Gibson Bight

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    • Päivä 9

      West End

      25. joulukuuta 2022, Honduras ⋅ 🌧 79 °F

      I felt like we had to visit the West End because that's what everyone talks about when they're not talking about West Bay (which is confusing because they practically have the same name). Vivian had given us a few recommendations for places to eat and drink, and we had to go back to the ATM anyway, so we decided to walk into West End and see what the fuss is about. And I can tell you that I'm still not sure. It's like one stretch of road along a beach, lined with bars and restaurants and tacky souvenir shops that all look basically the same. The photos I took don't really capture how crowded it was, but it's not particularly clean or picturesque or safe to walk without getting creamed by an ATV or a taxi. It's crowded and loud and people are way too drunk for daytime. It occurred to me that we could have made a terrible mistake and stayed in West End on this trip, and it would have been a really different trip. Maybe we would have gotten used to that scene? But instead we said "f*** it" and after we'd walked the length of the strip we got in a taxi and came back to our quiet resort and had a drink here instead. And it was so much better.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 6

      Sunken Fish

      22. joulukuuta 2022, Honduras ⋅ 🌙 79 °F

      I'm putting in a separate footprint for the restaurant, but it's really part of the resort. Still, we spent a lot of time here so it seems to warrant its own writeup. You can either do an "all-inclusive" thing for meals here, or eat on your own. We didn't really know what to expect, but the idea of not having to worry about where to eat three times a day was appealing, so we went all inclusive. I don't think that was a mistake, but I'm not totally sure we got a ton of value from it. It turns out it's really hard to eat three full meals a day when you're busy diving, and when the portions are totally enormous. We figured out to order half portions or split things, but it still just felt like a ton of food. However, if we hadn't done all inclusive we still probably would have eaten most of our meals here (and probably wondered if we should have taken the all inclusive option). The food was delicious, fresh and seafood-heavy. When they reserved inside tables for the resort guests (which they did sometimes if the weather was threatening), we always got our favorite table with the ocean view. We were very well taken care of!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 7

      Black Iguana

      23. joulukuuta 2022, Honduras ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      They sent us home from Palmetto Bay in a land taxi instead of on the boat (lame), but at least they prepaid our driver. We mentioned that we liked Palmetto so much we were thinking about looking into property there, and blam, Dunis our driver became a real estate tour guide. He offered to show us a couple of places he thought we'd prefer buying, and we were like, OK, let's see how this unfolds. I think it's safe to say we won't end up living in the Black Iguana neighborhood, which is close to West End and boasts a very odd terraced golf course. But if we were going to buy a rental property, I suppose we could do a lot worse.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 3

      Tranquilseas EcoLodge

      19. joulukuuta 2022, Honduras ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      This place is an awesome destination if you hate touristy crowds, don't feel the need to go out every night, and are committed to scuba diving. You can stay here and just snorkel and play around, but I feel like it would get boring. The beach is narrow and there's a bit too much boat traffic and shallow reef for open water swimming or snorkeling on your own. Walking along the main road is a fool's errand unless you enjoy diving into a ditch every time a car comes along. Basically you have to take a taxi to go anywhere, which is fine, but kind of a bummer if you like exploring on foot, on your own. But if you like diving, you can dive your face off, right from the resort and for a reasonable price, so that's what we did. When we weren't diving, we were either sitting on the private deck of our room, or on the deck of the restaurant, both of which have spectacular views. The only downside of the restaurant is that they played the same 7 Bob Marley songs over and over again most nights we were there. Except for the night where they played the same 7 BeeGees songs. It was very weird. All in all, we loved it here and would stay again...if we hadn't discovered Palmetto Bay.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 69

      Half Moon Bay, Roatan

      14. joulukuuta 2023, Honduras ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

      After feeling pretty down about Roatan we took a snorkeling and kayak trip. What a change from
      One side of the island to the other. The leeward side was a dramatic different place. The little town was the perfect vision of a tropical island town. Little shops, bars, dive shops ( the ocean kind not the drinking kind) restaurants and generally the vibe of chill and relax. It was a nice snorkel and the kayak turned out to be a dual kayak in the ocean.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 126

