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      3 Sunset Places in Northern India

      13. März 2018 in Indien ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Must Visit 3 Sunset Places in Northern India

      A country called India holds a beautiful magnificence and that can be witnessed in an ordinary way, what can be more an effective than an exemplary sunset! Either over the Aravalli Mountain, over a seashore in Goa or any world heritage monument, where the romance of India’s sunsets will support you to create a photo that will perfect the ambience with your distinct one. Do not fail to capture these moments in a camera and travel by using a bus accompanied by your loved ones.

      Additionally, be certain to have your camera ready in the course of your bus trip as you proceed to the town the place you would like to witness the sundown. Journey is the best option to chill out and discover. You gain knowledge to admire the fantastic nature and you appreciate small matters corresponding to a view of dawn. If which you could publication online bus tickets from, your job will get less complicated. Drop all hassles and equipment up to experience the magic of nature.

      Northern region of India has no dearth of excellent sundown spots. You may go to the sun-kissed sandy shores, a hilltop or stand on the end of the street to witness the outstanding logic about a sunset.

      1. Sunset @Jaisalmer: it is a lifetime experience to watch the sun go down amidst of the sand dunes. It is nice time to look the silhouette view of the wasteland in Jaisalmer. Tourists after observing the outstanding sunset and be part of the campfires, camel and jeep safaris within the sand dunes. The view of sunset is the perfect experience that any traveller will cherish forever!

      2. Sunset @Kashmir: Look at the mesmerising sundown at Dal Lake whilst running alongside the Boulevard Street. The reflection of the sun and its orange rays lit up the waters of the lake. It is surely going to fascinate your senses like never before. Wow!

      3. Sunset @ Chandigarh: Witness powerful setting of the sun at Sukhna Lake poised at the foothills of Himalayas. Throughout the winters, this lake turns into a sanctuary for individual migratory birds. The sunset right here is fine seen from the tip-factor of the lake.

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      travel indonesia

      12. April 2017 in Indien ⋅ 🌙 -10 °C

      4 Resort Alami di Bali: Ayo Kembali ke Alam!

      Resor yang ramah terhadap alam di Bali baik itu hotel-hotel atau akomodasi yang memang dibuat dan bertujuan untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan, dengan menawarkan penginapan yang ada di tengah-tengah lingkungan alam dan sering di sebuah lokasi yang eksotis. Hal ini memungkinkan para tamu untuk menikmati pengalaman liburan di pulau luar biasa - dekat dengan alam dan jauh dari keramaian hiruk pikuk kota besar.

      Beberapa penginapan memiliki nuansa yang damai,pilihan menginap harus dipesan lebih dahulu bisa untuk pemulihan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan, sementara yang lain menawarkan pengalaman liburan akhir pekan dengan memilih dari beberapa petualangan yang ada di daftar. Daftar hotel yang ada di daftar ini mulai dari yang lokasinya tersembunyi sampai yang ada di pantai utara yang tenang di mana anda dapat melompat dari bungalow anda langsung ke air jernih penuh ikan tropis. Untuk penginapan yang ada di perkebunan dataran tinggi, anda dapat menikmati angin pegunungan yang segar atau melakukan aktifitas yoga dengan fasilitas khusus.

      Pilihan wisata: Bus adalah cara yang paling nyaman untuk bepergian di seluruh Indonesia, mereka memiliki biaya yang efektif dan mudah untuk dipesan. Bagaimana caranya? Cukup memesan tiket online dari Redbus dan hemat waktu anda. Portal pemesanan online ini membantu untuk memilih dari berbagai jenis bus dan operator yang terdaftar. Selain itu, ada nol biaya pemesanan dikenakan pada setiap pemesanan tiket.

      Waka Gangga: Ini adalah resort villa yang menawarkan relaksasi. Beberapa vila memiliki kolam berendam pribadi. Meskipun berenang di gelombang laut sangat tidak dianjurkan, pasir hitam dan padat di pantai barat ini adalah sesuatu yang diinginkan sambil berwisata kuda dan melihat matahari terbenam di kejauhan.

