Wadāla Tukm

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    • Tag 19

      Tadoba Andhari national park

      7. Januar 2023 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We had a very early start with an alarm call at 5.15am! By 5:45, we were having a coffee in the reception area and met up with our naturalist guide for the day. The little Jeep arrived at 6:00 a.m. and we set off for the park.

      Our lodge is situated just outside the buffer zone of the park and so it took us about 15 minutes to drive to the entrance through the buffer zone. The buffer zone has people living in it, whereas the central park doesn't have any people who live there now as they've all been moved over the years into the buffer zone.

      It was still dark when we entered the park at 6:30 a.m. and almost immediately our guide spotted some fresh pug marks in the dirt track that we were driving on. Thankfully, we had blankets provided by the lodge as the sun didn't really get above the trees until after 9:00 a.m. and so it was chilly until then.

      We spent the next 3 1/2 hours trying to track or find a tiger and in doing so we saw a whole range of flora and fauna including:

      Jungle fowl
      Rufus pie tail bird
      Indian Gaur
      Spotted deer
      Cattle egrets
      A ghost tree
      And crocodile skin tree.

      Sadly the closest we got to a tiger was spending about 15 minutes listening to it eat a kill, and hearing the crunching bones.

      At around 10:00 a.m. we write back at an inner gate and stopped to have some breakfast consisting of boiled egg some homemade pastries,a type of Indian pancake and coffee for me. It was now time to head back to the accommodation as the park closes over the lunchtime period.

      When we arrived back the staff were waiting with a warm towel and a lemongrass tea served in a goblet which was just what we needed. We had a couple of hours to kill before our afternoon safari and so we came back to the room and had a fresh coffee sitting on the veranda.

      All freshened up We headed for our lunch which was a regional thali dish, and a beer to wash it down with.

      At 1:30 p.m. We met up with our guide again and went off Tiger hunting to the same region. Once again the tiger proved elusive but at least by now it was warm and sunny. We spotted some similar animals to the morning including some more samba deer And we also were shown the axle tree and the tamarind tree. We also spotted some mugger crocodiles basking in the sun by the lake.

      By the time we left the park at around 5:45 it was getting chilly again and we spent the ride home wrapped in a blanket. Once again, when we arrived back the staff were waiting with a hot towel and a warm drink.

      After a shower and change we had a sundowner beer whilst watching a documentary about Tadoba national park and then it was time for dinner. By 9.30 we were shattered and headed for an early night in readiness for another early start.

    • Tag 20

      Tadoba Andhari national park

      8. Januar 2023 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Another early start with a 5.30am alarm call.

      After coffee or masala tea in reception, we then climb the board our jeep for the drive to the park gates. It was definitely colder this morning and so in addition to the blanket I was glad that I put an extra layer on.

      We spent the morning drive in the park seeing if we could spot the elusive tiger. We started off with a stop near a water hole where we heard a tiger in the undergrowth roaring. However, that was about as close as we got to a tiger and despite seeing other animals including deer, jungle owlets, langur monkey, blackwinged kite and a spotted owlet we left the park disappointed.

      We're right back at the lodge at about 11:00 a.m. and showered and sat on the veranda having a coffee. At around 12:30 we went for a drink and as we were having a beer, the manager came across and said that there was an opportunity to have an extra Safari in the afternoon if we wanted to. It didn't really take much thinking about to get another chance to spot tigers and so we agreed.

      So we had a quick lunch and then met our guide again who drove us in a pickup this time to a different gate where we met a jungle driver and jungle guide. We spent the afternoon in the same part of the park and returned to the place we'd be in the day before where we heard a tiger eating its kill. There must have been about 20 other jeeps there as the tiger could be seen in the undergrowth. Sadly though we think that the noise of some of the other tourists disturbed it and it wandered off.

      It's time to return to the gate and so disappointedly, we commence the drive back. Just as we were approaching the inner gate, we saw a works vehicle up ahead who motioned to us to come quickly and our driver sped up. There in a fire break around 100 m away was a young juvenile tiger marking it's territory. We only had a couple of minutes before she wandered off into the undergrowth but we agreed the extra Safari had been worthwhile.

      We kept our eyes peeled on the way back but didn't see anything else. Our guide drove us the 45 minutes back to the lodge and we were greeted with warm towels and more lemongrass tea.

      After a quick shower we headed to the bar at 7.30 for another nature documentary before having dinner in the restaurant. Another early night, tired but happy with the sights today!

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