      Roatán 🏝

      7. toukokuuta 2022, Honduras ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Von Somoto im Norden Nicaraguas ging es direkt weiter nach Roatán. Die Reise war lang und abenteuerlich. Der Grenzübertritt in Los Manos verlief ohne Probleme, jedoch dauerte es eine ganze Weile. Anschliessend fuhren wir mit einem Bus ins nächste Stätdchen und von dort aus nahmen wir ein Taxi bis Tegucigalpa, da uns niemand sagen konnte wann der nächste Bus fährt. Das Taxi hatte jedoch nach kurzer Zeit eine Panne und konnte nicht mehr weiterfahren. Also mussten wir trotzdem auf einen Bus umsteigen. Mit diesem kamen wir schliesslich in die Hauptstadt und schafften es rechtzeitig ins kleine Propeller-Flugzeug, welches wir erst beim Grenzübertritt gebucht hatten.
      Ursprünglich war der Plan ohne zu fliegen auf die Insel zu kommen, was jedoch sehr kompliziert geworden wäre.
      Auf Roatán hat Eli die Advance-Diver Ausbildung gemacht und viele farbige Fische und Korallen gesehen. Ich war in der Zwischenzeit seehr faul und habe den Strand genossen.🌴☀️
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    • Päivä 84

      Roatan Island

      31. joulukuuta 2021, Honduras ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Самое лучшее место на Карибах, где я когда-либо была. Наичистейшая теплая вода, полное отсутствие волн и seaweed. Никогда бы не подумала что такое есть в Гондурасе.

    • Päivä 141

      Roatan, Honduras

      12. lokakuuta 2016, Honduras ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Igen i dag var vi oppe kl. 7. Vi ville gerne så tidligt i land i Honduras som muligt for at øge mulighederne for at komme ud og dykke. Problemet var, at det ville resten af skibets gæster så også, så der var stuvende fuldt til morgenmaden.
      Havnen i Roatan havde nogle små souvenir-butikker og lignende, men bortset fra det, var der ikke så meget at komme efter. Området var lukket af for de lokale, der til gengæld ingen nåde viste, da vi kom uden for havneområdet. Det var meget febrilsk, faktisk ubehageligt, fordi der nærmest for hvert skridt vi tog var en ny person der ville sælge os et eller andet – udflugter, lejebiler eller scootere – det var totalt kaos og meget stressende.
      Vi fik kæmpet os ud af havneområdet og lidt ned ad gaden hvor vi fandt en flink taxi-chauffør, som vi fik en aftale med at køre os til bydelen West End på øen og køre os tilbage igen senere. Eftersom han var villig til at vente på os, har vi helt sikkert betalt for meget, men det kan nok ikke undgås.
      I West End fandt vi hurtigt dykkerbutikken Coconut Tree Divers samt Divemasterne Monty og Gerome. De have en bådtur med to dyk der afgik inden for en halv time, så den meldte vi os til og ganske hurtigt var vi ekviperet med alt udstyr og var på vej med båd mod første dyk sammen med 8 andre dykkerturister, Monty, Gerome samt en tredje Divemaster. På det første dyk, ved et smukt koralrev der hedder Tabyanas kom vi ned på ca. 21 meter. Det andet dyk var med en max dybde på ca. 18 meter ved et koralrev der hedder Half Moon Bay Wall. Det var to rigtig gode dyk med en rigtig god sigtbarhed og masser af koralfisk samt et par havskildpadder. Efter vores fantastiske dyk der hver varede en lille time, kom vores flinke taxi-chauffør og kørte os tilbage til havnen, mens han fortalte os lidt om livet på øen.
      Tilbage ved havnen gik vi lidt omkring og kiggede på souvenir-butikkerne inden vi gik ombord på skibet igen og fik os en sen frokost i Windjammer buffet-restauranten.
      Senere gik vi op på pool-dækket og nød solen og et par ture i poolen og det dejligt varme spabad. Om aftenen var vi i det store Platinium Theatre igen og se show med en ventriloquist (bugtaler). Showet var ikke fantastisk, men alt i alt okay. Han lavede nogle super gode ting, men var også noget usikker og lavede nogle knap så spændende ting i sit show. Det må også være svært at lave et show der kan behage en tilskuerskare lige fra børn til pensionister.
      Alt i alt en fantastisk dag, men den aggressive modtagelse af lokalbefolkningen på havnen trækker lidt ned.
      Dagen får 4 stjerner ud af 5.
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    • Päivä 8