      Zen Resort Bali: tempat ini menawarkan tempat yang damai dan baik untuk kesehatan dengan villa mewah yang dikelilingi oleh taman tropis alami. Villa yang tipe 'Sunrise' terdiri dari tempat tidur king atau quenn dengan pemandangan kolam renang dan laut, sedangkan villa yang tipe 'Sunset' memiliki empat tempat tidur dengan pemanandangan atas bukit dan kebun.
      Bagus Jati Health: Ini adalah salah satu tempat kesehatan di Bali yang terkenal dan bagus untuk menenangkan diri. Semua fasilitas di resort ini dirancang untuk menggabungkan semua kontur alam, meliputi lima hektar lereng bukit berhutan rimbun.

      Natura Resort and Spa: tempat ini menyajikan sebuah villa gunung yang tersembunyi dengan baik di antara dedaunan tropis yang lebat. Semua vila di sini menawarkan pemandangan lembah, dan memiliki lounge pribadi dan beranda terbuka yang besar.

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      A Handy Travel Guide to Allahabad, India

      17. Juli 2017 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Allahabad, a city shaped with rich past, dates back to India's heritage along with a vibrant culture in a way that may never get ignored. Probably the whole of the city is laden with artifacts, adding a special touch to the powerful role that Allahabad plays impacting its people. Adhering to this reason, the city earns its significance in the pages of Indian history. The amalgamation of Hindu, British and Muslim culture are profoundly interesting. Unique sites and attractions should never be missed out by any tourist who sets foot in the region.
      Transportation: Presently, Allahabad is well networked by all modes of transport like railways, roadways and airways. The city is well-connected to all the major cities of India as well as the neighbouring parts of the province of Uttar Pradesh. Almost all the parts of Allahabad are well linked to each other as well as the rest of the cities of India by a strong network of transportation amenities. People willing to travel to Allahabad from cities like Nagpur, Varanasi, Kanpur and many more usually prefer to travel by bus. Bus is suitable option since the region consists of efficient network of roads. Bus being an important medium of travel helps several travellers to commute seamlessly. Bus tickets can be taken online from, here you shall get discounted tickets and choose your bus type from the list.
      Allahabad is a city which is situated at the junction of the three holy rivers called Ganga, Saraswati and Yamuna. Allahabad is an epitome of rich cultural and religious heritage with the great historical lineage of its own. Allahabad is also known as a holy city and is considered as a famous pilgrimage by majority of Hindus.
      Allahabad offers a great choice of accommodation options spread across the city. There are a range of hotels for budget travellers, luxury seeking travellers and many more. Hotels like Milan Palace, Hotel Polomax, Raka Inn and many more stay choices are available suiting every visitors’ needs.
      Some of the major monuments here are, the Allahabad Fort, Anand Bhawan, Swaraj Bhawan and Allahabad Museum. The monuments in Allahabad stand as an anecdote of the colonial era and the Mughal Era. The monuments of this city on the banks of river Yamuna are major tourist’s attractions.
      People who love shopping and has a knack for buying antique jewellery, ethnic wears, high art quality items for them Allahabad is the best place to take up shopping. This city comprise of a unique shopping experience for tourists and locals who has an artistic bent of mind. It is indeed a one stop shopping destination for the tourists who have a taste for ethnic designs. The tourism industry has taken effective efforts to throw light on Allahabad’s Shopping destination as an interesting activity for the tourists being on a tour in the city.
      Don’t forget to take a boat ride to the ‘Sangam’ where the three rivers meet. Just invest more time in buying souvenirs like chains and trinkets from the river banks (cheap prices).

