Castello Doria

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    • Day 29

      Important Stop

      May 24, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      We had to buy another bottle of sciacchetra (shah-kay-TRAH).

      Sciacchetrà is a sweet wine produced in the rugged hills of the Cinque Terre region in Italy. This exquisite dessert wine is made from a combination of Bosco, Albarola, and Vermentino grapes that are left to dry on racks after harvest. The drying process concentrates the flavors and sugars, resulting in a luscious, amber-colored wine with rich notes of dried fruits, honey, and floral undertones. Sciacchetrà is typically enjoyed on special occasions and pairs beautifully with desserts and aged cheeses. It is a true expression of the unique terroir and winemaking traditions of the Cinque Terre region, and a delight for wine enthusiasts seeking a taste of Italian excellence.Read more

    • Day 30

      Vernazza at Night

      May 25, 2022 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 68 °F

      Vernazza takes on a captivating and magical ambiance as the sun sets and night falls over this coastal village. The colorful buildings that line the harbor are softly illuminated, casting a warm glow on the cobblestone streets. The gentle sound of waves lapping against the shore fills the air, creating a soothing soundtrack to the evening. As darkness envelops Vernazza, the twinkling lights from the restaurants and cafes reflect off the calm waters, creating a shimmering reflection that enhances the romantic atmosphere. Whether you're enjoying a candlelit dinner with the sound of Italian conversations filling the air or taking a moonlit stroll along the waterfront, Vernazza at night is a time when the village truly comes alive with a sense of enchantment and tranquility. It's a moment to savor the beauty of the surroundings and create lasting memories in this coastal gem.Read more

    • Day 26

      Lodging: Vernazza Panoramic View Suite

      May 21, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 48 °F

      Located 5 min. walk from Vernazza station, on the seafront, the house offers an oasis of peace, has a small garden and a breathtaking view. The structure is located in the middle of a small staircase that isolates it from the noise of the street

      Duplex apartment perfect for family or friends has an interesting structure inspired by the typically Ligurian and Vernazza architectural production.
      The floor has been covered with solid wood to create a warm and versatile backdrop for the furniture.
      This apartment with terrace, 1 bathroom, 2 bedrooms, living room, bathroom and kitchen, with a breathtaking view over the whole bay of Vernazza is located in the heart of the town
      . There are 4 single beds in each of the bedrooms which can be easily transform into a 2 double beds.
      In the "sleeping area" there is another bed.

      All furnished with taste and refined style, typical for Vernazza.
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    • Day 12

      Cinque Terre

      May 20, 2019 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Made the drive to LaSpezia then took the train to Cinque Terre. We visited 3 of the 5 towns...Vernazza, Manarola and Riomaggiore. What were quaint fishing villages are now chock full of tourists and cheesy souvenir shops. It's sad to see this changing.Read more

    • Day 31

      Jumping into the Harbor

      May 26, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 81 °F

      Swimming in the Vernazza harbor is a delightful experience that allows you to immerse yourself in the turquoise waters of the Ligurian Sea. The calm and sheltered nature of the harbor creates a safe and inviting environment for a refreshing swim. The picturesque setting, with colorful houses cascading down the cliffs and fishing boats gently bobbing in the water, adds to the charm of the experience.Read more

    • Day 31

      Church of St. Margaret of Antioch

      May 26, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 81 °F

      This is the church next to us. It's very different - cool, stony, and shadowy inside.

      The Church of St. Margaret of Antioch is a captivating landmark nestled within the scenic village of Vernazza in the Cinque Terre region of Italy. Dating back to the 14th century, this ancient church stands as a testament to the rich history and cultural heritage of the area. The church's architecture showcases a blend of Romanesque and Gothic styles, with its distinctive bell tower rising proudly against the picturesque backdrop of the village. Inside, visitors are treated to a serene and intimate atmosphere, adorned with beautiful frescoes and religious artworks that depict the stories of saints and biblical scenes.Read more

    • Day 5

      Cinque Terre 🇮🇹 🥾

      May 5, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Heute wandern wir 🥾 😊 🇮🇹 Leider doch im Regen ☔️

      Cinque Terre - das sind fünf Nachbargemeinden an der schroffen Italienischen Riviera (Steilküste 😲). Über einen Wanderweg, den Santiero Azzurro, sind die Küstendörfer miteinander verbunden. Wir sind gespannt und hoffen das Wetter hält 😊 leider hat es doch geregnet ☔️

      Die Anfahrt zum Ausgangspunkt war schon außergewöhnlich… wie oft glaubten wir, dass an der einen oder anderen Stelle der Straße niemals zwei Autos durch passen 😅

      Der Wanderweg von Vernazza nach Corniglia ist anspruchsvoll aber die Aussicht von jeder Stelle aus atemberaubend schön 🤩 und das sogar bei Dauerregen ☔️☔️☔️

      Also heute waren das Wetter und leider auch das Essen schlecht 👎 aber wir wurden mit einer beeindruckend schönen Landschaft, malerischen Dörfern und einem tollen Blick aufs Meer belohnt.

      Irgendwann dann mal den ganzen Weg gehen … kommt auf die Liste 😊👍
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    • Day 23

      Vernazza, Cinque Terre

      September 21, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Today we decided to visit one of the other fishing villages before returning to Monterosso al Mare for another day of relaxing on the beach. A bit of research showed that Vernazza was one of the prettiest and most photographed of the five villages, especially around sunrise.

      So after an early rise we caught the train to Vernazza and started the hike up to the best vantage point to capture the colourful buildings surrounding the small marina. Only thing we didn’t account for was the position of the marina in comparison to the sun rising behind the mountain, stopping the sunrise from lighting the marina for some time.

      Because we were there so early it was nice to walk the empty streets before the crowds descended for the day. It is a town filled with history. The first records recognizing Vernazza as a fortified town date to 1080. It was a likely point of departure for naval forces in defence of pirates.

      In 1997, the Cinque Terre was recognised as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and in 1999 the National Park of the Cinque Terre was created. Today the main source of revenue for Vernazza is tourism. However, as a testimony to the strength of centuries-old tradition, fishing, wine and olive oil production still continue.

      On 25 October 2011, Vernazza was struck by torrential rains, massive flooding, and mudslides affecting not only Cinque Terre, but the surrounding province of Lunigiana. The flood left the town buried in over 4 metres of mud and debris (submerging even the train station in mud), causing over 100 million euro worth of damage. The town was evacuated and remained in a state of emergency for many months.

      After taking the odd photos or two (code for many) we decided we weren’t going to wait around for the full sun as our beach chairs were calling us from Monterosso al Mare. Vernazza is a lovely town and one I would love to visit and photograph again.
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    • Day 38

      Cinque Terre

      June 17, 2021 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Da sind sie, die "fünf Erden": Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola und Riomaggiore.

      Vernazza erwanderten wir von Monterosso aus erst steil, mit unzähligen Stufen durch die Weinberge, unzähligen Aussichten aufs Meer und unzähligen bunten Blumen, gelb-grünen Schmetterlingen und Schweißperlen. Sehr schmal war der Weg obendrein, sodass Katrin mit Emilian in der Trage ziemlich aufpassen musste. Am Ende der Wanderung genossen wir oberhalb des Meeres leckere Spaghetti mit Muscheln. Weiter ging es mit dem Boot über die anderen Dörfer hinweg bis nach Riomaggiore. Wundervolle Örtchen mit bunten Häusern, welche sich an den steilsten Hängen halten. Traumhaft.Read more

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    Castello Doria

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