Budapest VI. kerület

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    • Dag 107


      4. juni 2023, Ungarn ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      הגעתי לבודפשט בגלל שמשהי אחת (1) אמרה שזו הייתה העיר האהובה עליה. בודפש לא הייתה העיר האהובה עלי אבל בהחלת היא הייתה ממש כיפית ויפה. זה היה מאוד שונה מהקטנות של איטליה ומהטבע של סלובניה אבל אהבתי את הבניינים המפוארים, הכסף המוזר וההיסטוריה העשירה. הלכתי לשם לאחד מהמוזיאונים הכי אובים מהטיול - מוזיאון מוזיקה מאוד אינטרקטיבי. הרגשתי כיפיות כמו של ילדה קטנה 😁. חוץ מזה, לעיר הייתה תערוכה סודית וקטנה של פסלים מיניאטורות. אומן בשם kolodko פסל והניח פסלים קטנים בכל מיני מקומות בעיר ונהניתי מלעבור בין פסל לפסל כי אני מאוד אוהבת מיניאטורות :) אני מרגישה שבודפשט בקרוב תהיה עיר הרבה יותר תיירותית אז אני שמיה שהגעתי אליה עכשיו!Læs mere

    • Dag 173


      8. august 2023, Ungarn ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Made it to Hungary - our 12th country on this trip - after an overnight bus from Cluj to Budapest. Will spend a few days catching up on sleep and sightseeing here before our European summer ends and we head to Central Asia.Læs mere

    • Dag 5

      Budapest ruin bar

      3. oktober 2023, Ungarn ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      This was originally a Jewish neighborhood
      When the nazis came thru, they forcibly removed the jews and it became a ghetto and abandoned
      Then communist came thru the young people were not allowed to have bars or clubs
      But these buildings were abandoned so the communist young people secretly turned these buildings into hidden bars
      And when the communist left
      They kept the bars
      The walls are covered in graffiti and pictures
      And it's huge with different music in every corner
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    • Dag 11

      So ein Glück! 😁😁😁

      9. oktober 2023, Ungarn ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Die gestern angebotene Radlerei hat keiner mit uns machen wollen. Juhuuu! Wir sind sofort raus aus dem Radlgwand und am Rad in die Stadt. Nur wir 2. Wunderbar. Abends große Verabschiedung und Tanz. Mit Bussen geht's für uns morgen nach Wien und mit dem Zug heim. Eine schöne und interessante Zeit ist zu Ende.Læs mere

    • Dag 43

      Budapest Day 1

      23. oktober 2023, Ungarn ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      We arrived in Budapest without a hitch. We went for the Parliament House for free as it was the day of the memorial of 1956 revolution that took place at Kossuth square where thousands of civilians lost their lives when the Russian tanks and military open fire into a peaceful civilian protest. Although the revolution was unsuccessful, it did awaken the Russian communist to the dissatisfaction of the Hungarian public, and a much softer communist rule followed. Hungarians were allowed to travel internationally, and some commerce was tolerated.

      Parliament house is very grand and imposing. The night free walking tour was great. The tour guide had missing front teeth and was more like a friend showing you around his country. He was full of information and was very helpful.
      Distance walked 20.2km
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    • Dag 44

      Budapest Day 2

      24. oktober 2023, Ungarn ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Spent the day at the Jewish quarter.
      Visited the Donahy Synagogue and the ticket included a guided tour.
      It was very sad to hear about the plight of the Jewish people over the centuries.
      I was so drained after the visit, we rested for the rest of the evening. Didn't even make it to Bosanova Jazz.

      Distance walked 7.3km
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    • Dag 46

      Budapest Day 3

      26. oktober 2023, Ungarn ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      We met up with a client from Perth and she kindly showed us Buda side.
      We visited the Buda Castle, Fishermen's Bastion and the Matthias Church.
      In the evening we attended a free concert at the Liszt Academy of Music. The concert was to showcase the Doctorate student performances on classical guitar, piano and violin. Performances were of very high calibre.
      Seating, however was a small nightmare. We got to the concert hall early as it was free seating. We sat down for 5mins and were asked to move for people that had tickets. So we moved only to be moved again after a further 3mins. We ended up in the seats, second from the front which were ended up being very good seats because we could see the pianist and the performers up close.

      Distance walked 16.2 km
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    • Dag 46

      Budapest Day 4

      26. oktober 2023, Ungarn ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      We spent the whole day in the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts.
      There is a special exhibition of Renoir. The exhibition took us through his early works to ones he did it in his last year's even when his fingers were gnarled and deformed from rheumatoid arthritis.
      The permanent exhibitions were also very extensive. It was a huge gallery.
      It spanned 3 floors with some galleries that could only be accessed by a specific lift, hidden at what seemed like the back of one of the rooms. Like a secret passage!

