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  • Giorno 3

    Day 2

    12 marzo, Samoa ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Alarm set for 7. 7:30 we rolled out and headed to breakfast. I was 95% sure our tour was meeting at 9 but just in case I wanted to make sure I had eaten in case it was 8.
    Not loving the breakfast but it’s free sooo.
    In fairness, the fruit is great but not that filling and i was aware I was getting in a bus so wanted to make sure I had a full stomach to combat very potential motion sickness.
    I keep needing a sooon and there is a never a spoon?
    I wanted one for my spider drink yesterday and today for my passion fruit lol

    Lathered on the sunscreen, got dressed and headed to reception.
    I’m In my long dress because I think we are going to a church.
    We are with 2 other older couples.
    1 from Netherlands 1 from Germany.
    Guess which couple is rude 🙃 why always the Germans?

    Far out, it reminds me of Africa. African Africa not Arab Africa. I love it.

    Our first stop was the Bahai temple which is a religion that is basically all religions. They read from the Quran, Bible and everywhere else. They think it’s all the same God.
    The gardens are maintained beautifully. Walked into the temple and it was pretty simple. Walked around and then headed for the information center. Some kooky lady approached me and gave me a hug and then told me about the religion which I liked cause she didn’t try to convert me.
    I think some of the information was a bit of a stretch such as it’s the second fastest growing/biggest religion.. then immediately bragged they now have a temple in each continent.. wow so many temples…
    She said all the temples have 9 doors because it’s an inclusive number or some shit. It includes 1-8 a then all numbers after 9 are just a repeat. *nods* sure things.
    They listed that Jesus was from Palestine on the wall which I though was ballsy.
    I don’t really know what happens after you die but I don’t have a problem with all the Gods actually being the same God/stemming from the same place.
    I’ll stick to my lane though.

    We then went to a famous writers house and went on tour. Cool house. He only lived there for a few years before dying. He moved there because he ha TB and was told to go to a warm climate.
    We didn’t really know who he was until we entered his library with some of his works…
    - Treasure island
    - Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
    - Arabian nights
    Oh. Those are some biiiiig names. We are paying attention now.
    Will didn’t know Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde??? Did he never watch Scooby Doo?
    Author was Robert Louis Stevenson.
    Maybe 9 rooms all up. Most things replicas because 2 cyclones hit the house but still cool.
    He is buried on top on a nearby mountain which you can hike.
    There were cats here too.

    We then went to the pacific jewel which was apart of our itinerary which I laughed at cause it’s just a shop and a cafe lol the highlight of Samoa.
    I saw then bought an egg for mum which I can give for Mother’s Day.
    We were given aero guard and fans for when we sat in the garden haha.

    We then went to the cathedral of the immaculate conception
    The roof was made of wood and I loved that the main dome was Samoan themed people with Jesus.

    Across the street from the church was a bay. There was a chinese overturned boat/ship on the shore that crashed last month.

    Went and saw some buses. I don’t really understand the excitement about the buses but the other 2 couples got out and spent a while photographing them all. The one next to us was completely full of people and the windows have bars like jail cells and the Dutch man full posed in front of it and I both found him/the situation hilarious and it uncomfortable because it really gave off animals in a zoo vibe
    They be like why the fuck are you photographing us on a bus 🤣
    We went to the markets yet and ended up getting a magnet of a bus because I honestly think that will crack top 5 moments of the trip.
    I don’t understand how market people make money.
    Soooo many stalls but it’s legit the same store repeated? Sell something different and you might make more money.
    We bought another magnet with our bus magnet, a shirt each and a coconut to drink.

    Our driver is very islander time and the Germans were proper stressed because they really insisted a time to be back at the bus at the markets and guide was all like just take your time and they couldn’t handle this. I hated it too to be fair.

    The 4 of us ended up beating the other couple back by a long time and guide was like I don’t know where they are or when they will be back and Germans lady said exasperatedly
    “Well if you set a time..” which I did laugh at.

    On the drive to the waterfall guide did a big speech about how it’s not allowed in our countries butin Samoan culture they beat their children with sticks and the bus was just sitting in awkward silence. Cause he was like “it’s a good thing” 👀 I want to believe he meant smack and no beat them black and blue but I do not believe he did 😬😬😬

    Togitogiga waterfall was nice but not the best thing I’ve seen from a tourist point of view. Bloody sensational if you live down the street and it’s your local swimming hole.
    It was very busy.
    One kid was covered in big puss filled boils. I wasn’t in the mood fr swimming but I honestly wouldn’t have gotten in with him if I was. Kid needs a doctor.
    Beautiful red flowers on the walk to the falls.

    I don’t know how they get anywhere. In town had streets but there is literally 2 streets for the rest of the island. One goes around and the other goes down the middle. Wild. And tedious.

    It was so hottttt. My clothes were soaked in sweat.

    The Samoan people aren’t as friendly as I was expecting.

    Went for a swim when home and water money on a margarita. I didn’t drink it. Watered down tequila. Awful. Will had 2 successful cocktails.
    Love swimming.
    Used our outdoor shower then chilled in the room for a bit.

    Had dinner. Mixed reviews. My deep fried banana was divine.
    Back In the room and going to bed early cause I a shattered lol.
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