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      Berkeliling dengan Transportasi Bus dari

      28. Mai 2018 in Indien ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Berkeliling dengan Transportasi Bus dari Kota Betawi Jakarta Menuju Kota Pramuka Bandung

      Jakarta adalah ibukota negara Indonesia juga merupakan pusat dari budaya, politik, dan ekonomi yang ada di negara ini. Kota ini secara keseluruhan muncul pada abad ke-16. Kota ini dikenal memiliki sejarah yang kaya dan beragam. Populasinya memiliki cukup banyak perbedaan suku dan anda akan menemukan orang-orang dari semua lapisan masyarakat yang tinggal disini. tercatat bahwa penduduk Jakarta berjumlah 8,3 juta jiwa yang terdiri dari orang Jawa sebanyak 35,16%, Betawi (27,65%), Sunda (15,27%), Tionghoa (5,53%), Batak (3,61%), Minangkabau (3,18%), Melayu (1,62%), Bugis (0,59%), Madura (0,57%), Banten (0,25%), dan Banjar (0,1%). Pembangunan Jakarta yang cukup pesat sejak awal tahun 1970-an, telah banyak menggusur perkampungan etnis Betawi ke pinggiran kota. Pada tahun 1961, orang Betawi masih membentuk persentase terbesar di wilayah pinggiran seperti Cengkareng, Kebon Jeruk, Pasar Minggu, dan Pulo Gadung. Jika dilihat dari presentase, lebih banyak etnis Jawa yang menetap disini khususnya Jawa Tengah dibanding warga asli Jakarta yaitu etnis Betawi. Jumlah orang Jawa banyak di Jakarta karena ketimpangan pembangunan antara daerah dan Jakarta. Sehingga orang Jawa mencari pekerjaan di Jakarta. Hal ini memunculkan tradisi mudik setiap tahun saat menjelang Lebaran yaitu orang daerah di Jakarta pulang secara bersamaan ke daerah asalnya. Satu hal lagi yang lainnya yang akan anda sadari saat menginjakkan kaki ke kota ini adalah bahwa kota Jakarta penuh dengan kemacetan lalu lintas. Ini karena banyak penduduk dari kota satelit seperti Bekasi, Tangerang, Bogor, dan Depok bekerja di Jakarta. Kota ini telah mempertahankan rute historisnya dengan cukup baik dan sekaligus menjadi pusat pembangunan di Indonesia.

      Selama saya tinggal disini saya merasakan perasaan yang cukup luar biasa ini semua karena kemacetan lalu lintas dan alam Jakarta yang luas. Jika anda dapat mengabaikan bagian luar kota Jakarta yang sibuk ini, anda akan menyadari bahwa tempat ini dipenuhi oleh banyak hal menarik yang ultra modern dan juga sisi tradisional pada saat yang sama, royal dan sederhana. Ini adalah campuran modern dari budaya Asia Tenggara serta pengaruh Belanda dan Islam yang menyampurkan mereka ke dalam susunan nilai yang luar biasa. Bangunan-bangunan tua Belanda dan kompleks kuil Tionghoa sangat pantas untuk dilihat. Pastikan untuk mengunjungi Jakarta Barat di mana pelabuhan penuh dengan berbagai aktivitas.

      Anda dapat mengunjungi mall dan pusat bisnis yang baru dibangun di Jakarta Utara yaitu di daerah Pantai Indah kapuk. Pada dasarnya Jakarta memiliki sesuatu yang unik didalamnya untuk setiap turis yang datang dari luar sana. Kita juga dapat mengunjungi Kepulauan Seribu jika anda adalah salah satu dari orang-orang yang mencari sebuah petualangan. Anda dapat menceburkan diri ke dalam suatu kegiatan seperti menyelam di laut dalam dengan kehadiran taman laut yang memiliki berbagai macam aktivitas dan kehidupan malam terbaik di seluruh Asia. Waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi Jakarta adalah antara bulan Juli dan Oktober. Saya menghabiskan waktu sekitar 6 hari untuk berbelanja, berpesta, dan tur di Jakarta, dan akhirnya tiba saatnya bagi saya untuk mengakhiri tur saya di kota yang indah ini. Saya memeriksa catatan perjalanan saya dan tujuan selanjutnya setelah Jakarta adalah Kota Pramuka Bandung.

