had Wi-Fi and we had some Turkish teas. *smacks lips*

    Now back home and I’ve packed for tomorrow. Will will once again do in the morning haha
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