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    • Päivä 3

      Busfahrt zum Bräutigam sein Zuhause und

      17. lokakuuta 2023, Intia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Um 11:30Uhr fuhren wir ca 3 Stunden mit dem Bus zum Bräutigam sein Zuhause. Wir wurden herzlich willkommen geheissen. Nachher wurden wir den ganzen Tag mit Häppchen und am Abend mit einem feinen Essen bedient.
      Die Stimmung war genial, es wurde getanzt und gelacht.
      Um 1:00Uhr war für uns gute Nacht.
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    • Päivä 1


      18. toukokuuta 2018, Intia ⋅ 🌫 23 °C

      Italy is one of the most romantic countries of world. Its most beautiful cities, unique charm, friendly people and awe-inspiring scenery can make anybody fall in love with the country. Being with your better half or loved one in Italy is the most perfect way to explore it. Amazing canals of Venice, outstanding architecture of Rome, magnificent works of art of Florence, picturesque towns on Amalfi coast, stunning beauty of Capri island, the most glamorous beaches of Sicily, Tuscany’s healing thermal waters and a lot more is there in Italy. You can hire a car from, collect it from any of the major airports and begin your journey to this romantic country. Country is blessed with breathtaking views, its beautiful seaside villages, historic towns, picturesque lakes, great hotels, restaurants and have all the modern tourist facilities available. Most romantic cities of Italy are listed below.

      City of canals, Venice is the most romantic city of Italy. Its historic gondola rides through canals, Dodge’s 9th century residence, most beautiful houses and buildings along the canals, amazing sunrise and sunset sets a perfect atmosphere to purpose your love or just spend a good quality time with your better half. Venice has such an outstanding aura of a romantic place which will make you fall in love again.

      Rome is rich both culturally and historically. City is brimming with old world charm, beautiful architecture and Gelato is a must try. Vatican museums in Rome are home to world’s greatest collection of art. You can have a quality time with your loved one strolling the lively streets, enjoying gelato holding hands or exploring Borghese gardens, visiting Roman monuments such as Pantheon , a 200 years old temple or Roman Palazzo Massimo, The Capitoline Museum and many more.

      Birthplace of Renaissance and romance filled in air, Florence is a beautiful and romantic place to visit. City has everything from natural beauty of hills and Arno river to man made beauty of Renaissance art and architecture. Restaurants and hotels in Florence arrange some of the best dinner dates or for you with most outstanding views and arrangements. City is home to treasures of art such as Ghiberti’s Porta del Paradiso, Grand Museo del Duomo, Museo dell Bargello and many more.
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    • Päivä 1

      3 Sunset Places in Northern India

      13. maaliskuuta 2018, Intia ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Must Visit 3 Sunset Places in Northern India

      A country called India holds a beautiful magnificence and that can be witnessed in an ordinary way, what can be more an effective than an exemplary sunset! Either over the Aravalli Mountain, over a seashore in Goa or any world heritage monument, where the romance of India’s sunsets will support you to create a photo that will perfect the ambience with your distinct one. Do not fail to capture these moments in a camera and travel by using a bus accompanied by your loved ones.

      Additionally, be certain to have your camera ready in the course of your bus trip as you proceed to the town the place you would like to witness the sundown. Journey is the best option to chill out and discover. You gain knowledge to admire the fantastic nature and you appreciate small matters corresponding to a view of dawn. If which you could publication online bus tickets from, your job will get less complicated. Drop all hassles and equipment up to experience the magic of nature.

      Northern region of India has no dearth of excellent sundown spots. You may go to the sun-kissed sandy shores, a hilltop or stand on the end of the street to witness the outstanding logic about a sunset.

      1. Sunset @Jaisalmer: it is a lifetime experience to watch the sun go down amidst of the sand dunes. It is nice time to look the silhouette view of the wasteland in Jaisalmer. Tourists after observing the outstanding sunset and be part of the campfires, camel and jeep safaris within the sand dunes. The view of sunset is the perfect experience that any traveller will cherish forever!

      2. Sunset @Kashmir: Look at the mesmerising sundown at Dal Lake whilst running alongside the Boulevard Street. The reflection of the sun and its orange rays lit up the waters of the lake. It is surely going to fascinate your senses like never before. Wow!