      Saya mencari semua opsi yang tersedia untuk bepergian ke Bandung. Maskapai penerbangan terbukti cukup mahal dan hanya akan meninggalkan saya dengan sedikit uang untuk berbelanja di Bandung. Akhirnya saya tahu bahwa bepergian dengan Bus dari Jakarta ke Bandung akan menjadi pilihan terbaik. Tidak hanya terbukti cukup ekonomis tetapi juga cukup nyaman dan mudah. Saya langsung menuju ke situs web ini yang teman warga negara Indonesia saya telah rekomendasikan kepada saya. Proses pemesanan tiket cukup sederhana dan cepat. Situs ini memberi saya daftar 3 operator yang beroperasi pada rute antara dua kota ini. Extrans, Dimotrans dan Ken Cana Voyage adalah Operator yang melakukan perjalanan bus setiap hari di rute ini. Extrans adalah satu-satunya Operator bus yang memiliki lebih dari 25 bus yang beroperasi pada satu hari. Mulai dari 01.45 dini hari hingga pukul 11:45 siang. Frekuensi bus ada hampir setiap 30 menit. Ini cukup mengejutkan bagi saya karena Operator yang memiliki frekuensi bus sesering ini seolah-olah itu hanyalah perjalanan lokal. Karena kegembiraan saya, saya akhirnya memesan tiket dengan Operator ini. Biaya tiket tunggalnya adalah sebesar Rp 105.000,-.

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      Bus journey to First World Hotel

      1. Juni 2018 in Indien ⋅ 🌬 37 °C

      Bus journey to First World Hotel from Clarke Quay

      Clarke Quay is famous for its stunning restaurants by the riverside as well as its exciting collection of bars and clubs. The area has a lot to offer for tourists visiting to Singapore. I ended up with Clarke Quay while booking my Bus tickets to Malaysia from… . Apart from the attractions of Clarke Quay, it also serves as a major Bus boarding point for Buses leaving for Malaysia.

      The attractions of Clarke Quay are just within walking distance of each other, which include a host of family friendly activities, and cultural visits that are just perfect for the daytime tours. The Singapore River lies in the heart of Clarke Quay and serves as a central artery for this areas nightlife scene. However, the river has a much broader prospect to offer than just a beautiful spot for food and drinks.

      If you want to quickly get along the entire length of the river, you can mkae use of the boat tours that will drop you off at the place of your choice. The river has also been categorised as a historic place alongside important Singaporean landmarks like the Merlion and the Esplanade that you come across along your way to the Singapore Strait.

      The G-Max Rivers Bungy, which is a thrilling activity, is a landmark itself within another landmark. This giant Bungy structure is beautifully illuminated at night with colourful LED lights. Thrill seekers can board the Bungy after 2:00 pm in the afternoon. There was only a short queue at the boarding point. You just have to strap in yourself in the Bungy and then are launched 60 feet into the air at a speed of more than 200 kms per hour. This was a very thrilling experience for me. If you think this is dangerous you do not have to worry as the G-Max Rivers Bungy boasts of a 100 percent safety record with over more than ten lakh riders making it back to earth safely in one piece.

      There are about 4 Operators plying on the route between Clarke Quay and First World Hotel. However, Transstar, KKKL Tours and Travels and the One Travel and Tours were the 3 most popular Operators. KKKL Tours and Travels had about 3 buses plying throughout the day starting from 6:00 am in the morning till 10:00 am in the morning. The duration of the journey is about 4 hours but if you leave at this time of the day it might take longer due to traffic snarls. KKKL Tours and Travels operates only Executive Coaches with about 20 seats in each Bus and tickets costing somewhere around SGD40. Transstar is another Operator which operates only uxury class of buses with tickets costing SGD50 and above. It operates only 2 buses one at 5:45 am and the other at 7:00 am. I chose to travel by the 5:45 am bus as this was the earliest bus leaving Singapore. The One Travel and Tours is the most affordable operator with tickets costing only SGD30. However, the Operator operates only one bus in the entire day which is at 9:00 am in the morning.

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      Chennai to Vijayawada

      8. Juni 2018 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Traveling in an APSRTC bus from Chennai to Vijayawada

      Chennai being a renowned city, which is often referred to as the ‘Gateway of South India’. This city oversees zillions of travellers every year, who throng to the city for various purposes like business, education or pleasure. I have put in just about 3 years in this city, I realised that its legacy and fascinating attractions continue pulling sightseers from everywhere throughout the world.

