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Top 10 Travel Destinations Budapest
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    • Day 47

      26. Budapest Hungary

      July 11 in Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 97 °F

      Budapest, the beautiful capital city of Hungary, is bisected by the Danube River which separates Pest, the flat part of the city from Buda, the hilly part.

      Budapest is best known for its extraordinary architecture, thermal baths, and Danube River cruises. We were here for 1 day only, so, 2 out of 3 ain't bad. The baths will have to wait for next time.

      Most beautiful city so far, for me...
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    • Day 148

      J151/154 - Budapest

      July 18 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C


      Nous partons de Belgrade en bus, vélos en soute après de nombreuses négociations avec le chauffeur (qui voulait nous faire payer 10€/vélo alors que l'on avait déjà pris le supplément). Le passage à la frontière est vraiment long, ce qui nous fait arriver à Budapest le jeudi à 16h.

      Nous avons vraiment profité à fond de la ville qui est un vrai coup de cœur, autant de jour comme de nuit 🤭
      Pour les journées, nous avons enchaîné les longues marches dans les rues pour visiter tous les bâtiments et quartiers sympas.

      D'abord "Pest", la partie à l'Est du Danube avec le somptueux parlement, des basiliques et synagogues, le marché couvert et les nombreuses fresques murales.
      Puis "Buda", la partie Ouest et notamment son Église Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption de Budavár, le bastion des pêcheurs et le palais royal.

      Les nuits ont été aussi chargées puisque nous avons testé les deux discothèques les plus grandes de la ville (dans des cours d'immeubles avec chaque salle qui avait un type de musique). Les gars avaient repéré un festival avec des artistes qu'ils connaissaient et y sont allés les deux soirs, j'y suis allé pour ma part qu'un soir sur les deux (je suis le doyen du groupe, j'arrive plus à tenir leur rythme effréné).

      Petite anecdote sympa pour le dernier soir: c'était le GP de F1 en Hongrie ce WE donc les logements étaient hors de prix. Nous n'avons donc pu réserver que les nuits de jeudi et vendredi. Le plan était donc clair : rester au festival jusqu'au lever du jour pour aller dormir dans un parc en ville. Heureusement pour nous, des personnes que nous avons rencontré et avec qui nous nous sommes super bien entendus allaient au GP de F1 le dimanche et pouvaient nous laisser leur appartement pour la journée. Nous avons donc passé une dernière journée à bien nous reposer avant de repartir de Budapest. Les gars continueront en vélo jusqu'à Vienne et moi je retourne en bus en France, après plus de 150 jours de voyage.

      Je suis partagé entre deux états, la joie de rentrer mais aussi la tristesse de partir. Je crois que je ne réalise pas encore que c'est fini. Fini les journées de vélo, en bus ou en bateau. Fini les découvertes des pays dont je ne connaissais que le nom jusqu'alors, les rencontres des gens éphémères et les demandes d'endroits où l'on dort. Fini les nombreux restos que nous faisions comme si nous avions gagné au loto, les repas cramés dans la popotte et les indigestions au Yop.

      Fini cette aventure extraordinaire avec des amis qui le sont tout autant, et merci pour tous ses souvenirs.

      C'était incroyable et je pense qu'on s'en rappellera toute notre vie.

      Bonne fin de voyage ❤️
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    • Day 13

      Budapest - Day 1

      August 18, 2019 in Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      We visited St Stephens’ Basilica first, which was spectacular. After that, we hopped on a bus over to the Buda side of the river and made our way up to the castle where there was a folk festival. We got some Lángos. Alex has a photo of them! They are like big flat churros with stuff on top... of your choice. Alex had the veggie option, Elena and I had meat 🥩

      Next we went to the National Gallery and saw some Hungarian art, followed by a stroll down the hill and over the Chain Bridge, which was pedestrianised because there was a music festival on there today, which we stopped to look at.

      My only gripe about the city is that you have to pay for ALL toilets and there are no water fountains.

      Today’s quiz: From which iconic 80s film are our are gallery poses? Clue: The Smiths - Please please please let me get what I want should be playing in the background.
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    • Day 2

      Tag 2 ...