      3. Sunset @ Chandigarh: Witness powerful setting of the sun at Sukhna Lake poised at the foothills of Himalayas. Throughout the winters, this lake turns into a sanctuary for individual migratory birds. The sunset right here is fine seen from the tip-factor of the lake.
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    • Päivä 9 833

      Naik Kendaraan Bus Umum Menuju ke Pulau

      23. tammikuuta 2019, Intia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C


      Malang dikenal sebagai salah satu kota terbersih dan terdingin yang terletak di bagian timur dari Pulau Jawa. Sebagai kota besar, Kota Malang terlibat dalam berbagai peristiwa bersejarah yang terjadi di Indonesia. Untuk menandai peristiwa tersebut, dibangunlah berbagai monumen dan tugu peringatan yang selalu terawat dan tertata rapi. Kota ini telah banyak dikunjungi oleh para wisatawan lokal dan asing karena pantai-pantainya yang ada disini memiliki pasir indah yang berwarna keemasan dan berbagai resort yang mewah. Beberapa turis berdarmawisata ke Malang setiap liburan hanya untuk mengunjungi pantai-pantai nya. Kota ini memiliki 3 pantai yang mempunyai paling banyak pengunjung sepanjang tahun. Malang dikenal dengan nilai sejarahnya ini semua berkat banyaknya candi yang ada di sini. Kota ini mungkin tidak sebesar Jakarta dan Surabaya tetapi sudah pasti merupakan salah satu tujuan wisata paling menarik di Indonesia. Suasana di kota Apel Malang ini benar-benar didominasi oleh pegunungan dan perbukitan yang membuat udara sejuk dan bentangan lanskap hijau sejauh mata memandang. Kota ini adalah kota terbesar kedua di bagian Timur Jawa setelah kota Surabaya. Dengan populasi yang berkembang pesat sebanyak lebih dari 1,2 juta jiwa. Kota ini memiliki signifikansi historisnya dan itu hidup serta menarik dibandingkan dengan kota-kota lain di Indonesia.


      Bali adalah salah satu destinasi tujuan liburan yang paling sempurna dan salah satu tempat terbaik untuk bepergian bersama keluarga anda. Bali tidak hanya menawarkan anda berbagai adat istiadat tetapi juga adrenalin yang dapat anda rasakan merambat ke tulang belakang anda. Pulau seribu Pura ini adalah rumah bagi banyak hiburan sejauh mana memandang serta selalu memiliki sesuatu yang baru terbuka sepanjang waktu. Pulau Bali memiliki beberapa atraksi lepas pantai dan pedalaman ini semua berkat permintaan populer yang banyak di request oleh para wisatawan. Arung jeram adalah salah satu olahraga air paling populer yang dikunjungi oleh para wisatawan. Bali juga memiliki beberapa pantai selancar terbaik di dunia untuk para penggila pantai dan para peselancar baik yang baru belajar bahkan hingga untuk kelas profesional, yang terletak di bagian barat pulau. Ini menangkap bagian khusus dari Indonesia serta memiliki gaya khasnya sendiri.

      Bus merupakan salah satu moda transportasi terbaik di Indonesia. Daripada terjebak dalam kemacetan lalu lintas dan membayar untuk itu, banyak penduduk setempat yang memilih untuk bepergian dengan bus. Frekuensi bus juga cukup teratur dengan bus yang selalu datang hampir setiap 15 menit. Saya merekomendasikan anda untuk memesan tiket bus anda sebelumnya dari jejaring situs karena tiket bus sangat cepat habis terjual. Situs ini memberikan anda potongan harga yang besar dan anda dapat memilih berbagai pilihan jenis bus seperti ekonomi, ekspress, sampai yang berkelas. Perjalanan dengan bus akan membebankan biaya antara Rp. 50.000,- sampai Rp. 200.000,- semua tergantung dari bus kelas apa yang anda pesan. Jika anda berpacu dengan waktu, saya akan merekomendasikan anda untuk memesan bus ekspress karena pemberhentian hanya dilakukan beberapa kali dan anda akan cepat sampai pada tujuan. Jika anda memiliki anggaran minim, saya sarankan anda untuk memesan tiket bus kelas ekonomi. Bus mewah memiliki kelas terpisah dengan fasilitas seperti kursi yang dapat bersandar, film, dan makanan ringan. Jadi pesan tiket anda sekarang dan bersemangat sepanjang perjalanan menuju kota-kota tujuan anda.

