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    • Day 20

      Tadoba Andhari national park

      January 8, 2023 in India ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Another early start with a 5.30am alarm call.

      After coffee or masala tea in reception, we then climb the board our jeep for the drive to the park gates. It was definitely colder this morning and so in addition to the blanket I was glad that I put an extra layer on.

      We spent the morning drive in the park seeing if we could spot the elusive tiger. We started off with a stop near a water hole where we heard a tiger in the undergrowth roaring. However, that was about as close as we got to a tiger and despite seeing other animals including deer, jungle owlets, langur monkey, blackwinged kite and a spotted owlet we left the park disappointed.

      We're right back at the lodge at about 11:00 a.m. and showered and sat on the veranda having a coffee. At around 12:30 we went for a drink and as we were having a beer, the manager came across and said that there was an opportunity to have an extra Safari in the afternoon if we wanted to. It didn't really take much thinking about to get another chance to spot tigers and so we agreed.

      So we had a quick lunch and then met our guide again who drove us in a pickup this time to a different gate where we met a jungle driver and jungle guide. We spent the afternoon in the same part of the park and returned to the place we'd be in the day before where we heard a tiger eating its kill. There must have been about 20 other jeeps there as the tiger could be seen in the undergrowth. Sadly though we think that the noise of some of the other tourists disturbed it and it wandered off.

      It's time to return to the gate and so disappointedly, we commence the drive back. Just as we were approaching the inner gate, we saw a works vehicle up ahead who motioned to us to come quickly and our driver sped up. There in a fire break around 100 m away was a young juvenile tiger marking it's territory. We only had a couple of minutes before she wandered off into the undergrowth but we agreed the extra Safari had been worthwhile.

      We kept our eyes peeled on the way back but didn't see anything else. Our guide drove us the 45 minutes back to the lodge and we were greeted with warm towels and more lemongrass tea.

      After a quick shower we headed to the bar at 7.30 for another nature documentary before having dinner in the restaurant. Another early night, tired but happy with the sights today!
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    • Day 19

      Tadoba Andhari national park

      January 7, 2023 in India ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We had a very early start with an alarm call at 5.15am! By 5:45, we were having a coffee in the reception area and met up with our naturalist guide for the day. The little Jeep arrived at 6:00 a.m. and we set off for the park.

      Our lodge is situated just outside the buffer zone of the park and so it took us about 15 minutes to drive to the entrance through the buffer zone. The buffer zone has people living in it, whereas the central park doesn't have any people who live there now as they've all been moved over the years into the buffer zone.

      It was still dark when we entered the park at 6:30 a.m. and almost immediately our guide spotted some fresh pug marks in the dirt track that we were driving on. Thankfully, we had blankets provided by the lodge as the sun didn't really get above the trees until after 9:00 a.m. and so it was chilly until then.

      We spent the next 3 1/2 hours trying to track or find a tiger and in doing so we saw a whole range of flora and fauna including:

      Jungle fowl
      Rufus pie tail bird
      Indian Gaur
      Spotted deer
      Cattle egrets
      A ghost tree
      And crocodile skin tree.

      Sadly the closest we got to a tiger was spending about 15 minutes listening to it eat a kill, and hearing the crunching bones.

      At around 10:00 a.m. we write back at an inner gate and stopped to have some breakfast consisting of boiled egg some homemade pastries,a type of Indian pancake and coffee for me. It was now time to head back to the accommodation as the park closes over the lunchtime period.

      When we arrived back the staff were waiting with a warm towel and a lemongrass tea served in a goblet which was just what we needed. We had a couple of hours to kill before our afternoon safari and so we came back to the room and had a fresh coffee sitting on the veranda.

      All freshened up We headed for our lunch which was a regional thali dish, and a beer to wash it down with.

      At 1:30 p.m. We met up with our guide again and went off Tiger hunting to the same region. Once again the tiger proved elusive but at least by now it was warm and sunny. We spotted some similar animals to the morning including some more samba deer And we also were shown the axle tree and the tamarind tree. We also spotted some mugger crocodiles basking in the sun by the lake.

      By the time we left the park at around 5:45 it was getting chilly again and we spent the ride home wrapped in a blanket. Once again, when we arrived back the staff were waiting with a hot towel and a warm drink.

