Kabupaten Lampung Selatan

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    • Dag 19

      Anak fucking Kr*k*t*u

      27. august 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Wir sind die Wüstenlandschaft bestiegen. Schwefel und Staub war in der Luft, dennoch sind wir rauf.
      Die Idylle war großartig und wir alle sind sehr froh darüber das wir die Möglichkeit hatten einer der aktivsten Vulkane der Welt aus nächster Nähe zu sehen. Bis 2018 Stand eigentlich auch noch ein sekundär Wald in Küstennähe.
      Natürlich haben wir supercoole Fotos gemacht :)
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    • Dag 20

      Boot Bus Autofähre Bus Bogor

      28. august 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Heute von Sebesi nach Bogor.
      Das Boot ist wackelig, der Bus zu klein, die Autofähre laut und der Bus ist leider noch immer nicht gewachsen. Alles in allem großartig, jetzt steh ma im Stau - mal schauen wann wir ankommen.

      Der Prof ist für heute motiviert und wsl geh ma noch aus mit ihm.

      Ziel des Tages: Bintang trinken und duschen

      Ein Katzen Foto von gestern für Fans.
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    • Dag 66

      Lampung - Judi & Rafael

      28. september 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      So when entering the nice minibus from Pelambang to Lampung, heading on to Sumatra's south, I wasn't sure yet, if I'd go straight to Java, Jakarta, or make a detour to Krui.
      Krui was recommended to me from several travellers and locals as a beautiful beach and surfspot. As I was looking for some sunny weather and some more relaxing, after the long journey, I spontaneously decided to go to Krui, while the bus was entering Lampung city.
      During the bus ride I got in touch with Judi, a very friendly guy, living on Pulau Bangka and travelling to his father's home at Lampung, only for a 2-day-trip. As soon as I told him, that I wanted to go to Krui, he said there's a bus around nine o'clock and he'll help me to arrange everything. And for waiting for the bus, I should go with him to his home and have dinner, before. His friend was accompanying him for buying a car in Lampung and told me it's fine. So as all attempts to refuse this offer were unsuccessful, I accepted, so finally his 80 yrs old father Rafael picked us up at the bus terminal and we all together went to several travel companies to find the right bus for me, and after that was solved we had a nice dinner at a restaurant.🙂🤤
      Afterwards we went to a garage to inspect the car to buy, successfully picked up the car and ended up at Rafael's home. As Rafael's wife had passed away already her planted fruit-trees at their tiny home were her heritage we admired. Furthermore one of his granddaughters was winning a lot of modelling contests, so the home was packed with trophies, Rafael's wife's and family's pictures and souvenirs from Rafael's uncountable trips to Asia and even some overseas countries.
      Had some tea and nice talkings, until my shared minibus arrived for picking me up to Krui.
      Will never forget that amazing hospitality and the nice time we've spent together.
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    • Dag 72–73

      Krakatoa - an active volcano 🌋

      4. oktober 2023, Indonesien ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      When I was 5 or 6 years old, I got the "Volcanoes" book from the famous german "Was ist was" childbook series. Since that day I was dreaming of seeing this unbelievable powers of our amazing planet for real.
      Finally this day that dream came true.
      Arriving at the village Canti, brought to more or less the only hotel, I walked straight to the pier, discovering the harbor was not in use anymore, only two fishing boats on the beach. No ferry, as some (already known as unreliable) information online were saying. As usual here, the best way is to talk to locals, but the woman running the hotel was not speaking any english and a little bit shy, so I walked to the pier and asked around there. Buying some drinking water in the tiny shop, brought me to Suridaya, a local man who told me he could bring me there and be my guide. He barely spoke English, so our conversation mostly went on with hands, feet and google translate 😅
      For fixing the tour, he wanted to visit me at my hotel later, finally he found me an hour later at the only restaurant, there, accompanied by Ham, a fisherman owning one of the only two boats here.
      After some bargaining about the price, we agreed to start the tour at 5am.
      Dino, one of Suridaya's sons, joined the tour, he spoke a little bit of English, so some basic conversations possible, but translator was still in heavy use.
      Cloudy morning, but sun brushed sky clear very soon and burned down on our tiny boat.
      Calm sea, only usual currents were sometimes pushing on the boat, perfect day for an amazing trip.
      Passing by Sebuku and Sebesi islands (we visited on our way back, another footprint coming for that), some beautiful, natural islands with few people living on.
      A quite long ride, but after around 1,5 hrs Krakatoa came at sight. 😲
      Still half an hour to reach, but approaching that permanently smoking volcano and seeing it growing on the horizon was already awesome.
      Cannot describe my feelings, while going around the active crater, lying in the middle of the old crater islands. Permanently volcano's rumbling to hear, some really intense Salpeter smelling in the air, at some points, and seeing these rocks of cold Lava, volcanic stones, and huge amounts of ashes, being washed away by rain and sea, witnesses of some brutal natural forces earlier, made me speechless and feeling humbled.
      We are only guests on this planet.
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    • Dag 73