      Suddenly, during the mid of last year, I had plans to visit Vijayawada. I usually prefer to travel in state-owned buses, as they are safe and punctual. Hence, I booked APSRTC bus tickets from ; this amazing quick bus reservation portal issued tickets securely. I booked an APSRTC AC Semi Sleeper Garuda bus that left from Chennai at 5pm and reached Vijayawada at 1:15am. The staff in the bus was polite and took good care of the passengers. My bus journey experience with APSRTC was quite pleasant and comfortable.

      The bus interiors had been clean and properly arranged. The bus passed by way of gorgeous sceneries and landscapes, soon it grew to become dark and I obtained concerned in listening songs. As a rule, I used to be reading a novel; they played a film in the television that was once installed within the bus. The bus gave rest stop around 11pm; passengers acquired right down to freshen up. Journeying by using bus is whatever I have perpetually adored, the intent being it helps to acquire many travel memories!

      Vijayawada, famed for its trading undertaking is situated within the state of Andhra Pradesh. The city is bordered by Budameru River and Indrakiladri Hills. The face of the city is regularly altering with its large growth in each aspect and ingenious way of life. It has many points of interest like Kanaka Durga Temple, Bhavani Island, Undavalli Caves, Victoria Museum and Subramanya Swamy Temple. All I wanted a wreck from my day-to-day work, so I was traveling to Vijayawada just to stay over the weekend. It was an overnight bus experience for almost 8 hours and the bus gave rest stops too.

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      14. Juni 2018 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 43 °C

      Krabi is an ideal holiday destination in Thailand for beautiful relaxing beach holiday. Island features spectacular scenery of both land and sea. More than 150 islands with stunning white sand beaches and striking turquoise waters, limestone cliffs and secluded coves are outstanding. Krabi is all in one destination with excellent food, vibrant nightlife, stunning beaches and abundance of interesting things to do. It is bit crowded in peak season so it is recommended to plan your trip and make bookings beforehand. I had a great experience of travelling in Krabi as I collected my… drove directly to my beach resort and after 2-3 hours of relaxing and getting fresh I began my Krabi stroll. We were group of 4 looking forward to amazing delights of Krabi. From beach holiday to shopping and and enjoying delicious food Krabi has a lot. Some of the best things to do and places to visit in Krabi are shortlisted here.


      Krabi is home to some of the most beautiful beaches of Thailand packed with countless number of activities such as kyaking, snorkelling, swimming and a lot more. Railay Beach and Caves, The Emerald Pool, Koh Poda, Koh Hong, Koh Tup, Koh Mor, Phi Phi Islands are some of the must visits in Krabi. Klong Thom Hot Springs is one of the must have experience in Krabi.


      Krabi boasts with a provincial charm and so is its markets. You won’t find huge shopping malls or centres here but local markets filled with vendors and hawkers selling almost everything. Krabi Town Walking street, Ao Nang Walking street and Nopparat Thara Plaza are one of the must visit places for shopping.


      Krabi has an array of good restaurants serving mouth watering Thai cuisine to international cuisines making dinning scene as eclectic as possible. From fine dinning to mid range choices ans street food, Krabi has everything in abundance. Whether to try sea food or fast food you will definitely ask for more. Some of the must try restaurants in Krabi are, Jennas Bistro and Wine, Gecko Cabane, Krua Thara, Chalita Cafe and Restaurant and Carnivore steak and Grill.

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      travel to indonesia

      19. Juni 2018 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Naik Transportasi Bus Menuju ke Hotel-hotel di Jakarta yang Ramah di Kantong Anda

      Hotel-hotel paling ramah di kantong yang ada di Jakarta melayani orang-orang yang memiliki budget minim dan berharap mereka masih dapat melihat keindahan kota dengan pilihan akomodasi yang tidak terlalu merogoh kantong mereka lebih dalam lagi. Hotel-hotel seperti ini hadir dalam berbagai tema dan pilihan dengan kamar yang dilengkapi furniture yang baik untuk tidur malam anda yang nyenyak dan memiliki fasilitas gratis yang ditawarkan seperti layaknya hotel mewah. Harga kamar yang cukup beralasan untuk menyesuaikan anggaran. Jika anda memiliki rencana untuk menghabiskan waktu anda untuk mengunjungi Indonesia dan menginginkan hotel yang hanya untuk tidur saja, hotel-hotel ini adalah solusi sempurna untuk anda. Karena anda telah merencanakan untuk berjalan-jalan seharian, saya merekomendasikan anda untuk menghemat budget travelling anda dengan berkeliling menggunakan bus saja, sebab bukan hanya murah tetapi juga dapat membawa anda mengelilingi Jakarta tanpa ada masalah.