      After a shower and change we had a sundowner beer whilst watching a documentary about Tadoba national park and then it was time for dinner. By 9.30 we were shattered and headed for an early night in readiness for another early start.
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    • Day 1

      Reis Gericht Ramona Yoga

      October 3, 2018 in India ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Ofen auf 170 Grad vorheizen.
      Süßkartoffel in "Fritten" schneiden, Karotten mit dem Chefkoch zerkleinern. Beides auf ein Backblech mit Backpapier legen und mit Sonnenblumenöl beträufeln - 25 min bei 170 Grad im Ofen backen.

      Parallel roter oder schwarzer Reis abkochen.

      Fenchel mit dem Chefkoch zerhexeln und in der Pfanne andünsten.

      Danach alles zusammen im Topf mit etwas Reismilch vermengen.

      Mit Salz, Kurkuma, Koriander und etwas Kreuzkümmel würzen.

      Durchziehen lassen.

      Aufgewärmt schmeckt das Essen nochmal besser.

      Guten Appetit!
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    • Day 1


      June 8, 2018 in India ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      Experience a Bus Tour from Varanasi to Allahabad

      Travelling to Allahabad from Varanasi is fun, especially when you can take a bus trip. Both the cities are soaked in rich past, dates back to India's heritage along with a vibrant culture in a way that may never be ignored.

      Probably Allahabad is laden with artefacts, adding a special touch in influencing its people and visitors. Adhering to this reason, the city earns its significance in the pages of Indian history. The amalgamation of Hindu, British and Muslim culture are profoundly intriguing. Any tourist who sets foot in the region should never miss out unique sites and attractions.

      The journey from Varanasi to Allahabad is completed in 2-3hours covering a short distance of 120kms. Travelling by bus is quite comfortable and convenient for commuters. I took online bus tickets from…, as I had sudden plans of visiting Allahabad. Bus tickets are always available and easy to book them from this online portal. They gave discounts too!

      Allahabad consists of a good network of transportation like railways, roadways and airways. The city is linked well to all the major cities of India as well as the neighbouring parts of the province of Uttar Pradesh. Buses being a suitable option as the region consists of efficient roadways. Bus as a commuting medium helps several travellers to commute seamlessly.
      Allahabad offers a great choice of accommodation options spread across the city. There is a range of hotels for budget travellers, luxury seeking travellers and many more. Hotels like Milan Palace, Hotel Polomax, Raka Inn and many more stay choices are available suiting every visitors’ needs. The travel and tourism sector has taken valuable efforts to focus on Allahabad’s Shopping destination as an interesting activity for the tourists being on a tour in the city.

      People who love shopping and has a knack for buying antique jewellery, ethnic wears, high art quality items for them Allahabad is the best place to satisfy their shopping desires.
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    • Day 1


      March 23, 2018 in India ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Travel Dairies: A Bus Journey from Guntur to Bangalore

      Commuters willing to travel from Guntur to Bangalore preferably opt for buses, as they are traveller-friendly mode of transportation. Recognised as one of the frequently taken bus route in Southern India, which is serviced by several renowned bus companies. Therefore, I took online bus tickets from… and travelled at ease from Guntur to Bangalore. This online portal helped to book tickets in an easy way and saved a lot of my time too. I would love to recommend it to me friends and family members as this might help them to get discounts and travel without facing any hassles.
      Bangalore being the capital city of Karnataka is recognized as a buzzing cosmopolitan city, also as the melting pot of various cultures. The excellent road connectivity and smooth bus system helps people to travel without any hassles. I boarded the bus at 2:30pm from Guntur and reached Bangalore at 5am the next day. The bus ride went on for almost 12 hours. I had opted for an Ac semi sleeper bus that was comfortable and came with clean interiors. The road distance from Guntur to Bangalore is approximately 624 kms and is spotted with many boarding points and stops along its journey. This makes it actually very convenient for folks commuting between the two cities.
      In Bangalore, one shall find a lot of modern architectural works, many historical sites and stories of Indian dynasty as well as a pleasant weather, Bangalore is not only a home to engineers and researchers but is also one of the most attractive destinations for foreign tourists in India. I was visiting Bangalore for the first time, came here for a 2-days trip along with friends. The bus staff ensured safety and comfort of its passengers.
      The bus gave a number of rest stops where most of the commuters refreshed up. The journey by road was a tiring one yet the vehicle simple waved off all our travel woes.
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    • Day 1