      Goodbye Krakatoa, visiting neighborhood

      5. oktober 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      I could have gone another round around the volcano, not able to stop watching at it's fascinating shaped coastline and permanent activities, but sun was burning and after 4 hours on the boat we all got hungry.
      For our early lunch, we picked little Krakatoa, the island next to the active crater, landing on its black beach.
      Amazing view onto the volcano, great food, some coffee and wandering around, here, after lunch. Only building is the volcano observation office, but the officer seems to be fishing, right now.
      After saying goodbye to Krakatoa, we went back, but two more stops on the only populated islands here, Sebesi and Sebuku, were on our list.
      Sebesi had a nice village, of course everyone knows everybody, so a lot of greeting local people, having some refreshing iced tea, after the long ride in the burning sun, was great. 🥵😎
      So we visited a huge "haunted tree", legend telling that everyone who tried to cut off a limb or cut the tree, was haunted by ghosts for the rest of his life.
      But as we wanted to visit Suridaya's home island, Pulau Sebuku, we left quite soon.
      Sebuku, or at least the part we landed, was like a paradise beach at a protected bay, so water was calm and warm.
      Amazing to see, how Suridaya's son went up the palm tree to cut some coconuts for a snack, while his wife gave us some coffee and some fresh bananas, their 3yrs old daughter being extremely shy, seeing a "bule" for real first time.
      I was shown the traditional palm tree production, which is their main income source, cooking sugar out of sugar-palm leafs nearly 24/7.
      After some relaxing, and showing me their huge grounds along the beach, where they wanted to build a guesthouse for accommodating tourist, we finally left back to Sumatra.
      Sun still burning, all of us hiding under clothes, sweating a lot, but happy to have a packed day, a great time together, enjoying nature's beauty and gifts, and sharing amazing experiences and impressions.
      Never will forget that awesome day. 🥰
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    • Dag 16

      Bootsfahrt nach pulau sebesi

      24. august 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Heute anstrengende Bootsfahrt gehabt, wo die Entscheidung zwischen Schatten und mega lauten Motorraum oder Sonnenbrand und Hitze, warIch habe mich für einen Sonnenbrand entschieden.
      Die 8h Bootsfahrt verlief sonst sehr gemütlich, die Toilette an Board war das Meer :)
      Allgemein sind wir jetzt bei einem Vulkan mit Bergregenwald und werden dort Daten erheben.
      Alle männlichen Österreicher schlafen jetzt gemeinsam in einem Raum, wird schön kuschelig.
      + endlich habe ich wieder Internet

      Ziel des Tages : ankommen
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    • Dag 17

      4ter Libellen Tag Mangroven

      25. august 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      4ter Libellen Tag war bis jetzt sehr heiß. Das Frühstück war super gut und endlich mal rein vegetarisch. Allgemein ist das ganze Team etwas mehr K. O. von der gestrigen Bootsfahrt. Mangroven-Sumpfgebiete sind nicht so leicht zu durchforsten, aber machtbar.
      Am Nachmittag fahren wir dann mit einem Bus um die Insel herum um dort die Süßwasser Standorte zu beproben.
      Die Insel ist geprägt von Kulturlandschaft. Bananen-, Kokosnussplantagen und Reisfelder erstrecken sich über die Landschaft
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    • Dag 18

      5ter Libellen Tag

      26. august 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Sonnenaufgang, Bootsfahrt und Hitze sind schon zur Normalität geworden. Dennoch gewöhnt man sich irgendwie nicht an die hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit in Kombination mit der brennender Sonne.
      Sehr erfolgreicher Tag bezüglich Libellen fang und allgemein eine sehr schöne Insel auf der wir uns heute bewegt haben. Natürlich wollten die Einwohner auch Fotos mit meinem Tutor und mir machen, aber das ist ja nichts neues.
      Jetzt wird gegessen und Kokosnuss getrunken. Der Nachmittag wird einerseits den gefangen Individuen gewidmet und andererseits mit schwimmen verbracht.

      Ziel des Tages: die Hitze überleben
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    • Dag 19

      Wackelig Bootsfahrt nach Anak Krakatau

      27. august 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Heute wackelig Bootsfahrt gehabt mit paar seekranken. Erfolgreich angelegt beim Vulkan Anak Krakatau.

      Ziel des Tages: besteigen

    • Dag 17

      4ter Libellen Tag Nachmittag

      25. august 2023, Indonesien ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Tolle "Busfahrt" gehabt und noch paar Libellen gefangen, als extra gibt es ein Schmetterling Foto.
      Prinzipiell weniger anstrengend als der Vormittag.

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