      West End, Roatan Honduras

      6. marraskuuta 2017, Honduras ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Eigentlich bis auf das U-Boot nicht unbedingt was besonderes. Geprägt vom US-Dollar, teilweise ungepflegt uns teils überbevölkert von Kreuzfahrern.
      Karl Stanley bietet die weltweit tiefste U-Boot Touren für Privatleute. ca, 4 Stunden dauerte unsere Fahrt auf eine Tiefe von 2000 ft = 610 m. Einfach nur beeindruckendLue lisää

    • Päivä 158

      West Bay & an underwater galaxy

      11. lokakuuta 2015, Honduras ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      We went on the 9am dive to Turtle Crossing - sadly no turtles. It was a nice dive but nothing special. We went on a catamaran this time and got to lie on the trapeze looking down at the crystal clear water. We went with British DM Andrew who was a bit moody, and Jenny and 3 American guys who all refused to come up at the end and pissed Andrew off even more.

      Andrew gave us all a $5 voucher if we promised to write a TripAdvisor review so we had a big free breakfast of pancakes and fruit.

      There weren't enough people to do a night dive here so I arranged one with Sun Divers across the road for $50 and they kindly agreed to let Anna come and snorkel for $10. Hannah decided not to come as it's pricey.

      Then we got a 10 minute water taxi for 60L each to West Bay, where the rich people stay! It's a beautiful white sand, turquoise water beach with no sand flies. A lot of the beach is reserved with hotel sunbeds for the posh people but us commoners walked to the far end and found some shade under some palm trees. There is a huge reef just off the shore and we took it in turns to snorkel and sunbathe / guard our bags. Anna and Hannah saw a hawksbill turtle. Anna and I couldn't find the turtle again but did see a gigantic parrot fish. There was a nice wind making it the perfect sunbaking temperature.

      We came back and Hannah went snorkelling again in Half Moon Bay and saw another turtle.

      Anna and I prepared for our dive by eating yesterday's chocolate! Just before sunset we went and got geared up and headed out on the boat and moored up not too far out (site = Deep Channel?). DM Sofia gave us a long briefing and then we went in with 4 others. We saw octopuses, lobsters, a huge crab waving it's claws, long sea cucumber 'snakes', a file fish, dead-looking sleeping fish, a parrot fish in it's sac and various other things. All around you could see little pairs of red eyes and when you shone the torch on them, they were tiny red shrimp. Half-way through the dive we knelt on the bottom and turned our torches off for 10 minutes. Once our eyes adjusted the whole ocean lit up into an underwater galaxy - it was amazing! Bubbles and any movement caused green bioluminescence and all around you could see the 'string of pearls', which is a very rare thing only seen in Roatan and one other place apparently. They are small crustaceans which light up as they move up and down in the water creating the appearance of a row of flashing lights - a mating display (photo is from web to give an idea). The end result was tons of lights all around us - awesome! After over an hour we came up and the sea was flat calm and the sky was lit up above us with masses of stars, absolutely stunning.

      The boat had moved to the end of the dive where it was shallower and Anna went snorkelling and saw a huge green moray eel and the bioluminescence - she absolutely loved it.

      We got back to shore, showered quickly and headed out to dinner. Creole's was shut as it's Sunday so we ate at the same place as last night. I asked for vegetarian and got chicken-fried rice. Not as good as last night's meal.
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