      Jarak antara kota Malang dan Pulau Bali adalah sekitar 370 km dan dapat menghabiskan perjalanan anda sekitar 10 hingga 11 jam tergantung pada macet atau tidaknya perjalanan anda. Durasi perjalananan anda juga sudah termasuk anda habiskan untuk naik kapal ferri. Perjalanan akan dikenakan biaya sekitar Rp. 300.000 per kepala. Saya menyarankan anda untuk memulai perjalanan anda pada waktu larut malam atau malam hari agar anda dapat tidur selama perjalanan sehingga anda tidak merasa begitu lelah menghabiskan waktu yang panjang untuk kemudian anda melanjutkan darmawisata anda.
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    • Päivä 1

      Hal-hal Penting untuk Diingat saat Beper

      6. helmikuuta 2019, Intia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Jika anda mendarat di Kota Jakarta, anda perlu tahu bahwa kota ini adalah kota yang sangat indah terutama pada malam hari. Anda dapat melihat jalan-jalan yang padat dan banyak kendaraan, mengemudi dengan kendaraan kecil maupun besar di sepanjang jalan yang diterangi lampu-lampu kota serta di tengah-tengah banyak gedung tinggi. Ini tentunya pemandangan yang indah untuk dilihat. Anda pasti tidak ingin menyetir sendiri disini, karena anda mungkin tidak ingin terkena tilang oleh polisi peraturan lalu lintas, karena ada banyak aturan yang rumit dan membingungkan yang anda sebagai orang asing disini pasti tidak mengerti dan tidak ingin memiliki kejadian seperti itu!

      Meskipun, itu seharusnya tidak menghalangi rencana anda untuk menikmati kota dan menjelajahi banyak hal hebat yang disediakan Jakarta untuk anda. Bus dengan transit yang cepat adalah salah satu bagian transportasi yang paling disukai disini dari upaya yang sedang berlangsung untuk mengurangi kemacetan lalu lintas di kota. Berikut ini daftar pilihan transportasi umum yang tersedia untuk berkeliling di Jakarta. Ini mungkin sangat membantu bagi para traveller seperti anda.

      Busway Jakarta: Indonesia terhubung dengan baik dengan rute bus dan dikenal dengan layanan busnya yang lengkap. Bahkan dengan konektivitas bus yang hebat, ini dapat sulit dimengerti bagi anda bahwa anda benar-benar dapat berkeliling kota hanya dengan bus. Perjalanan dengan Busway memiliki jalur khusus bus yang tidak dapat dilewati oleh kendaraan lain yang memungkinkan anda sampai tujuan lebih cepat karena tidak adanya kemacetan di jalur khusus ini dan perjalanan dengan transportasi ini juga cukup murah. Namun, bagi anda yang pertama kali mencoba naik busway, anda diharuskan untuk memiliki E-Ticket yang akan membebani kocek anda sekitar Rp 20.000,- untuk harga kartu dan tambahan Rp 20.000,- sebagai saldo awal anda. Kartu ini dapat dibeli di setiap halte Bus dan mudah diisi ulang. Anda diperbolehkan naik bus hanya dari pemberhentian khusus. Tidak ada jadwal pasti keberangkatan bus tetapi anda dapat melacak bus secara real time melalui Google Maps. Ini adalah salah satu sarana yang paling terjangkau dan nyaman untuk berkeliling kota.
      Selama berkeliling di Jakarta, mereka memiliki angkutan cepat bus sendiri, yang dioperasikan oleh TransJakarta, yang oleh penduduk setempat disebut sebagai 'busway'.

      Kerepotan anda akan berkurang setelah anda dapat memesan tiket bus anda secara online melalui jejaring situs yang memungkinkan anda dapat memilih dari berbagai bus dan mengkonfirmasi reservasi bus dalam waktu yang singkat. Portal online ini memastikan metode pembayaran online yang aman dengan biaya pemesanan nol rupiah. Naik bus adalah ide bijak ketika anda di Jakarta!

      Taksi di Jakarta: Taksi-taksi selalu menjadi cara termudah dan paling nyaman untuk berkeliling di Jakarta. Ada juga berbagai layanan taksi eksekutif, seperti Silver Bird, yang dioperasikan oleh Blue Bird. Taksi Silver Bird dapat dengan mudah dilihat dan dijangkau di sebagian besar hotel bintang lima yang ada di sekitar kota serta di Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta, dan anda juga dapat memesannya lewat telepon. Kini juga ada taksi online yang dapat anda pesan melalui smartphone anda.

