Banjar Selantang

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    • Day 12

      Eimoll Nordoste bitte...

      October 31, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Au hüt hemmers wieder gmüetlich gno, hend fein zmörgelet, de Roller gschnappt und sind um di halb 9ni losgfahre. Hüt nöd direkt südlich sondern de Küste richtig Nordoste. Ufem Weg hemmer aber no en churze Spot binre holländische Bäckerei gmacht - eme feine Süessgebäck chame natürli nöd widerstoh chöne. Mit dem im Gepäck simmer denn witer gfahre, ganz lang de Küsteregion noh, bis mer in Boengkoelan wieder d Stross richtig Süde gno hend.

      Dere kurvig Stross simmer bis noch Kintamani gfolgt. Zwüschetine hemmer no en Tankstopp gmacht, was do uf Bali heisst, dass mer am Strosserand e PET Fläsche mit Benzin dine kauft wos der denn i din Tank fülled. In Kintamani hemmer denn kehrt und sind denn richtig Weste gfahre. Mer sind a vielne schöne, grüene Wälder, Zitrus- und Kohlplantagene und a Riisfelder verbi gfahre. Mer hend d Sunne gnosse und schlussentli ide "Berge" sogar no müesse s Jäggli azieh, wells so chalt gsi isch. Üsi Route isch denn nöd ade GitGit Wasserfäll verbi gange sondern oberhalb vo de Zwilligssee (Danau Buan und Danau Tamblingan).

      Vo döt us hemmer 1300 Meter abe oder nomol 40 minute fahrt brucht zum zu üsem hotel uf Meereshöchi cho. Da isch e Herusforderig für d Bremse vo üsem Roller gsi, wo an Rand vom Oberhitze cho sind. Mir hend aber no gnueg chöne bremse zum üses Usfährtli heil beende.

      Öppe am halbi 3 simmer denn sehr müed (und es bitz Popo Schmerze) wieder im Hotel acho. Noch dene 6 Stund (jo fahre uf Bali goht länger als Google Maps vorschloht) hemmer üs zerst moll e Siesta gönnt. Geg de Obig het denn üse Buch glich chli grumoret, drum simmer ine Restaurant go esse. Aschlüssend hemmer zerst de Roller wieder zrugg zur Vermietig broch und hend denn de Obig am Meer mitme feine Bier usklinge loh.


      Today we had a rather relaxing day again. After the breakfast at the hotel we took our motor bike and started tadays ride at around 8:30 am. Today not directly southwards but along the northcoast first. The first stop of our ride was at a dutch bakery to get some sweet pastery. With some fresh mini dounuts on board we headed on along the coast until we reached Boengkoelan where we took the street southwards and uphill.

      We followed the curvy road until Kintamani. In between we had to take a gas stop which on Bali means buying a PET bottle filled with gas on the side of the road which the pour into your tank. In Kintamani we turned around and rode westwards. We passed by many green forests, citrus or kale plantages and many rice fields. We enjoyed the sun but up in the mountains we had to wear a long sleave jacket because it got cooler. Instead of passing by the Git Git waterfall we took the road above the twin lakes (Danau Buan and Danau Tamblingan).

      From there on it took us 1300 meters down or another 40 minutes riding to our hotel at sealevel. This was a challenge for the breaks of our motorbike which were on the edge of overheating when we reached the bottom. But gladly we were still able to break enough to reach the bottom safely.

      At around 3 pm. we finished our rideat our hotel happy but with some butt pain. After the 6 hour ride (yes driving on Bali takes longer than google maps suggests) we did a siesta and got some rest. Towards the evening we had dinner at a restaurant and returned the motorbike back to rental. Finally we finished our day with a beer at the oceanfront restaurant.
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