      August 23, 2019 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Nach 543 km ist das Nachtlager in Budapest bezogen. Ein bunter Tag mit schönen kurvigen Strecken und tollen Aussichten. Der 5er fühlte sich in den Bergen wohl. Mit 5,4 Lietern auf 100 km ist er über den Tag gekommen.
      Liebe Grüße an meine Lieben zu Hause 😘...
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    • Day 4


      September 23, 2019 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Wow what a day! Had a largely sleepless 13 hour flight from Singapore to Munich despite having a full Restavit...don't know how people sleep on planes!
      For some reason my feet swelled up like plates and were pretty painful which didn't help. I even wore the DVT stockings, but had to take them and my shoes off.

      We arrived late in to Munich at 0630 and only had 30 minutes to get to our connecting flight to Budapest. We just made it but the Mahaffey's missed it by a minute or two...very stressful! Luckily there was a 1130 flight, so, along with another unfortunate couple, they were able to get on that one.

      Because of my swollen feet and sleepless night, it meant for an exhausting day in Budapest. Our driver was lovely and took us to the luggage storage place where we stored our ports, before dropping us to our Air BnB apartment around the corner. We couldn't get in till 1400 so just made sure of the address and went about exploring.

      Checked out some markets and shops, then found a little coffee shop to rest and planned how to fill in the day.

      Did a tour through Dohany St. Synagogue which was great...amazing history and tragic stories of the Jewish community throughout WW2.

      Finally 1400 came around and we picked up our luggage and got in to our apartment. Bloody feet looked like swollen pork chops by this stage, so I went straight to bed and put my feet up the wall to try and relieve the swelling. Mahaffey's arrived about 1500 after their big day.

      Needless to say, it was early to bed for all and hopefully better day tomorrow!
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    • Day 2

      Stadtrundfahrt in Buda

      December 30, 2019 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ -2 °C

      Wir hatten für diesen Tag eine tolle Stadtführerin und bestes Wetter. Wir haben viel interessanntes gehört und gelesen. Mein Highlight war die Mathiaskirche. Aber auch die Fischerbastei mit den tollen Ausblicken auf Pest. Es war schön, daß die Reiseleiterin auch die Geschichte der Donauschwaben erwähnt hat.Read more

    • Day 194

      Szechenyi Baths

      December 30, 2019 in Hungary ⋅ 🌙 -1 °C

      An entire day spent soaking in the thermal waters of the Szechenyi Baths. Planned from 1868, completed in 1913, the spa is a neo-Baroque landmark and feat of water engineering. There are a series of indoor pools of varying temperatures, saunas and 2 large outdoor pools where the water temp was around 30 degrees whilst the outdoor temp was hovering around 3-5 degrees. The steam rising up from the surface of the water gives everything a magical quality and that sunset just topped the day off perfectly.Read more

    • Day 4

      Jahreswechsel an der Donau in Budapest

      January 1, 2020 in Hungary ⋅ 🌙 1 °C

      Wir sind mit der alten Tram und der historischen Metro gefahren. Am Abend sind wir dann an die Donau um mit dem tollen Feuerwerk (wie im Internet beschrieben) ins neue Jahr zu starten. Nur wo war das Feuerwerk?? Egal es ging auch ohne.Read more

    • Day 197

      Day trip on the Children's Railway

      January 2, 2020 in Hungary ⋅ ⛅ -1 °C

      Mini adventure today taking the Children's Railway (Gyermekvasút) which was built after World War II, and originally called Pioneer's Railway. It is run by children under the supervision of adult railway workers. Children do various types of jobs, from selling tickets to traffic management.
      Getting to the railway involved 2 metro lines and a bus into the hills and was then followed by a short hike through the forest, a climb to a lookout tower, an old chair lift down the hill (passing over lovely old homes and gardens still covered in ice from the morning frost) , a bus back to the city and finally a short walk home!
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    • Day 198

      Night bathing at Rudas thermal spa

      January 3, 2020 in Hungary ⋅ ⛅ -1 °C

      Tonight we drank a few coffees to stay awake for the 10pm to 4am night session at the Rudas baths.
      The original Turkish baths were built 450 years ago and it now has a panorama open air spa on the rooftop with gorgeous views along the River Danube and to the cliff face behind.
      It was so cold on the rooftop that the staff were scraping away the ice forming on the walkway but the temperature of the water in the spa was perfectly warm.
      The walk home in the early hours of the morning was freezing cold (minus 3 degrees) and foggy but the city buildings were still illuminated beautifully.
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    Budapest, 부다페스트

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