      Taksi Minivan di Jakarta: Ada kendaraan umum yang dikenal sebagai 'Mikrolet' dan 'Angkutan Kota' disingkat sebagai 'Angkot'. Anda akan menemukan kendaraan ini mengambil dan menurunkan penumpang di tujuan yang mereka inginkan tanpa memiliki halte atau tempat penurunan penumpang yang jelas. Satu ‘Angkutan Kota’ dapat memuat total 14 penumpang yang mana cukup sempit dan kurang nyaman.

      Penyewaan Mobil: Jika anda ingin menyetir sendiri di dalam mobil sewaan dan berjalan-jalan di jalanan Jakarta, yang anda butuhkan hanyalah Lisensi Mengemudi Nasional atau Internasional. Jika itu tidak menarik bagi anda, carilah mobil sewaan yang sudah termasuk dengan sopir. Apa lagi, lihatlah pemandangan sekitar kota di dalam mobil sewaan serta sopir sewaan anda.
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    • Päivä 1

      Choose any 5 places near Kalasipalyam, B

      28. tammikuuta 2019, Intia ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Kalasipalyam in Bangalore is very famous. It is located just opposite to the City Railway Station. One of the most crowded areas in Bangalore. There are many shops and restaurants lined up in Kalasipalyam. Due to its easy reachability to other places, it serves as an ideal located of stay amongst travellers. The wide range of hotels near Kalasipalyam, Bangalore can be found at… , where you may book your ideal stay online.
      This online hotel reservation platform comprises of a list of hotels in Kalasipalyam suiting all budgets, also decide on your location of stay and avail a customize stay in at your convenience. The user-friendly procedure of booking hotel rooms helps to save time. This also helps you to read guest reviews, get discounts and browse other requirements. It is advisable to select your ideal hotel room in advance, just to keep yourself away from hassles.
      All the hotels are spread across various parts of Kalasipalyam, depending on their service offerings, prices and accessibility from other places. The demand of hotels near Kalasipalyam, Bangalore is never less, due to its range of attractions lined up across the city. Business as well as leisure travellers visiting this city shall never be deprived of a proper and clean accommodation. Here is a compilation of stay options near Kalasipalyam, which are close to railway station, bus stop or near to market area. It will probably help a traveller having plans to visit Bangalore and decide a well-suited accommodation here.
      1. Makam Comforts: This is an ideal budget stay located close to the railway station and other public places. As value added service, guests are offered free internet access and breakfast during their stay. There are in total 25 well-appointed rooms that are equipped with essential requisites.
      2. Diva Residency: A boutique hotel offers a close distance from the Kalasipalyam Bus Depot and railway station. In the surroundings, there are many food joints. All rooms come with necessary amenities a modern day travellers requires for a comfortable stay.
      3. Hotel City Centaur:  The plush hotel is located close to Bangalore City Railway Station and key attractions of Bangalore are well connected to the hotel. The rooms are designed keeping in mind the needs of corporate guests and leisure tourists heading to Bangalore for short term or long duration stays. Guests can also enjoy a wide array of facilities during their stay at the hotel. 
      4. Vardhaman Paradise: This hotel property is located at a close distance from all places of interests. This delightful budget property has contemporary architecture, which ensures the guests an affable hospitality. It offers an impressive accommodation with satisfactory conveniences providing a good slumber. An amazing in house restaurant calls for a tempting cuisine, which is irresistible until the last bite.
      5. UG ROYAL: This is a standard budget property from UG Group of Hotels ideal for any type of travellers willing to take up a short stay in the city or for long stays. It aims at providing a guest accommodation, which fits their budget and does not let compromise on count of basic comfort facilities.
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    • Päivä 1

      Orchard Road

      3. elokuuta 2018, Intia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Orchard Road – A Preferred destination for shoppers

      That Singapore is one giant shopping mall is a fact I cannot deny, not when I have just recently visited and been swept off my feet by the Lion City. I shopped till I dropped, literally! I dropped on my hotel room bed, thankfully, but the happiness that came with packing bags upon bags of goodies to carry home cannot be replaced by any other.

      Arriving at Orchard Road is no trouble at all. It is stretched across a 2.5 km road. Shopping on Orchard Road is a treat. However, don’t forget to carry your credit cards as the prices can be quite high. It is supposed to be the entertainment hub and a major tourist attraction of Singapore. Be sure to bargain for the product you wish to buy else you will land up paying a heavy price. All and all it is a good place to walk around and buy.