      Bus merupakan salah satu transportasi terbaik di Indonesia. Daripada memikirkan kemacetan lalu lintas Jakarta dan tidak menikmati perjalanan, banyak warga lokal yang lebih memilih berkendara dengan bus. Jumlah bus juga cukup memadai dengan bus yang selalu datang hampir setiap 15 menit. Saya sarankan anda untuk memesan tiket anda di situs karena jika anda memesan tiket secara manual, tiket bus sangat cepat terjual. Redbus menawarkan diskon menarik dan anda dapat memilih berbagai tipe kelas bus seperti ekonomi, ekspress, dan luxury. Berjalan-jalan dengan bus kemana saja akan merogoh kocek anda sebesar kira-kira Rp. 50.000 sampai Rp. 200.000,- tergantuk tipe kelas bus apa yang anda pesan. Jika anda sedang terburu-buru, saya merekomendasikan anda untuk memesan bus dengan tipe ekspress karena hanya berhenti dengan singkat dan akan membawa anda ke tempat tujuan dengan cepat. Jika anda memiliki budget minim, anda dapat memesan tiket tipe kelas ekonomi. Namun, jika anda salah satu yang menginginkan kenyamanan dalam berkendara, tipe bus kelas luxury adalah pilihan tepat karena terdapat fasilitas kursi yang dapat disandarkan, film-film yang dapat diputar, serta makanan ringan yang membuat perjalanan anda semakin menyenangkan. Jadi pesan tiket anda sekarang dan arungi kota dengan gembira.

      Swiss – Belinn Kemayoran

      Hotel ini adalah hotel berbintang tiga dan melayani hampir setiap tamu internasional. Harga yang ditawarkan disini cukup terjangkau dan berlokasi strategis di area utama kota. Hotel ini tepat berada di seberang Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran, yang terkenal dengan event perdagangan internasionalnya. Kemudahan lainnya yaitu dekat dengan kompleks perbelanjaan serta dekat area yang paling penting dalam bidang bisnis. Hotel Swiss – Bellin ini juga memiliki akses menuju tol yang dapat dengan mudah ke bandara internasional Sokarno-Hatta dan lapangan golf Springhill. Hotel ini memiliki lebih dari 156 kamar tamu lengkap dengan fasilitas bintang 3 nya serta desain kontemporer. Terdiri dari 9 kamar tipe Deluxe, 103 kamar tipe Superior Deluxe, 31 kamar dengan tipe Deluxe Premier, 6 kamar Grand Deluxe, 4 tipe kamar Bisnis Suites, 2 Executive Suite dan 1 Presidential Suite. Pilihan untuk non merokok dan kamar khusus untuk penyandang cacat juga tersedia. Ruang konferensi hotel ini dilengkapi dengan semua fasilitas bisnis. Hotel Swiss – Bellin ini menyediakan 6 ruang konferensi, ideal untuk pertemuan dengan kapasitas hingga 667 orang. Hotel ini juga memiliki kolam renang dan pusat kebugaran yang lengkap. Saya merekomendasikan anda untuk mencoba layanan spa khas hotel ini.

      MaxOne Hotel

      Hotel yang bergaya ini berlokasi di pusat kota dan harganya sangat ringan di kantong anda. Hotel ini menawarkan semua layanan untuk bersantai yang mungkin membuat hotel mewah malu. Kamar yang disediakan benar-benar memiliki harga yang pas dan mempunyai tema gaya kontemporer. Jika anda ingin menginap di hotel ini untuk satu malam, anda akan mendapatkan tidur yang nyenyak, ini semua berkat furniture kamar yang cukup lengkap. Hotel ini memiliki 87 kamar, 8 lantai, wifi gratis, kedai kopi, ruang pertemuan, dan layanan laundry. Sebagai tambahannya, bagian terbaik di hotel ini adalah dekat dengan beberapa pusat perbelanjaan terbaik seperti Plaza Indonesia dan Grand Indonesia Shopping Mall, serta dekat dengan restoran fine dining.