      February 24, 2018 in India ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Take a bus trip from Nellore to Hyderabad

      Nellore being an evident city that is well connected with roadways helps many commuters on daily basis. A journey from Nellore is a comfortable 7 hours bus travel experience to Hyderabad. Nellore located in Andhra Pradesh, a city with historical significance and famous for religious activities is often visited by people. Buses serve a great way of transportation to Hyderabad. I took tickets from…, this allowed me to choose from the array of buses and also gave discounts. Many bus operators are serving commuters willing to travel from Nellore to Hyderabad.

      I boarded the bus from Mini Bye Pass pick up point in Nellore at 10pm, reached Hyderabad at 6am and got down at Nampally in Hyderabad. I was travelling in an AC semi sleeper bus that was quite comfortable for the 8 hours of bus travelling. Furthermore, the staff within the bus had been enormously pleasant and consistently assisted passengers in a well-mannered way. While visiting with the aid of bus just take into account to carry your headphones and some speedy snacks to munch on, these will definitely get rid of your boring instances. You are going to move through a couple of scenic locations, lush green fields and welcoming highways. Eventually, my journey was during the nighttime so the scenes were not so clear via the windowpanes.

      After a long time, I came up with plans to seek advice from Hyderabad. In the end, this metropolis called Hyderabad is bestowed with a myriad of points of interest that maintain pulling tourists from in all places the globe. The wealthy touch of heritage and smooth street connectivity with other essential cities makes Hyderabad a widespread position of visit in India. I perpetually wanted to visit this city.
      As soon as I reached Hyderabad, I quickly took a Cab from the bus stop to my friend’s place and grabbed some rest!
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    • Day 1


      January 16, 2018 in India ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      5 Perks of Opting Online Hotel Stays in India

      Whenever any travel plans, come up; starting from booking transport, hotels to tours all are done via online. Now the question arises is ‘Why’. After all, who doesn’t like to enjoy complete peace of mind with a few finger clicks on the mouse? Of course, most of us! In India, booking online hotel stays is widely catered by several online players (e-commerce travel companies). Nowadays, almost everyone from all over the globe, preferably turn their face towards booking almost everything online (using the internet), which means leveraging the internet or web world.

      After browsing a number of hotel booking websites, I came across a good one. While making travel plans to Kodaikanal, I have explored this site and decided on my suitable hotel room, where I had spent a great weekend. My experience of booking an accommodation online on this platform was a hassle-free one. I have made an online-secured payment and received an email and sms confirmation as soon as I completed the reservation procedure. Besides, there are a huge number of benefits involved with online hotel reservation. With the fact, booking a hotel room is as simple as bus, train or flight ticket reservation. Here is a list of reasons below that shall solidify your intentions to pick your ideal hotel room online for your next travel destination.

      Coming to the renowned travel organizations who offers online hotel booking facility enables user to browse across an array of hotel listed with a segregation in cities, areas or any particular location. I would like to share the pros of picking your stay online (from personal experience). Here, I have mentioned some of the benefits that I have experienced while booking my hotel room online. Moreover, the site is desktop as well as smartphone friendly, so you need not open your desktop or laptop to book a stay.

      1. Wide Choice: Pick up whichever city you are planning to visit, you shall find a good number of hotels listed here. You can apply filter option, view hotels according to your budget and other preference and confirm your suitable accommodation. You can compare the services, reviews and prices.

      2. Time Saving: The desktop version of booking hotel stays is now available through smartphones. The app is designed in a user-friendly manner that fits well in the limited screen size. So just avoid the rush after reaching the new city (time & energy taking) and it is a smart idea to book your ideal hotel online in advance.

      3. Hotels Reviews: You can read guest reviews, go through hotel images and other details of service offerings before deciding on your final stay option.

      4. redBus deals: you can get amazing discounts or cashbacks on booking your hotel online. You need not spend a bomb while choosing an accommodation.

      5. Secured Payment Option: As you opt your well-suited stay, you can make secured/trusted online payments and receive a confirmation via email and sms. Make sure to carry the hotel booking copy at the time of check-in.
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