      I took my tickets from and the rest of journey went by without any hiccups.

      Your shopping bonanza in Singapore must begin with the discovery and exploration of the gigantic Orchard Road. For someone with a fashion style sense that reads something like, ‘feminine rock’, there are not many places that I can safely cater to this need of mine. Until I walked through Orchard Road and into Wheelock Palace, in the basement of which lies the feminine rock fashion paradise—Rosebullet.

      ION Orchard is another popular landmark on Orchard Road. If it is your last day here and want to quicky lay your hands shopping, then this is the place for you. It is said to be Singapore’s first multi-sensory experiential shopping and lifestyle mall. It is a huge shopping complex and amply crowded. And it sure didn’t disappoint! The land where the brands dwell, this gargantuan mall is home to more than 300 stores, including Charles & Keith, Miu Miu, Giorgio Armani, Dolcce & Gabbana, Dior, etc. You get anything you want in this place and ot just branded but also other normal or local brands. The other best thing is if you are tired and hungry and done with your shopping there are lots of restaurants, café around where you can refresh yourself with some good eateries and drinks. It is much recommended place to visit when in Singapore/
      For chic street fashion wear, enter Far East Plaza that is situated at the heart of Orchard Road. T-shirts, dresses, accessories, you name it and you will find its trendiest streetwear option.

      Spoilt for choice
      Today, Orchard Road is flanked by iconic shopping malls, restaurants and hotels, choc-a-bloc with retail, dining and entertainment choice for every taste and budget. Designer threads, fast fashion, upscale restaurants, ethnic wares, art galleries and relaxed hangouts – you name it, Orchard Road has it.

      Here’s a tip: while the almond and jambu trees are no more, huge angsana trees lining the large pedestrian mall give ample shade from the blazing sun – making this still a nice place to stroll.
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    • Päivä 1

      Baroda, Gujarat

      22. kesäkuuta 2018, Intia ⋅ ⛅ 40 °C

      The City in the state of Gujarat is well poised on the banks of the river Vishwamitri, from where the name is derived as Vadodara or Baroda. Enduring with a rich and dense historical background Baroda is a popular place for tourists from all over the world.

      Nobody shall expect anything less from this city blessed with geography and history and a key component of India’s industrial base. The existence of several popular places make Baroda worthy of visiting.

      Travelling from any city like Rajkot, Jamnagar, Dhrol and many more to Baroda is taken care by buses. Buses being one of the convenient mode of transport in Gujarat, life made easier at as from this portal one may reserve online bus tickets and choose their ideal bus type and seat. Moreover, travelling by bus is a safe and comfortable option for many travellers.

      Once you arrive in Baroda, let us check out the amazing attractions placed here. Simply you can’t afford to miss them:

      EME Temple: This temle features unique geodesic architecture. This offbeat and modern Dakshinamurti Temple attracts tourists in big number and is an amazing place to be visited in Baroda. The silvery white tower and the structures carved from aluminium will make you wonder before you actually accept the fact that it is a temple. The temple is managed by the Indian Army authorities with holy symbols of all religions in one place, as they do not have separate places of worship for all religions.

      Laxmi Vilas Palace: This was structured by Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III in the year 1890, an exorbitant building, is a significant place to visit in Baroda. This largest private living place, which is spread in large acres of land. At present, the residential place of Baroda’s royal family, Laxmi Vilas is a popular Raj era palace situated in Gujarat. The primary attraction is inside the palace where it’s ornate Darbar Hall is widespread with an array of fine European architecture which includes multi coloured marbles, Belgium style stained glass windows and Venetian styled mosaic floors. The palace interiors resemble the large European country house with all the modern amenities.

      Sursagar Lake: Here the large idol of Lord Shiva arises from the crystal clear blue waters of the lake; one may feel the power of divinity calming the soul on your visit to the Sursagar Lake. The amazing statue poised in the centre of the lake gives a touch of serenity to the place. Quite popular amongst the tourists and locals, this artificial lake is a bustling place all across the year. The lake is always filled with water, therefore, making it a favourable spot for activities like boating. Try visiting this place during a moonlit night!

      Baroda Museum: This place depicts the history of Baroda, the Museum and Picture Gallery will offer an opportunity to have a glance into the city’s past. The influential and scenic museum was built in the year 1894. The museum houses uncountable artefacts in regards to geology, archaeology, history and much more.
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