      Anda dapat berangkat dengan bus ekspress dari bandara yang akan mengantarkan anda sampai titik terdekat di hotel ini. Travelling dengan bus lebih murah dan nyaman layaknya fasilitas taksi yang memiliki harga lonjakan yang tinggi.

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      19. Juni 2018 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      Nice is an outstanding combination of old world magnificence and modern city spirit. City’s seaside scenery and year around mild climate makes it a popular place for holidays. Nice is a popular French city visited by thousands tourists every year for its spectacular coastline, vibrant Mediterranean energy, distinctive old world feel and number of attractions awaiting for a memorable visit. City is close to Italian border and holds a magnificent Italian character. Nice’s beautiful gardens are worth spending a time with your loved one and family. As Nice is one of the most visited cities of France it is advised to make your accommodation, car rentals and other sites bookings in advance. I booked my… in advance and got it delivered to me right at airport when I landed.

      City’s rugged terrain, beautiful mansions, amazing art galleries, museums and glamorous Riviera distinct it from all other French cities. Promenade des Anglais is an most important and most popular attraction of Nice. It is a grand walkway along the Mediterranean and a vibrant venue ideal for enjoying Nice nightlife. This grand embankment dates back to 1820s and is covered by 19th century palaces on its eastern side. Magnificent buildings such as Palais de la Mediterranee, Villa Massena and Le Negresco are major attractions located along this spectacular seaside road.

      Castle Hill Park, located on a hill is the very first area of Nice inhabited by Greek in This fabulous place features rushing waterfalls, shady trees and abundance of greenery all around. You can enjoy a leisurely stroll and stunning views. There are many nice restaurants, boutiques and fascinating ruins of two old churches located inside the Park.

      Nice Old Town or Vieille Ville is a picturesque maze of narrow cobbled streets, spacious boulevards and colourful markets. The lively ambiance and an array of good restaurants and cafes are worth more strolling. Beautiful Chappele de la Misericorde and Palais Lascaris are one of the main highlights of Nice Old Town.

      The Cours Saleya Market and famous flower market – Marche aux Fleurs is a must stroll if you are interested in enjoying the traditional French feels and want to meet local people of Nice.

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      21. Juni 2018 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 40 °C

      With advancement in technology every information is just a click away to everyone. Mobile Apps has been proved a great source of growth for flourishing and growing business as well as in promoting better provider-customer relations. Being a mobile has became essential for each and every business whether its small or huge. Similarly hotels too require mobile apps for so many reasons such as promoting sales, providing easy services of bookings via their mobile app. Travellers prefer to plan before and and make bookings for their accommodations in advance rather than making on the spot bookings and best way possible to make booking procedure easy to use and responsive is via mobile app. With rising demand of mobile apps in every field in Canada the demand of… has risen beyond the expectations. Which is being beneficial for both developers and clients.
      Hotel apps helps travellers in finding best deals, see hotel pictures, check hotel features, ambience and details about nearby attractions and also get to know about reviews about different hotels. Some of the major benefits for having mobile Apps for your hotel are listed here.


      Hotel mobile app makes the communication between hotel and guest more direct and easy. Guest can check prices, and hotel can share offers and discounts, facilities provided and also can keep their guests updated with any changes and relevant information about property. Guests can install and connect their Hotel mobile app with social media and also request for push notifications for discounts and deals.


      As push notifications and in app notifications makes the recent information available to users or guests available directly in their hands. Best part of mobile apps is bookings without standing in a long waiting line or may be finding their preferred room already booked.


      Even after knowing the great role and importance of mobile Apps in hotel business many of the hotels don’t have their mobile apps, therefore having a mobile App for your hotel helps you to create an important competitive advantage over the properties those don’t have their own app.

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