      After dinner, we walked along the river past the Parliament and it is beautifully lit up. Quite a majestic sight.

      We walked a total of 15.7 km from the time we left the accommodation. We were exhausted when we got back.
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    • Dag 2

      Budimpešta_dan 2

      28. oktober 2023, Ungarn ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Zjutraj sva imela zajtrk "kr domač", sveže kajzerce in Argeto pašteto. In že hitiva proti Sinagogi, da si jo prvič ogledava od zunaj in predvsem znotraj. Najina neorganiziranost naju zopet udari po prstih, ker si ne preveriva ur odpiranja. In ker je danes sobota imajo judje...Sabbath. Ja nič, če sva že v rem okolišu greva pa kar dalje proti naslednjim točkam v bližini, "Street food Karavan", "Szimpla Kert" in "Bors", več o tem v nadaljevanju, saj je še bilo zaprto 🙈.
      Nič, če je ob 10:30 prezgodaj za te, greva pa v National Hungary Museum, ki je kakšnih 15 min hoje stran. Mogočna stavba z ogromnimi stopnicami kliče v notranjost, še posebej napis "World press photo". Zgodovinski muzeji so vsaj zame dosti zanimivi, kultura in zgodovinski dogodki države pa iz vidika, da vedno kaj novega spoznam. Muzej v 2. Nadstropjih ni tako velik, kot sva jih že videla, vendar po svoje zanimiv, predvsem obdobje od 13. Do 15. Stoletja, ko so bili Celjski grofje in Ogri malo pod napetostjo. Žal edino sled, ki sem jo videl v povezavi z grofje je bil en grb in še to ni pisalo, da je njihov 🤔. Po ogledu muzeja, vse do novejše zgodovine, sva se ponovno odločila, da poizkusiva najino srečo v judovski četrti, kjer sva tokrat prišla na svoj račun. Bors je znana po svojih juhah, Tamara je imela npr. Bučkino z mangom, jaz pa sem poizkusil nekaj z mesom in po nasvetu natakarja. Ni me prepričal nekakšen topel sendvič s špehom, nekimi klobasi in dosti siri - žal je delno romal v smeti. Nato pa zelo zanimivi izkušnje alternativa iz, po mojem mnenju, časa hipijev - Szimpla Kert. Svoj svet z bari in malimi štanti, kjer prodajajo "svega i svašta". Prostori s popisanimi stenami, vsi stoli različni, ogromno zelenja, ampak nič standardov - ojoj 😬. Meni osebno zelo cool in dobro za videt. Nato pa sva zavila še v sosednji vhod, kjer pa je Karavan street food, v upanju, da bova kaj dobrega jedla, se sprehodiva skozi območje. Po ogledu vseh štantov in različnih jedi pred ljudmi, se gledava in odločiva, da rahlo razočarana zapustiva območje. Saj po najinem mnenju, hamburgerji, mehiška hrana in ostalo, razen kakšen krožnik golaža in paprikaša, ki sta izgledala res kot juha, ni nič kar bi lahko novega poizkusila. Lačna odideva proti domu, vmes pa se ustaviva v knjižnici Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library. Napotiju naju v 4. Nadstropje, kjer se pred nama pokaže knjižnica kot iz kakšnega ameriškega filma, zelene lučke na mizi, visoki stropi, okrašene stene in ogromno ljudi, ki se ne glede na naše poglede, učijo dalje.
      Odhitiva domov, malo okrepčila in popoldanskega počitka, pa seveda pocartat Milo. Da bo pa mera polna, greva ob mraku peš do Budapest castle. Hoja ob Donavi, mimo finih hotelov, parkiranimi ogromnimi ladjami in ogromno lučk, ti kar nariše nasmeh na obraz. Grad ki se dviguje na Donavo pa v vsej svoji velikosti riše misli moči preteklosti Ogrov. Na vrh naju ne nesejo noge, ampak vzpenjača, tudi nazaj naju bo, saj sva kupila karto za obe strani 😜. Po ogledu, lačna počasi strmiva proti domu in sproti še v trgovino.
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    • Dag 62

      Budapest Bound

      4. november 2023, Ungarn ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      🚉 # 21

      Budapest... It was: find the hostel, food, and a quick turnaround to make a 3.30pm walking tour. It became too dark for 📸 😔

      Ruin Bars! Once the site of the Jewish ghetto, the historic Jewish Quarter became dilapidated in the decades following World War II, after the deportation of 10,000s Jews. Szimpla began as a small experiment, a bar set up in an abandoned building, offering affordable drinks for the young and creative crowd.

      An evening out there with other hostel guests turned out to be fun! 🍸
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    Budapest VI. kerület, Budapest VI. keruelet, VI. Budapester Bezirk

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